Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/551

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OKNBRAL IKDBl. 541 Balhoote, Kiwax, iii, 6, 11. '< BeU the Gat," i, 97, 28. BellMtoD, Identity of Fieldiug'e, " Udj " —, Yii, ilfi, b. Belting, Creations by—, i?, 81, a and e. BeWoir Castie, vi, 402, / ; 468, g; 466/7, e. Bentinck, Lord Oeorge— , ▼!, 276, a. Bentley, Dr. — , ▼!, 166, 27. Bentiey Priory, nil, 266, a. " Besa of Hardwick," Tii, 140, 38. Bethune, Cardinal—, vii, 114, 22. Bigamy, when — Ant made a felony, ▼, 48,0. Biggar estate, Tiii, 188, d. Bitton, CO. Warwick, Tiii, 69, e. Bilton,' Him—, the aotreaa, Wii, 844, 24. Birtfmorton, co. Wore., i, 814, 28. Bishoprio, First—, held by a temporal peer, ii, 422, a. " Black Agoes," iii, 199, 20. "Black Watob,"ii, 418, 11. Blaokmore, Essex, li, 868, /. Blackwat«r, Battle of-, ^ii, 429, 27. Blagge, Col. Thos.— , i?, 48, d. " Blanche Nef," ii, 228, 7. Blenheim, Battle of—, ▼, 268, 88. BlootI, Restoration in—, viii, 488, 64. " Bloody Assise," i?, 827, 6. " Bloody Roll of Loyalists," i, 194, e. " Bloomsbury Gang," yii, 220, 6. Blonnt, Elis.— , vii, 868, 14. " BluemanUe," ii, 270, b, " Boccaccio," Valdarfcr's- , vi, 446, /. Bold Hall, CO, Una, viii, 189, e. Boleyn family, iii, 163, b. „ Mary—, it, 279, 6. Bolton Castle, vii, 84, a. Bolton, Mary— , theaotoess, vii, 398, last line. Bonham Manor, vii, 267, 1. Bonhommes College, Ashridge, ii, 21, b. Borough, Will.—, the naTigator, ^iii, 97, 6. Boroughbridge, BatUe of—. It, 214, 27 : T, 411, 16. Borthwick Castie, i, 877, a. Borthwick, Wark ft Co., Stockbrokers, ▼iu, 816, 16. Botelrr, Office of—, i, 66, 6. Bothal Castle, ▼!, 276, e. Bothwell Bridge, Battle of—, ▼, 888, 18. Bothwell Castle, co. Lanark, iii, 162, 7. Boughton House, ii, 68, 1. Bowes, Sir Will.—, of Streatiam, tu, 87, i. Boxley Abbey estate, i, 211, 22. Boyne, Battle of thn— , t, 82, 6. Brabant, First Duke of—, viii, 281, 86. Braceglrdle, Ann—, i, 842, a ; Tii, 79, e, Bradenham, Bucks, Till, 186, A. Bradgate House, Wi, 229,^; 282,/. Bradook Down, Battle of—, ir, 267, 81. Braham, John—, the singed, U, 288, 22 ; ▼111, 89 e. Brahan Castle^ ^iS* 06, last line. Brambam Biggin, oo. York, !▼, 201, 84. „ moor, 00. Tork, i, 866, 29. Bramshill House Park, Till, 226, 6. Breach of Promise, Damages for — , ii, 107, 6. Bredon Priory, iii, 66, 8. Brehon law, vii, 891, 11. Bretagne, Comtes de — , tI, 842, text and g, Breton Ferry estate, t, 214, 11. Brideale of Ixingham, ▼{, 87, 18. Hrindley, James — , the Kngineer, ii, 22, 6. Britanny, Counts of — ^ vi, 842, text and gi „ *' Damsel of—," vi, 848, e. „ Dukes of — , Ti, 866, e.

  • ' Broad Bottom " Administration, ii, 284,

10. Broadgates Hall, ▼!, 219, e. Broadbinds, Hants, ▼, 410, 22. Brooke House, Holbom, viii, 66, e. Brotherton, Thos. of—, vi, 40, 20. Brougham Castie, ii, 289, 82. Broughton estate, vii, 66, a. Bruce, liobt — , ▼iii, 6, A. Bruker Muhl., Battle of-, ▼ii, 70, 17. Brunton, Louisa — , the actress, ii, 407, 6. Brydges, Sir Egertun— , it, 207, 2. Bucharest, Treaty of—, vii, 278, t, Buckenham, Castie of — , ii, 801, 7. '* Buckhurst," Identity of— , in " Conings- by," ▼. 3, «. Buda, Peeis at siege of — , i, 349, b, Buildwas, Salop, iv, 100, 81; ▼!, 294, 8 Bulfinch, *' Lord—," in " Ten Thou : a Year," ▼!, 461, 6. Bull Face Double Fee, '< Sir-," !▼, 81, a. Bulstrode esUte, vi, 272, 6 ; 274, d; vii, 184,0. Burford, Baron of—, iii, 816, 6. Burleigh, Tennyson's "Lord of—," iii, 801, e. Burnet, Marriage of the historian — ^ ii, 176, c. Burns' " Lament," iv, 84, 6. Burton Latimer estate, vi, 91, 8. Bury, Lady Charlotte—, ii, 211, 6. Butcher, " The-," ii, 291, 16. Butler, Office of Chief—, i, 140, 6. Butler, Samuel'—, vi, 221, 6. „ '* Hudibras " of—, tu, 118, n. Bye Plot, iv, 114, 9. By land's Abbey, Battie of—, vi, 868, 19. Byng, Admiral — , ▼ii, 411, a. Byres' estate, ▼, 100 e. Byron's « She walks iu Beauty," vui, 227, g, Bytham, Honout of—, ii, 888, c. Cabal, i, 131, t. ; ▼iu, 280, 6. Cabinet Council (1689) ▼i, 92, «. Cable, Atlantto— , viii, 244, 1. Cade, Jack — , ▼if, 66, 10. Cadyow, !▼» 188i a, i, e.