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548 OBHBRAL IKDBZ. Haini Mde, equivalmit to—, of tho body/' ii, 398, a; iii, 107, e ; T, 291, ( ; vui, 849, 42. ,9 „ fini CMo of honours entailed on — , of grantees body by his then wife, tHl, 432, 20. n n tuocflssion of—, to [I.] peer- sge, Tiii, 2, 1st par. Hell rire Club, iu, 96,/; tu, 52. 6; Tui, 129, 8. Henrietta Maria, Second marriage of—, discredited, it, 828, a. Hen. I., Histrass of, ri, 196, 14. „ IV., T, 4, 21 ; 9, last line. ,. v., ▼, 10. 11. '• Hen. y." ShaksiMre's— , vii, 90, d, «H«n.VL" „ — , viii, 121, 6. Hen. VII., Yi, 8!i8. 9. „ „ Ancestry of — , vi, 856, d. II „ Attainted peers restored by — , lit, 106, a. „ „ Title to Crown of—, it, 289, a ; Tii, 88, a ; 170, / „ VIII., Mistress of — , t, 94, 6 ; Tiii, 858, 14. ft N Peerages [I.], or. by—, iL 257, c „ „ Royal titles cf. by—, ii, 879, note. " Hen. VIII/' Shakespere's— , u, 64, b. Heralds, u, 270, b. Hereditary Barons of the Count Pala- tine, ii, 222, b, „ dignity cr. by a Regent, iT, 70,*. „ peerages cr. by express words in A writ of sum., iii, 856,6. Heythorpe, Ozon, Wi, 144, 5. <* Uibemia fneaia," rii, 418, d. Hicks Hsll, Clerkenwell, ii, 130, 86. High Chamberlain, ri, 171, /; 178, a; 175,6. „ Treasurer, Last Lord — , tI, 177, e. " HUtorical Memoirs," Tiii, 88, (f.

  • ' Hoastman," Kzplanation of term—, tU,

258, 6. Hobart Pasha, ii, 72, a. Hobkirks Hill, It, 187, 45. HochsUdt, BatUe of—, iT, 72, 80. Hoddington House, Hants, Tiii, 234, d, Hogue, lUttle of La—, Ti, 128, 84. Hobenlohe Langenburg, Prince of — , tUi, It, 858, c. Holand, Family of—. It, 851, e. Holderness, Lordship of — , i, 57, 6. Holland House, iT, 2406: 244. 17. Holme, CO. Hereford, ii, 163, 19. Holme— Lacy, i, 282, 27 ; u, 286, 11 ; ▼ii, 98, e. Holy Orders, Peers in— (1895), Tii, 80, 6.

    • Homer a la mode," Tii, 98, a.

Homildon Hill, BatUe of-, Ti, 83, 27. Honoar, A Peer oan giTo efidenoe ** bis—/' Ti, 257, 6. „ or Great Baruny, tI, 842, a. Honours do not pass without Crown's special warrant, iii, 241, «• Hood, Robin—, iT, 285, a and 6. Hooke, Col.— the Jacobite, it, 253, 11. Hooton field, t, 177, 6. Hope, Thomas- auUior of " Ansstasius," i. 320, d. Hopton Heath, Battle of—, ti, 72, 20. Hornby Castle, ii, 348, 17 ; t, 39, a. Horseheath esUte, t, 849, hut line but one. Horton, Nancy — , it, 68, «. Hospitii, Senesehallus— , y% 38, 6. " HoUpur," Ti, 84, 12. Hottentot Peeress, Wi, 282, 8. Houblon family, Ti, 187, e. Houghton. Norf., u, 247. 28 ; ti, 181, d. House of Lords, Addition to — [I.] before the Union, i, 166, a. „ „ Cromwell's — , ii, 81, e. „ „ List of sum. of h. ap. to [L]-, i, 2, a. Household, Grand Master of the — ^ i, 125,/. Hubbard, J.— A Co., Merehanta, viii, 280, 18. Hughenden Manor, i, 274, IL Hughes, Margaret — , the actress, ii, 440,/. Huntingdon, Lady — 's Connexion, iT, 291, 37. Hurstboume Park, Ti, 291, a. Huratmonoeauz, iii, 5, 22. Husband, Law presumes sarTiTal of — , T, 325, c „ of flico jure Baroness sum. in his own name, Ti, 292, 6. Hydrophobia, iii, 137, 25 ; Ti, 366, 7. Ibawne, Tiii, 253, 1. " Ich Dien," Common origin of motto — dtsoredited, ii, 364, e. Inchiquin Caatle, Ti, 267, 40. Incident, '* The—," U, 416, 6. Income, Peen with largest — from land, ii, 51, a. • Indemnity, Peera excepted from — ,(1747), ii. 252, d. luformatiou, List of those supplying — to Ed., Tiii, 252, Ist par. « Ingoldsby I^ends " ri, 398, 6. Inigo Jones, iii, 4, 39. luuerpeOrny, co. Perth, It, 415, 9 ; Tii, 280, e. luTercbarron, Battle of—, ▼, 860, 50. InTeriochy, Battle of—, t, 858, 41. Ireland, Earliest Anglo Norman dignity m— , TUi, 3, c