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QBNBRAL tNDKX. 555 RiuniliM, Battle of—, t, 268, Uit line bat oDe.' Random, '* Roderick—/' i, 874, (. Rankane, Murder of Gilbert—, Tii, 110, a. RaDkingi Decreet of — , It, 22, e; 81, e ; 86,6. „ of Sooioh Earli, t, 284/6, c. Ransom k Co., Bankera, W, 411, 48. Rape, Peer tried for—, i, 227, 9. Rapes of Sussex, iii, 290, e, Rathfaniham estate, Tiii, 129, e, Ravenswortb Castle, ri, 881, a. Ray, Martha—, vii, 62, r^ Rebellion, *< Hist of the—," ii, 270, 26. Redssory act without specification cannot affeot a dignity, i, 171, e ; il, 412, e. Recognition of dignities, Bnroneous— , ▼!, 47, * Redbonme Hall, oo. Lina, Tii, 6, h. Redeadale, *' Robin of—," Tii, 61, 86. Regent, Hered. dignity cr. hj a—, iv, 70, h. R«gento of 0. B. in absence of Wil. III., iii, 116, e. tf «> M u on demise of Anne, iii, 116,6. Regicide Peer, t, 884, 27. „ Peers, s. and h. ap., Tiii, 229, 9. Regrant of dignity formerly necessary on termination of abeyance, vi, 68, a. Religious Houses, Patrimonies of — , granted with a |)eerage to laymen, iv, 247, a ; 408. 6. Remainder, spec, considered, Tiii, 82, a. „ Curious result of, viii, . 42,/. „ in an [I.] peerage, t, 268, 88. „ Instances of^,toone not in male line of rela- tionship, viii, 297, 22. „ to collaterals of en- nobled commoner, i, 869, a ; iv, 171,6. „ Unusual case of, i, 166,1. Remarriage, Discontinuance of title by peer's widow on—, vi, 876, 6. Remonstranes, RC. peers signing — , in 1668, It. 149, <f. Rental of peers holding more than 100,000 acres, if, 61, a. Rep. peers [I.] cease so to sit when cr. peers U.K., i^ 4, 6. w n [B.] cease so to sit when cr. pejBTS U.K., ri, 818, a, Rengnation of peerage, i, 174, 21 ; iv, 412, 21; Yi, 112, 20; 121, 11 ; Tiii, 166, e; 171, 18; 172, e j 192p L , „ „ Designabon iuTalid without—, Til» 162, a, €, »*


It II Restoration of attainted peers by Hen. VII, Hi, 106, a. „ Partial — , of honours. It, 221,0. ReTersion of dignities to Crown in case of coheirs, tI, 68, a, RcTesby Abbe^, ▼, 88, 1. Reviral of anaent Baronies, i, 288, 6. Rowley Abbey, ii, 862, 86. Rich. Ill, iv, 46, 12. „ „ Peers present at coronation of — , iii, 106, •. <* Rich. Ill," Shakspere's— , iv, 186, a ; ▼i, 47, a, Richmond Herald, ii, 270, 6. Ringbone, "Lord—," in '*New Bath Guide," Ti, 80, 6. Robes, Mistresses of the—, to Qn. Victoria, ▼, 210, c Robin H(M)d, iv, 286. a, 6. „ of Redesdale, viii, 61, 86. liobinson, Ansstssia— , vi, 244, 19. Robsart, Amy — , t, 47, 21. Rocester Priory, oo. Staff., ii, 486, 6. liochefoucauld, Comte de la^, v, 77, e. Rocbford, Essex, vi, 148, 6. Rocksavage estate, U, 246, 6 ; vi, 874, «. " Roderick Random," i, 874, 6. Ri'keby estate, vi, 390, a. " RuUiad," iii, 44, e ; vi, 866, d ; 898, 6 ; vii, 96, e ; 286, c< ; 868, e ; viii, 441, 8. Roman Cath. peers signing Remonstrance, ii, 149, <f. Romans, King of the—, ii, 862, 20. Romilly, Sir Samuel—, vi, 896, 6. Roper estates, Kent, vii, 887, 18. Roper, Margaret — , vii, 881, e. Rosamond,^' Fair-," vU, 81, 23. Rosas Bsy, Battle of—, ▼, 71, 42.

    • Roadad," vi, 428, 6.

<* Rose of Rouen," viii, 216, p. Roee, " The White—," vii, 808, 8. Roeslyn Chapel, ii, 111; 16 ; vii, 161, 6. Rotherham claim to Barony of Grey de Rutbyn, iv, 106, d. Rouen, " Rose of—," viU, 216, g, Roxburgh Club, vii, 208, 22. Royal Marriage Act, ii, 441, d ; iv, 47, a ; vii, 840, d. „ Society, ii, 19, 87 ; 88, 88. „ Titles, ii, 376, a ; v, 428, 22 ; viii, 7.C Royalists, Lsst— , in arms in Ireland, vii, 160, 14. Roye, Comte de — , v, 77, s. Rufford Abbey, v, 88, 28 ; vii, 77, 6. Rushton, Northants, ii, 487, a. Ruthven, Raid of—, iv, 28, 6 ; 66, 28. Rye Honae Plot, iii, 287, 12 ; iv, 262. last line. Ryves v. the Att. Gen., ii, 441, (f.