Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/67

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WARWICK. 57 • Roborti Lord Tom, da. of lUlpb db Ton, of Flamstead, Herto. Ha d, not without Boapicion of poiaon, 10 Aug. 1816, at Warwick Caatle, afced about 48, and waa hwr, at Bordealey Abbey, oo. Woroe8ter.(*) Sieh. 9 Ed. JI. ; Will dat, 25 Julv 1815. His widow Hi. (ai her third huaband and hia firat wife) William (ZoucH, formenf Mortimbr), Lord Zouch db MoRniiBR, who d, 1887. She d. 1324 ; Alw^ 18 Ed. II. XL 1315. 11. Thomas (Bbauohahp), £arl or Warwick, let 8. and h. ; d. in Warwick Caatle, 1818, one of hia anonaora being ThmuUf Earl of Lanoaater, and another, T%otitaa de Warington, Prior oi Kenilworth ; we, his father, 10 Aug. 1815 ; waa knigkiei by Ed. IIL, 1 Jan. 1830, and had livery of his landa 20 Feb. following ; waa in command againat the Soota, 1887 ; Conttable of the boat in Flandera, 1389 ; Ambaandor to France and to the Pope, 1842-48 ; Harahal of England, 10 Feb. 1844 ; Sheriff of Warwickahire and Leiceaterahire, for life, 1844 ; Marabal of the army in France, 1846, diatingviahtng himaelf (26 Aug. 1846) at Crecy, and (19 Sep. 1866) at Poitiera. X.O., 28 April 1844, being (aa waa hia br., John, Lord Beauchamp de Warwick) one of the Founderi of that Order(^) ; Surreyor of the Eaat marchea, and Commiaar. to Scotland, 1867 ; Ambaaaador to Flandera, Dec to Not. 1367. He m., by papal diap. in 1837, KAtlierine, lat da. of Roger (Mortiiibr), lat Earl op March, by Joan, da. and h. of Peter db Qbnbvili^ or Joiiv- viLLB. She d. a few montha before him ; will dat. 4 Aug. 1869. He d. of the peatilence, at Calaia, 18 Nov. 1369, aged about 56. (o) Both were fmr. in the choir of the church at Warwick. H.L(<^) Hia will dat 6 Sep. 1869, pr. at Lincoln, 1869/70.(«) [Sir Gut Bbauchamf, or db WARWiOKfC) Ist s. and Ii. ap., was knighted 26 Nov. 1854 ; m. Philippa, da. of Henry (Fbrrbrs), Lord Fbrrbrs db Orobt. He being engaged in the wara with France, d, there T.p. and ■.p.m.(l) at Venddme, 28 April 1860. H.L Will dat 26 Sep. 1359.(^) Hia widow took a tow of chaatity at Warwick, 11 Aug. 1360, and d, 1884. Xeeh. 8 Rio. ILJ XIL 1369. IS. Thomas (Dbauciiamp), Earl op Warwick, 2d but lat aurr. a. and h. male ; b. about 1340 ; knighUd (with hia elder br.) 26 Nov. 1354 ; mre. hU father, 18 Not. 1869, being then aged 24. He, m 1872, accom- panied John of Qaunt, in the French campaign, aa Gapt. of 100 men at arma and 140 arehera ; K.G.. aoon after Jan. 1872/3 ; Chief Quardian of the truce with Scotland, 1375, and Joint Guardian thereof, 1880; Joint Ambaaaador to Scotland, 1876 ; waa one of the committee for reform in the " Qood Pari." of 1876, and in thoae of Feb. and Oct. 1377 ; waa bearer of the third aword at the ooron. of Ric. II., 19 Jnly 1877, and that of Henry IV., 13 Oct. 1399 ; Admiral of the North, 1877-78 ; waa on the commiaaion of inquiry, 1379, and of retrenchment, 1380; waa "communi aententiA" appointed Governor to the Ring, about Feb. 1880/1 ; waa in 1881 aeut againat the rebela under " Jack Straw " in the countiea of Northampton, Warwick (*) He ie apoken of by the Chroniclera aa *' a diacreet and well informed man," and called (W. de Hemingburgh, Chron. II., 295) " Milea aeveriaaimua." (f) See vol. i, p. 276, note ** a," tub " Beauchamp," for a liat of them. (e) « Parem aibi in armorum atrenuitate, et Kegi regnoque fidelitate auperatitem minime dorelinquens." [Roua*fl <' Warwick roU:*] Walaingham [OUL AngL I. 808] calla him " Belliger auimoeua.'* (<>) See Gough*8 " Sq^cral Afontcotente." Hia head, in lielmet of chain armour, ia engraved in " DoyW* (*) In this will he givoR to Thomaa, hia a. and h. " the aword and c<«t of mail, aometime belonging to that famoua Guy of Warwick," aa to whom aee p. 52, note "a.** (0 His widow caJla heraelf, 11 Aug. 1860, " Philippe, que fu la feme Sire Guy de WarwjfH:* (>) Hia daughtera and ccthein were (1) Katharine aged 7 and (2) Elisabeth, aged 1 year at hia death. They both appear to have been nuua at Shouldham, and ao were paeaed over in the auooeaiion. Elisabeth ia mentioned in her grandmother*a will, aa living 4 Aug. 1369. Katharine, who, aa late aa [1897-98], Ric. II., obtained an annual penaion of 40 marka in regard that ahe enjoyed no part of tbe inheritance, waa liring 1 April 1400, the date of her unole'a will. (^) Printed in TetL VeL*' where ia a uaeful note, correcting the abatract thereof given by Dngdale.