Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/77

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WARWICK. 67 bad 8 ehOdren (one born m kte m 1628,(*) d. Aug. 1634. H« m. teoondjhr, Saian,(^) widow of WilliAm Haludat, Alderman, and sometime 1617-18« Sberilf of London (wbo d, 14 Mtrcb 1623/4), da. of Sir Henry Rowr, (sometime (1507-98) Lord Mayor of London, by flusan, da. of Tbomas Kiohubt, of Qray's Tburroclc, Bssez. She^ who WHS bap. at Hackney, 19 Sep. 1682, d. at Warwick House, Holbom,(^) 16, and was kur. 21 Jan. 1645/6, with her first husband, at St Laurence Jewry. M.I. Will pr. 1646. He m. thirdly, 30 March 1646, at Homsey in Highgate, oo. Midi., Bleanor, widow of Edward (Radoltffb), 6th Earl of Sussiz, and formerly of Sir Henry LxB, 1st Bart, 4th da. of Sir Richard Wortlbt, of Wortley, oo. York, by Elisabeth, da. of Edward BouaRTON, of Caw ton, co. Warwick (^) He d> of the cholic at Warwick House afad., 19 April 1658, and was hur, at Felstead, aged about 71.(*) Will dat 12 July 1653, pr. 17 May 1658. His widow m. in July 1659 (for her 4th huBband,(0 and as the 4th of his fire wives), Edward (Moktaod), 2d Earl of Mah- CHKBTBR, who d. 5 May 1671, aged 68. She was bur, 31 Jan. 1666, at Kimbolton, 00. Huntingdon. W^ill dat 6 June 1665, pr. 2 Feb. 1666/7. XXIT. ] 658. S. Robert (Rich), Earl op Warwick, dso., let a. and h., by first wife ; h. 28 June and bap. 13 JuW 1611, at Hackney ; dyUd Lord Rich, 1619-58 ; KA, 2 Feb. 1625/6 ; M.P. for Essex, Jan. to March 1629, and again, 1640-41, till sum. to Pari. F.p., 26 Jan. 1640/1, in his father's Barony, as BARON RICH. He joined the King at York, but never actually bore arms for him ; he was D.C.L. of Oxford, 1 Not. 1642 ; tue. to the Earldom as abore, 18 April 1658. He m. Aretly, April 1632,(K) at Batteraea, oo. Surrey, Anne, onlv da. of William (Cavbmdish), 2d Earl of DtroHSHfRB, by Christian, da. of Edward (Bruob), 1st Lord Kinloss [S.] She d. (as Lady Rich) 24 Aug. 1638, in her 27th ▼ear.(l>) He «i. secondly, 3 Oct 1645, at Fryarne (reg. at Whitchurch, co. Midx.), his cousin, Anne, widow of Richard Roorrs, of Bryanston, Dorset, da. of Sir Thomas (•) Baptism, 9 May 1623, at St Andrsw*s, Holbom, of her son, Hatton Rich, h. 24 April. He d. s.p. 28 Feb. 1670. (^) *' A rich woman . . who, because she was a citixen, was not so much respected in the family as, in my opinion, she d e s er ved to be, for she was one that assuredly feared Qod. ' [Autebiographif of Mary, Couniett of fForwidt] («) Par. Reg. of St Andrew's, Holbom. See p. 66, note " o." (') See an interesting article on the marriages of Robert (Rich), 2d Earl, and Robert (Rich), 5th Earl of Warwick, [Qy. by J. Q. Nichols], in the ** Her. and ^sa.,*' ▼ol. T, pp. 444^55 ; especially (p. 446, note 3) as to the curious mistake in the " Autobiography of Bfaru, C*iunie»t of WarwUA,** relating to this lady. (*) The death of his hopeful grandson, Robert Rich, only two months before his own, had much afieoted him. The Earl was " a g^eat patron of seamen and of the Puritans, and seems to have owed his success in life rather to his agreeable and popular manners than to more sterling qualitiea." [Jffer. and Oen.^** vol. y, p. 445]. According to Lloyd, he was '* serions in his carriage, rough in his spirit, stubborn in his constitution, steady in his course, stem in his comportment, sly and oloae in his conduct ; choosingf rather to improve himself in America by trade, than in England by courtship ; something inclined to the faction by the principles of his education, more by those of his interest" Lord Clarendon speaks of him as '* a man in no grace at court, and looked upon as the greatest patron of the Puritans . . . tho' he was of a life very licentious and unconformable to their professed rigour ... of a pleasant and companionable wit and conversation ; of an universal jollity, and such a licence in his words and in his actions that a man of less virtue could not be found." His portrait "after Van Dyek," is engraved in *^ Doyle,** as also bv Houbraken, Vertue, and Hollar. See, also, Ricraft's "£ngland$*$ Champunu, and Vioart* "SnglafuFi WortMet.'* (0 See note as to her and her marriages, vol. vii., p. 338, note " b,*' $ub "Sussex.** («) Mr. Pory writes thus, 23 Feb. 1631/2, to Sir t. Puckering, Bart : " My Lord Rich shall marry the Lady Anne Cavendish. Her portion to be £8,000 from her father, and £3,000 or £4,000 from her mother: her jointure £2,000 a year. My Lord Rich's portion, after his father's death, £6,000 a year, and his present maintenance until then, £1,500 per annum." (^) She is the subject of a well known poem by Waller, and of some venMs by Sidney Godolphin.