Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/83

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WATJBRFORD — ^WATBRPARfL 78 yi. 1895. 6. HiNRT DB-LA-POKR (BbIUBBFOIU)), MaRQUISS OF Watbbfoiid [I. 1789], Earl op Ttrovb [I. 1746L Visodunt Ttbonb [I. 1720], Baron Bbrkpord [I. 1720] and Lord La Pobr [1.],(») also Baror Ttronb op Havbrfordwbst [Q.B. 1786], also a Barooet [I. 1665] only n. and h. ; 6. 28 April 1875, at 30 Charles abreei, St James' stinnrs ; ttyled Earl op Ttronb till he ftM. to the peeragf, as above, 23 Oct 1895 ; ed. at Eton ; Lieut Royal Horse Guards. Family iTstatef.— These, in 1883, consisted of 89,883 acres in co. Waterford, 26,086 in oil. Wicklow, 406 in co. Kilkenny, 305 in co. Cavan, and 55 in co. KiMare. Total 66,684 acres, worth £32,752 a year. Seat, Curraghmore, near Portlaw, co. Waterford. See " LUMLEY OF WATERFORD," Viscountcy [L], (LunOey), er. 1628. See "ROBERTS OF CANDAHAR AND OF WATERFORD," Barony {Robert$)t er, 1892. WATERPARK. Barony [I.] f, Damb Sarah Cavbndisii, wife of the Ut Hon. Sir L 1792. Hbnrt Cavbndmh, Bart, da. and li. of Richard Bradshaw, by Charlotte, da. of Robert AiKlNfl, of HighBeld, co. Cork, was 6k about 1 738, m. 5 Aug. 1 757, and was, in consideration of her husband's political services, er., 15 June 1792, BARONESS WATBUPARK of Waterpark, co. Cork [I.], with rem. of tlmt dignity to the heirs male of her b<idy by her said husband. He, who was s. and h. of Sir Henry Cavbudish, Bart, (mi cr. 7 May 1755), of Doveridge Hall, co. Derby, by hta first wife, Anne, da. and coheir of Henry Ptnb, of Waterpark, co. Cork, was 5. IS Sep. 1732 ; fuc his father a$ Sd Baronet, 81 Mav 1776 ; was M.P. for Lostwithiel, 1768-74 ; M.P. [[.] for Lismore, 1788-90 ; for Killybegs, 1790-97; and for Liamore (agaiu), 1798—1800 ; P.C. [I.] ; lieceiver Qeu. [1.], 1779, and Deputy Vice Treasurer [I.] He d 3 Aug. 1804, at the Black Rock, near Dublin, in his 72d year. Hia widow, the two jure Baroness, d, 4 Aug. 1807, at her house in York place,(^) in her 70th year. Will pr. 1807. II. 1807. 2. Richard (Cavbndibh), Baron Watbrpark [1.1 and a Baronet, 1st s. and h. ; h, 18 July 1765 ; M.P. [I.] for PortarluigtoD, 1790-97; tucto the Baronetcy on the death of bis father, 8 Aug. 1804, and to the fteerage [I.] on the death of his mother, 4 Aug. 1807 ; F.S.A. He m,, 6 Aug. 1789, Juliana, Ist da. and coheir of Thomas Coopbr, of MuUaghmast Castle, co. Kildare. He eL, after a few hours illness, in Great Cumberland street, 1 June 1830, aged 64. Will pr. Feb. 1831. His widow d 11 Oct 1847, in Hertford straet, Mayfair, aged 80. Will pr. Oct 1847. III. 1830. if. Ubnry Mannbrs (Cavkndish), Baron Watbrpark [I.], Ac., 1st s. and h. ; 6. 8 Nov. 1798, at Leizlip, co. Kildare ; me. to the peerage [I.l 1 June 1880 ; was M.P. for Knaresborough, 1880-32 ; for South Derbyshire, 1832-35 ; and for Lichfield, 1854-56 ; OoL Derbyshire militia ; a Lord In Waiting, 1846-52, and 1853-58 ; a Lord of the Bedchamber to the Prince Consort, 1859-61. He m., 18 July 1837, in London, Elisabeth Jane, sister of the 1st Earl of LicBriBLD, 6th and yst da. of Thomas (Anson), 1st Visoount Anson op ShuoborOooh, by Anne Mai^garet, da. of Thomas William (Cokb), 1st Earl of Lbicbstbr of Holk- HAM. He d, 31 March 1863, in his 70th year. His widow, 6. 26 Feb. 1816, a Lady of the Bedchamber, 1864-91, and an extra Lady thereof, 1891-94 ; V.A. (3d class) ; <f. 15 Sep. 1894, at 5 The Square, Buxton, and was (iir. at Doveridge, aged 78. Will pr. at £27,608. (») See p. 70, note " c." (^) *' In early life one of the most celebrated leaders of fashion in Dublin ; the second fancy ball given in that city was by her Ladyship, who appeared as the JSndMntrett Faiima, with her four daughters as attendant Sylphs. For some years she deroted herself to painting, in which she was an adept* as well as in every other elegant faahionable aooumplishment" [Ann, Reg»t 1807].