Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/104

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82 ANCASTER — ANCRTJM. fur hia attachment, to the House of Hanover he raised a regiment for tile king's service in 1745. Major Gen., 1755. Lieut. Gen., 1751). General, 1772. At the coronation, 22 Sep. 1 7(51 , he officiated as Loud Great, and on 13 Feb. 1706 was made Master of the House. He wt. firstly 22 May 1735, Elizabeth, widow of Sir Charles Gunter Nichou., K.B., da. and sole h. of William Blundki.i. of Basingstoke, Hants. Shed, s.p., Dec. 1743. Admon. 1 April 1715 to her husband. He m. secondly, 27 Nov. 1750 at Newmarket, co. Cambridge, Mary, da. of Thoinaa Pantox of Newmarket afsd., Master of the King's running horses. He d. at Grimsthorpe 12 Aug. 1778 in his 65th year, and was bur. at Edenham. M.l. Will pr. Aug. 1778. His widow, who was Mistress of the Robes to Queen Charlotte, till her death, d. at Naples, Oct. 1793. Her will pr. Jan. 1/94. [Peregrine Thomas Lertie, styled MARQUESS OF LINDSEY, s. and h. ap. hy second wife, b. 21 May 1755 in Berkeley sip, Midx., d. young 12 Dec. 1758, and was bur. at Edenham.] IV. 1778. 4. Robert (Bertie), Duke op Ancaster, &c, 2nd but only surv. s. and h. by 2nd wife, b. 17 Oct. 1736, at Grimsthorpe. In his 21st year he served as a volunteer in North America. P.C. Lord Lieut, of co. Lincoln, 177S. He d. num., in his 23rd year, of a malignant fever at Grimsthorpe, 8 July 1779, and was bur. 22, at Edenham. M.L Will pr. July 1779. On his death the hereditary office of Lokd Great Ciia.mdeui.aix, as well as the BARONY OF WILLOUGHBY OF EHESBY (being a Barony in fee), fell into abeyance between his two Bisters, till, on 18 March 17S0, the abeyance of the Barony was terminated in favour of Priscilla Barbara Elizabeth, the eldest coheir.(») See " WILLOUGHBY OF EBESBY." His other Peerage honours devolved as under. V. 1779, J. Bbownlow (I!ertie), Duke of A.vcaster and to Kkstevks, MaHQBWS ok Lindsky and Earl ok Lindsev, iinele and U. 1809. vaaie, b. at Lindsey House, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 1 May 1729, and bap. at St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Midx. M.P. for co. Lincoln. Lord Lieut, for co. Lincoln, 17S6. He m. firstly, 6 Nov. 1762, Harriot, only da. and h. of George Morton Pitt of Twickenham, Midx., Governor of Fort 3t. George, India. She was bap. 22 June 1745, at Twickenham, (/. s.p., April 1763, and was bur. 6 May, at Edenham. He m. secondly, 2 Jan. 1769, at St. James' Westm., Mary Anne, yst. da. of Peter Lavard of Sutton Friars ill Canterbury, Major in the army, by Mary Anne, da. and, eventually, coheir of James Ceioze, a Captain in the Dutch navy. She, who was 4. 5 March 1743, at Sutton Friars afsd ; d. 13 Jan. 1S04, at Saville How, Midx. He (/. s.p.ui., 8 Feb. 1809, in his 79th year, at Grimsthorpe, and was bur. at Edenham. Will pr. March 1809. On his death (the issue male of the first Duke and of all his brothers, who were included in the spec, rem., having failed) the DUKEDOM OF ANCASTER AND KESTEVEN and the MARQUESSATE OF LINDSEY became ex., while the EARLDOM OF LINDSEY devolved on his distant cousin and h. male, a descendant of the 2nd Earl. See " LINDSEY," Earl of, a: 1626, under the 9th Earl. ANCRUM. Earls [S.] /, g IH Kobert Kerr, of Ancriun, co. Roxburgh, s. and I. 1633. l . of William K. of the same by Margaret, widow of Sir David Home of Fishwiek, da of Archibald Duxdas of Fingask. He was 4. 1578, sue. his father in 1590 ; was served h. of his grandfather Robert Kerr (who had d. in 158S) in 1607 ; had charters of lands nt Whitchester, 1611 ; of the Lordship of Newbottle, 1031 ; of the Barony of Langnewton, 1632, &c. He was a Capt. of the King's Body Guard to James VI [S»l which office he resigned in 1613. K.B. at the Coronation, 25 July 1603. Being much esteemed by Charles, Prince of Wales, he was made by him, when he became King (in 1625) a Gent, of the Bed- chamber, sod by pateiit(><) dat. 24 June 1633, was cr. EARL OF ANCRAME, LOK» KERR OF NISBET, LANGNEWTOUN, AND DOLPHINSTOUN [S.], with a spec, rem. to hu heirs male by his second wife Anne, which failing to his heirs male general. ( H ) This Lady inherited Grimsthorpe Castle and most of the Lincolnshire estates. (») Patent given in " Robertson," p. 224. See also p. 206 of that work.