Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/129

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ANNESLEY — ANSON 107 2nd dn. of Hugh Moors of Eglantine House, in the pariah of Blaris, eo. Down. He d. in England 25 Aug. 1S3S, and was 6«r. 1 Sep. at Kilmegan afsd. His widow living 1884. Earls [I.] , BaLs[I.] m8 - V. J 5. "Wihjam Richard (Anneslev), Earl Anxes- tm, &e. [I.], s. anil h by 2nd wife, b. 21 Feb. 1830, and bap. 11 May at St. Thomas', Dublin. M.P. for Great Grimsby, 1852-57. He established his claim as a Peer [I.] 24 July 1S55, and was elected a Rkp. Peer [I.] 1867. He d. unm. 10 Aug. 1874 at Cowes, in the Isle of Wight. Earls [I.] V. Barons [I.] YI. h87 J G. Hugh (, Eabl Annesley, Viscount Glerawi.y and Baron Annksi.ey [I.], br. and h., b. 26 Jan. 18:31 in Rutland Sip, Dublin. Ed. at Eton School and at Trin. Coll., Dublin; B.A. 1S49. Entered the army 1851. Served in the Scots Fusilier Guards, and 43rd Foot. Lieut, and Capt. 1S55. Lieut. Col. 1860. Severely wounded in the Kaffir war, and also at the battle of Alma. Retired 1871. Was M.F. for Cavan, 1857-74. Claim to Peerage allowed 16 Feb. 1S75. Elected a Rep. Peer [I.], 1877. He in. 4 July 1877 at St. Marylebone Midx., Mabel Wilhelmina Frances, 1st da. of Cel. William Thomas MarkHam of Cutforth Hall (formerly Becca), eo. York, by Ann Euiilv Sophia, da. of Sir Francis Grant, sometime President of the Royal Academy. She was b. 5 April 1858. [Frances Annesley, sti/M LORD CASTLE WELLAX, s. and li. ap., b. 25 Feb. 18S4, at Castlewellan afsd.] Family Estates. These, in 1883, consisted of 24,350 acres in eo. Down ; 24,221 acres in co. Cavan and 24SS) iu Queen's county. Total about 51,000 acres valued at about jt'3O,000 a year. See Bateman's " Great Landowners." PrincijKtJ Jteidence, Castlewellan, 90. Down. AXSON. Baron. j_ George Anson, 2nd s. of William Anson of Shug- J_ 1747 borough, co, Stafford, by Isabella, da. and coheir of Charles Carrier to ' °* Wh'kworth, co. Derby, was bap. at Cohvich, co. Stafford, 21 May 1762. 1697 ; entered the navy early, became a Capt. therein in 1722, and in 1740 commanded five ships against the Spaniards, when also he made his celebrated voyage round the world, being appointed, on his return, in 1744, Hear Admiral of the Blue and one of the Lords of the Admiralty. In 1745 he was made Rear Admiral of the White, and in 1746 Vice Admiral of the Blue, He was M.P. for Heydon. Early in 1747 he captured six men of war from the French, and on 13 June 1747 was cr. LORD ANSOX, BARON OF SOBERTON, co. Southampton, In 1748 he commanded the squadron that conveyed George II to and from Holland. In 1751 he became First Lord of the Admiralty, and finally Admiral and Commander in Chief, his last service being the conveying Charlotte, Queen of George III, to England. P.C. He m. 1747, Elizabeth, 1st da. of Philip (YOBKB), 1st Earl OF H.vruwickk, sometime Lord High Chancellor, by Margaret, da. of Charles Cooks of Worcester. She. who was 4. Aug. 1725, d. 1 June 1760 and was bur. 26 at Cohvich. He d. s.p. at Moor Park, Herts., 6 June 1762 (while a patent was being yasaed ior his being created a Viscount) and was bur. 14 at Cohvich, when his peerage became ex. Will dat. 28 Aug. 1760, pr. 16 June 1762. Viscounts. l. TnosiAS Anson (formerly Thomas Adams) of Slmg- I. 1806. borough anil Orgreave, co. Stafford, 8. and h. of George Anson (for- merly George(») Adams) of the same by Mary, da. of George Veuables (Vernon), 1st Lord Vernon, was b. 14 Feb. 1767, sue. his father 27 P) He took the surname of Anson by Royal lie. 30 April 1773, being s. and h. of aambrooke Adams of Sambwoke, Salop, by Janette, only sister of Admiral Lord Anson aboveuamed,