Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/138

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116 AECEDEKNE — ARDEE. Margaret, m. Thomas Aktndkl of Eiist Anthony, Cornwall. Among the descendants ami representatives of these ladies, the Barony, if duly cr. by writ and sitting; is presumed tu be in abeyance.'] ARCHER Barons. 1. Thomas Archer of Unibei-slnde, to. Warwick, ami of I 1" 17 °o- Essex, s. and h. of Andrew A. of Umberslade, many years ' ' M.l for eo. Warwick, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Samuel Dashwood, sometime Lord Mayor of Loudon, was //. 21 July 1895 at Kiiull, CO. Warwiek, cue his father 31 Pee. 1741, was K.F. for Warwiek, and subsequently for Baniber, Recorder of Coventry, Aft On 14 July 1717 he nan cr. LORD AllCUEK, BAltoN OF UMBERSLADE, no. Warwiek. He was Gustos Rotulorum of eo. Him, March 1750. He m. at the Chapel Royal, St. James', Midx., 11 Aug. 1726, Catharine, yst. da. and eoheir of Sir Thomas Tli'i'INU, 1st Bart, (by Anne, da. of Thomas ClIF.EX of I'irg,. afsd.), and sister and coheir of Sir Thomas T., 2nd Bart.C) She d. 20 July 1754 at Pirgo, and was hur. in Tanworth church, CO. Warwiek. He el- 19 Oct. 1768 at Pirgo, and was bur. 3 Nov. at Tanworth afsd. Will pr, Oct 1768. II. 17G8, 2. Andrew (Archer), Lord Aroiier, Baron of Um- to 131'KSI.ade, only s. and h. b. 29 July 1736 and bap. 31 Aug. at Pirgo. 1778. Recorder of Coventry. He m. 23 July 1761 at Pirgo, Sarah, 1st da. of James West of Alscot, eo. Warwick, M.P. for St. Albans, and sometime President of the Hoyal Society. He U. 18, or 25, April 177S, in Portman sq., .Midx., and wae bur. at Tanworth, when the title becamo «.( b ) Admon. 12 May 1778, as "late of Marylebone, Midx," to Sarah, the relict. His widow d. Feb. 1SQ1 and was bur. the 27 at Tanworth. Her will pr. June 1S02. ARCIS.C) Baron by 1. "Wilmam de Arcis, Baron of Folkestone, eo. Kent, in tenure. the Domesday Survey, d. temp. Will. II, leaving two daughters and I Will I co ' lu irs, (!) Matilda, who sue. him in his Norman possessions, and (2) Emma, who brought the Barony of Folkestone to her husband, Nigel d* JlCKEVUXE.( d ) ARDAGH. See "Sundon of Ardaoh, co. Longford," Baron [I.], cr. 1735; ex- 1752. ARDEE. i.e. " Lord Brabazon, Baron of Ardee,(°) co. Louth " [I], see " Brabazon," Baron [I.], cr. 1616. M See " N. & q.," 5tK a., xii, 469, &c. ( b ) Of his three daughters and coheirs, the eldest, Sarah, who m. firstly in 1788, the 5th Earl of Plymouth, and secondly the 1st Earl Amherst, appears to have inherited the chief part of the estates. She a. 27 May 1838. ( c ) The account of this Barony, as given above, is inserted in MS. by Mr. Courthoae in his own interleaved copy of the "Synopsis." ( d ) See p. 36, under " Abiuncis," Barons by tenure. N A Claim to the Baiiony of Auuee [I.j, as heir ycneral, on the supposition of a Barony [I.] of that name (other than the Barony of 1616) having been cr. by a Writ nf Summons, in 1B65, was made, in 1762, by Chidley Coote of Mount Coote, co. Limejiolc, s. and b, of Charles Coote of the same (who d. 1761), w?io was t aud h. of Sir Philips Coote by Lady Elizabeth Brabazon, 1st da. and coheir (and,