Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/150

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128 ARGYLL. Dukes [S ] "I 16. John Douglas Edward TTexrt (Campbeu), yjj J DDKS Of Aiiotm, Ac. [S.], Lord SiwDiiinoB, Ac [G.B.], br, V 1 839 1,11,1 k 21 Dec- 17 ' 7, 1,11,1 18 J,,n - f " 11,,wi >>B at St. Earls [S.] S ' James' Wostm. Sometime an officer in the nrmy. M.P. VVT for Argyllshire 179S1-1S22. He m. firstly 3 Aug. 1822, ) Elizabeth, 1st da. til William Campbell of Fairfield, co, Ayr, by Sarah Cunningham of Cambridge, New England, his 1st wife. She <(. s.p. 9 Aug. 1818. He to. secondly, 17 April 1820, Joan, only da. and h. of John GU93BLL of Long Niddry, East Lothian, by Helen, da. of John BrjCHAN of Let ham. She d. 21 Jan. 1828. He «;. thirdly, 8 Jan. 1S31, Anne Cohpihoun, 1st da. of John Coma- HA.UE of Craigends, by Margaret, da. of Sir William Cunincihame of Robertland, Bart. [S.] He d. 25 April 1S47. Will nr. Oct. 1847. His widow d. s.p. (in the Roman Catholic faith) 25 Feb. 1874 at Rutland Gate, Midx. Dukes [SJ 1 17. George Douglas (Casipbell, alias Glas- yjjj sr.u. Campbell), Dike of Aiigvll, tfABQBBga of Kixtvsj V 1 S47 AM1 J** 8 (sic) [1701] : Eari. ov Aroyi.i. [146735 Eam. w Earls [S.] : u 1 Cami'uei.l and Cowall [1701]; Viscount Lochow ass „ VTT Glenyla f 1 701] ; Lonu Cauimiei.l [1445] ; Lord L0BBB(««j

  • ' ) [1470] ; Loud of KrsrTRB [1626] j and Lokd OF IxvEBAsr,

Mull, Mohvkrn and TiiliK [1701], all in the Peerage of Scotland, also Lord Sunduidoe [1764], and Lord Hamilton [17761. both in the Peerage of G.B., Hereditary Maater(a) of the Royal Household [S.], 2nd but lit Burv. s. and h. by 2nd wife, ?>. 30 April 1823 at Ardencaple Castle, co. Bum- barton. Chancellor of the Univ. of St. Andrews 1S51 ; P.C. and Loud Tbih Seal 1853 ; Hector of the Univ. of Glasgow 1854 and 1855; Postmaster Gbs, 1855-58; K.T. 2 May 1S56 ; Loud Pim v (2nd time) 1859-66 ; IL.D., Cam- bridge, 1862 ; Lord Lieut, of co. Argyll, 1862 ; Secretary of State and President Of the Oovsm, Fon India 1868-74 ; D.C.L. Oxford, 1870 ;"Lohi> Privy Seal (3rd time) 18S0-S1. K G. 22 Oct. 1883. retaining therewith the order of the Thistle.( h ) Hem. firstly, 31 July 18U, Elizabeth Georgians*, 1st da. of George Granville (SoWBfflMJB Leveson Gowf.h1, 2nd Duke OK Sutherland, by Harriet Klizahuth Gvnrginnn, 3rd da. of George (Hoivakb), 6th Eahl of Caklisi.e. She was b. 30 May 1 824, ami ira Mistress of the Robes to the Queen from Dee. 1868 to Jan. 1870. She d. suddenly, 25 May 1878, at Carlton House terrace, Midx. He ni. secondly, 19 Aug. 1SS1, at Danbury Palace, Essex, Amelia. Maria, widow of Col. the Hon. Archibald Henry Augustus Anson, 1st da. of Thomas Legh Ci.aUohtojt, Bishop of St. Albans, hy Julia Susanna, 1st da. of William Humble (Ward), 10th Loud Wamj. [Rt. Hon. Sir John Douglas Sutherland Campbell.^) Marquess of Lorn, f>. 6 Aug. 1815 at Stafford House, St. James' Westm. H. at Eton school and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge. M.P. for Argyllshire ; Private See. to his father at the India office 1868-71 ; K.T. (extra) 31 Maid 1871. P.C. 1875. G.C.M.G. 17 Sep. 1878. Gov. Gen. of Canada Oct. 1878 to 1883. He m. 21 March 1871, at the chapel in Windsor Castle, H.R.H. the Piuncess Loons Caroline Alberta, 4th da. of Her most gracious Majesty Queen Victoria. She ws«  18 March 1848.] Fa'riiih} Estates.- — These, in 1883, were about 168,000 acres in co. Argyll, and «W 7,000 in co. Dumbarton. Total about 175,000 acres, worth about .£51,000 a year- See Bateman's " Great Landowners." Principal residence*, Inverary Castle, co. Argyll and Iluseueath, co. Dumbarton. (») This office was confirmed as hereditary in 1676. See p. 125, note " £." ( b ) He was one of the (ordinary) Knights of the Thistle (of whom his ancestor, the 3rd Duke, was another) who have obtained the Garter ; but, in his case, WM ado*" the very rare distinction of being one (out of four) of those Knights who were permiti™ to retain both orders. See p II, note " b." ( c ) He was Gazetted (on the announcement of his marriage) 25 Oct 1870, as "J*" George Edward Uenrtj Douglas Sutherland," which was corrected as above (by<M omission of the names of " George Edward Henry ") in the Gazette of 25 Nov. folioinr*