Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/165

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ARUNDEL. 143 V. 1189. 2. William (de Albini), Earl of Sussex, s. and h. who, in 1176-77, was confirmed in that dignity, bat the Castle and Honour of Amndd having, for some unexplained reason, passed to the Grown, on the death of the last holder,]*) he did not obtain restoration of them till Richard I, in 11S9, restored them to him, when (according to the admissionf 1 ') of 1433 abwenamed) he became K.«L of Auvsdei.. He received also at the same time, the tided penny of the pleas of Sussex in the precise words of the grant made to his father. In 1101 he was made Custos of Windsor Castle, and in 1194 one of the Receivers of the money raised for the King's ransom. He m. Hand, widow of Roger (of. ClaRF.), Karl of Hertford (who had 1173), da. and b. of James St. Hilahv. He d. 24 Dec. 1193 and was bur. at Wymondham Priory. VI. 1193. S. William (de Albini), Earl of Sussex, and (ac- cording to the admissionC 1 ) of 1433 abovenamed) E.uti. of Arf.ndei., s. and h. He was a favourite of King John, whose concession of the Kingdom to the Pone, 15 May 1213, he witnessed, and whom he accompanied to Runnymede, 15 June 1215, becoming one of the sureties for the King's observance of Magna Cknrtn. When, however, King John abandoned Winchester, 14 June 1216, to Louis (afterwards Louis VIII) of France, he joined that Prince, but (consistently taking the winning side) returned to his allegiance 14 July 1217, after the Royalist victory at Lincoln. Shortly afterwards he acted as J isTiuary, the young lung, Henry III, having restored to him his forfeited possessions. He IK. Mabel, 2nd da. of Hugh (de Meschinks, surnamed Kevelioi), Eari. of Chester (by Rertred, da. of Simon, Comte D'Evhecx in Normandy), who, in her issue, was (1232) one of the four coheirs to her br. Rannlph (surnamed Bhw'devii.le), the powerful Karl of Chester. He embarked in the crusade of 1218 and was at the taking of Pamietta in Nov. 1210, but d. at Cainell, near Rome, (' ; quoddam oppiduhnu Kaiuel nomine") shortly before 30 March 1221 (when the news reached England), and was bur. at Wymondham Priory. VII. 1221. 4- "William (de Albini), Earl of Sussex,^') and (ac- cording to the admission() of 1433 abovenamed) Eari. of ArvxPEL, s. and h. Being <just) of age at his father's death he did homage for his inheritance mi 21 April of the same year. He d. s.p. and probably num., '"'adolescens " in the 4th year after his father, and a few days before 7 Aug. 1224, according to the most reliable account (the Dunstable Register), and was bur. at Wymondham Priory, though, according to " Dugdale," he did not die till (1234) 18 Hen. Ill, in which year, doubtless, his br. and li. obtained possesion of his lands. Till. 1224. 5. Huoh (de Albini), Earl of Sussex, and (according or to the admission( b ) of 1433 abovenamed) Earl of Arfxdel. He 1234. is mid to have been at his brother's death in 1224 aged about nine years. His wardship was obtained by the famous Justiciary, Hubert de Burgh. He m. in 1234, Isabel, da. of William (de Waiiexne, alias Piaktaqkxf.t), Earl of Surrey, by his second wife Maud, da. "f William (.Marshal), Earl of Pembroke, the said Earl of Surrey having given 300 marks for the right so to dispose of him. This same Earl also performed the office of (*) It certainly was not because the successor was a minor (as suggested in the Lords' Reports on the Peerage, I. 410), if it is allowed (as iu the text) that such successor was s. of Adelicia, for, in that case, his (said) mother would have been dead above a quarter of a century. Moreover the Earl himself had been receiving, since 11S0, the third penny of the county of Sussex. Sec Madox's Baron. 139. Karly in 26 Hen. II (USD) Walter de Constantino renders an account of the Honour of Arundel, but during the greater part of the thirteen years following the death of Earl William iu 1176, it was held, presumably for the Crown, by the family of £? V,! 111 *™ 1 (1180-89), of whom Walter was Archbishop of Rouen, and his br. Roger (h henffof Sussex, 1179-89) one of the Justices in the King's Court. »0 See p. 138, note "c." ( c ) " I" father's Confirmation Charter to Robertsbridge (Dugd. Mon. ii. 120) he Mgna i liunaelf son to the 3rd Earl of Sussex, ami in a Charter of King Hen. III. f>° 12 »■ «j he is called WiUiclmus comes Susses [Qy. jSiiMariic] ottartus." See " Courthope,"