Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/205

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ATIIOLE. 183 [The Earldom of Atliole [S.] having (as above said) been forfeited, soon after 1311, in SoMnnd by the Stralmlgi family (though acknowledged more than 60 years later, in England) was re-granted by the Scottish Kings as under.] XV. 1320 ! t. Sir John Campbell of .Moulin, 2nd s. of Sir Mel C. to of Loehow (to whom and to his wife the forfeited estates of the Earl 1333. "f Athole [SJ had been granted), being (by his mother Mary, sister of Hubert Bruce) cousin to David II [S.j, was by him a: EARL OF ATHOLE [S.] He m.( ') Joanna, widow of Mulise, E.m. ok Stuathekn [S.], da. of Sir John Mkntkith. He </. s.p. being killed at the battle of Halidun hill, 19 July 1333, when the title became extinct. His widow in. (dis[)eusatiou dat. 11 July 1839) Sir Maurice Moray of Dmmsargard, who had the Earldom of Strathern conferred on him in 1343.(°) XVI. 1311. J- Km William, of Liddesdale, known as " the FloWer of Chivalry," s. and h. of Sir James Douglas of Lothian (ancestor of the Earls of Morton [S.]) was a: EAKL OF ATHOLE [S.], IS July 1341, and almost immediately afterwards rcsi;/ncd thai Earldoin, at Aberdeen, in favour ..f Robert Stewart the High STBWABO [S.] He m. Margaret, sister and coheir uf John dc GhaHAM of Dalkeith and Abercorn. Having entailed (under the style of "Duuiinus Vallis de Lydel ")< on 3 Nov. 1351 , his lands of Liddcsdalc on the sons of his br. John Douglas, he s.p.m. in 1353, being assassinated by his kinsman William (Douglas), 1st Earl of Douglas [S.] XVII. 1311-2, /. Robert Stewart, Hum Steward ok Scotland, s. to and h. of Walter S., also High Steward, by Marjory, (who (/. 1371. 1310), 1st da. of Roukrt I, King of Scotland, was 6. 2 March 1316, sue. his father 0 April 1326, and was in command at Halidon hill, 19 June 1333, in consequence of which his estates were forfeited aud conferred, by Balliol, on David (de Strabolgi), Earl of Athole. From 1338 to 1341 he was Regent of Scotland, and, on 16 Feb. 1341-2, was or. EARL OF ATHOLE [S.] on the resignation of William Douglas, Earl of Athole [S.], as mentioned above. From 1346 to 1357, during the imprisonment of David II [S.] in England, he was again Regent [S.] hi 1358 he was or. EAEL OF STRATHERN [S.] On 22 Feb. 1370-1 he sue. his ancle, David II, as KING OF SCOTLAND, under the name of ROBERT II, when his Dujnitia became (apparently) merged in the Crown IS.] He m. firstly, by dispen- sation from the Pope dat. 22 Nov. 1347 (in which he is styled "Robertus, Dominus dc Stmt'jrif") t Elizabeth, da. of Sir Adam Muhe of Rowallan, co. Ayr, their issue (born before marriage) being legitimated by the dispensation, and their right of succession to the Crown being further confirmed by act, dat. 1 373. He m. secondly, by dispen- sation granted 2 May 1355, Euphemia, widow of John, Eakl of Moray [S.], da. of Hugh, 6th Eahl of Ross [S.], by his last wife Margaret Graham. She d. in 1387. He d. at Dundouald Castle 19 April 1390. XVIII. 1398, 1. David (Stewart), Duke of Eothesay, &c. [S.l, s. to and h. ap. of Robert III [S.J, having been cr. Earl or' Cahrick [S.], 1102. 19 April 1390 (on his father's accession to the throne), ill t! Duke of Rothesay [S.], 28 April 1398, was, by charter dat. 6 Sep. 139S, cr. EARL OF ATHOLE [S.] He d. a.p. 20 March 1402, when his Peeraijc honours became extinct or reverted to the Crown. See fuller account under Rothesay," Duke of [S.], or. 139S. ") & inform. G. Burnett, Lyon, to whom the Editor is under the greatest obligation for a most extensive revision of the holders of the title of Athole, more especially as to the earlier Earls, and those of the house of Stewart.