Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/270

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248 BARRETT — BARRIXGTOX. of the Duchy of Lancaster. He in. firstly Jane, .sister of Henry, 1st Viscoot Falkland [S.], Oth da. of Sir Edward C.UiY of Aldenham, Herts., by Catharine, da. uf Sir Henry Knyvett of Buckeutuun, Norfolk. She d. aged US and was bw. 2 Jan. 1032-3 at Aveley. He hi. secondly Catharine, widow of Hugh pEBCY, Alderman of Loudon, da. of Hugh Fexn of Wotton sub Edge, co. (Jloueester. He d. s.p.s. and nag bur, 2 Jan. 1014-5 at Aveley, when the Pierage became extinct. Will dat. 17 March 1613, pr. 7 Feb. 1015 "by the Lady Barrett, widow and executrix. "( d ) BAERETT'S COT XT V. /.'•." Bahon of Baruett's Couxty and Viscount Kixosai.h, bothco. Cork [I.] See " Kilmallock," Viscount [I.], which title was substituted for " King- sale," by royal authority, BARRINGTON OF ARDGLASS, AND HARRINGTON OF NEWCASTLE; Viscounts [I.] 1. Jobs BAHRISGT0N of Bucket in the parish of Barons [I.] Shriveidiam, Berks., formerly John SHCTE, being 3rd and yst. s. of Benjamin Shute,(') by Elizabeth, da. of Rev. Joseph CaIivl, was I. 1720. b. iu 1073, became a Barrister of the Inner Temple, London; was Commissioner of the Customs, 1708 to 1711; inherited in 1710 the estate of Beeket and considerable property iu Berkshire by devise of John W'll.n IAX of Beeket afsd., and soon afterwards inherited the estate of Tofts in Little Badduff, Essex, by settlement of Francis 1! utisiNOTox, whoso wile [by whom he h id no issue) was Mr. Shute's cousin german being da. of his uncle Samuel Shute. ') lly Afll uf Pari. 1710, lie took the name of BauiiinoTon. He was M.P. for Lerwick Hpun I'vraed, 1715, and, on 1 July 1720 was,/-. BARON BAitUIMGTON OP NF.Wt'AsTLK. c. Limerick, and VISCOUNT BARRtXtiTUX OF ARDGLASS, co. Down [!,](«) Bo was again M.P. for Berwick in 1 722, but was expelled the House of ( 'ominous, 15 I'eh. 1722-3, for having promoted the fraudulent lottery of Harbourg. Kotwithstauilillg this escapade he was (according to "Lodge ") a person of grtat judgment and learning, being the author ,- of divers pamphlets iu favour of such as dissent from the established church." On 5 July 172t< he bad the reversion of the office of Master of the Rolls [l.J, which, however, he surrendered 10 Dec. 1731. He hi. (settl. dat. 20 June 1713) Anne, da. ami coheir of Sir William Daines, Sheriff of Bristol. He </. at Beeket, It Deo, 1731, in liis 56th year, and was bur. at Shrivenham. Will dat. 2 March 1720, pr, 13 June 173S. His widow d. 8 Feb. 1703. Admon. 10 March 1703. II. 1731. 2. William Wildmax (BARrtiMiTuN-SinTTEC 1 )), COUNT BaBrimgtos op Audglass, &c. [I.], s. and h. h. 1717. SLP. for Berwick, 1710 ; for Plymouth, 1754 to 1778. Took his seat iu the House of Lords [I.], 8 ( J ) See copy of this will and a good account of Aveley in " More about StiflimI, &c," by Rev. W. Palin, 1872, 8vo., pp. 81-60. ( c ) This Benjamin was "yst. s. of Francis Shute of Upton, co. Leicester, Esq/, "'I'" was descended from Robert Shute of Hockington, co. Cambridge, one of the twelve Judges in the reign of Queen Elizabeth." See M.L to the 1st Viscount llarringten i" " Lodge," v, 203. (') He was no relation to either of his benefactors of whom (1) Mr. Wjdmallj adopted him more as " most worthy," and (2) Mr. Barrington, adopteflhan, as being a cousin of his wife, devising to him the estate of the ancient family "I Barrington, though he had not auy descent whatever therefrom. (e) See " Lodge," v, 202, where the preamble of the patent of Peerage is given. (!') These names are so given in " Lodge," vol. v, 200, whose article (1781) was based on the " information of Lord Viscount Barrington."