Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/274

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252 BARRY. VI. 1520? G. Jambs Fitb Johs (Barry, alia* BARHY-Mom;), T|f COUST BahrY, B.UIRYMoRE or Bittevant, &e. [I.], s. and U. FI> executed a deed, 9 Feb. (1556-7), 3 and 4 I'll, and Mary, whereby he settled hi< estates of Buttevant, Olethan, &c., on himself and the heirs male of his body, with rem. to .lames Fit/. Richard Bmiiiy Hob, Lord of Ibawne, and his heirs male. rein, to David Fitz David Barry-Koe, ice. He </. s.p. 20 March i r>r>7. Imp p. mortem at Youghall 31 March [1624J 22 Jae. I, in whieh he is called "James Fitz-John, Lord Barry, Vi-icount Buttevant. VII. 1 537. 7. James Frrz Eiohabd (Babrt-Rob), Viscotot Barht, Bakrymork on Bittevant, &c. [1.], cousin anil h. male, being s. and h. of Ric'iard Barry-Roe of Ibawne, who is supposed to have been n br. of John, the Btb Viscount, and a yr. s. of William, 4th Viscount Buttevant. On -27 April 1560 he had liverv of his estate by name of '-Janes, VlSCOl'XT OK BARRVMoRE. alias LORD OP BARRYMORE, cousin and h. of James Barry, late LORD Or' BARRY- MORE," kc. He was sum. to Pari. Y2 Jan. (S Elus.) 1 559-60, where he sat as " Jwahus dc Barry, Dominut tic Buttciant." On fl Nov. 1564 he gave his bond for ±'500 as " Viscount Buttcrant," while in 1567 he received a Crown lease of lands, en. Cork, as " Viscount Barn/mure" — (Pat. Rolls). Ho m. Ellen, da. of Cortnac Mac Carthy ReauB. He d. 10 April, 1531. /»</. p. mortem at Youghall 31 March (1024), 22 Jae. I, in v.'hich he is called " James Fit/. Richard, Lord Barry, Viscount Buttevant." VIII. 1581. ,S'. RrcHARt) Bahry, wlto apparently w«s elf jw V» coi'NT BaRRY, Rarry.moke, ok Hittevant. e. [I.J, s. and h. but who being deaf and dumb (though of sound understanding] was pushed ovu- in the succession.^') He ft. at Lisearroll, s.p., 21 April 1022. VIII. 1581. S. David Barry, M facto Viscouxt Bartit, J.aiiry- more, on Buttevant, Ac. [I.], who. being 2nd s. of James, the 7th Viscount, entered into possession of the estate and assumed the title. He was sum. to Pad. [1.], and appears in the list of Peers present, 20 April 1583, as the " Viscount of Harry, alias Buttevant ; " and, in the Pari, of 1613, was placed as '• Viscount Barry of Huttevant," next to the Earls (Carew MSS.) He joined I'esmoiid's rebellion, and is said (in a letter of Queen Elizabeth, dat. 8 Aug. 158S) to have done so its " Viscount Harry," but as ,; Viscount Huttevant " (whieh designation 1 ) henceforth became tlic usual one) was pardoned 15 Nov. 1002. anil tUtUta ig frequently styled in various inquisitions, ifce. In 1001 he was made lien, of the Provincials, and in 1002 com- manded 1,000 men. On 20 May 1015 he was one of the Council for the province "f .Monster. He in. firstly Ellen, da. of David (RoOflB), VlscorxT R0C8E Of FeiiJWY [I.], by KUeu, da. of James ( 1 ., Loiui DOSBOYSK [L] He ai. secondly, Julia, 2nd da. of Cormac Mao Carthv of Mnskory. Ho d. (in the lifetime of his elder In-., the tie jvrt Viscount) at Barry's Court, co, Cork, 10 April 1617. B3» widow m> Sir Roger O'ShauobxASIK. ( c ) A similar case occurred in the Barony of Athenry [I.]. 1645 to 1601.— See p. 174 (f) He is styled in a warrant of 31 Jan. 1609-10 (Docquet Roll) '-the Lord Bwrf, Viscount Huttevant," and in royal letters dat. 22 Oct. (1G1S) 10 Jac. I. confirmed 13 May (1625) 1 Car. I, " David, Lord Butevant, lately deceased." In both of these letters also his grandson and heir is styled "David, Lord Barry, Lord Viseouiil Blrtis- vant." Ex inform. J. H. Round.