Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/29

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tenant ok Ibeland (for the first time) July 1866 to Dee. 1868. On 10 Aug. 1S63 he IV. James, 2nd Marquess Hnmilton, afterwards 4th Earl of Arrau,(/. 1625. .lames Hamilton, cr. Earl of Abereorn [.S.] 1606, d. v.p. 1618. I X V. James, 3rd Marquess, Sc., cr. Duke of Hamil- ton [S.] with a spec, rem. 1643, </. s.p.m.s. 161?. I [Hauuof VougUu.) | William Dou-=rAnnc, VI. William, 2nd Puke of Hamilton, &c. (/. s.p.m.s. 1681, =p 1 i — VII. James, l*ii<l Earl of AViereoru, d. about 1670. Claud, Lord Strabane [I.] d. leas. Sir ( ieorf Hauiiltoi R Vlait. 1660. II.] T T glas, ct. Earl of Selkirk [S.] 1640 & Difite of Hamilton OS.] 1660, d. 1694. /uitDiicIi- ess of Ha. miUoii.thc heirofllm, d. 1716. Susanna. VIII. Ge- James, George, Ci Jonel w. itt&S orge, Srd Lord Lord James Johu(Keii> Karl of Strahane Strabane, Haiiiil- nerty) Karl Aberei tttt, [!•],««  [«. A- tim, d. of Cassilis d. unm. s.jt.1655. 1668. V.],. t«.]-T about f June + 16S0. 1 1673. .J James, 4th Duke of Hamilton, d. 1712. I IX. Clauil, Lord Straliane [I.], af- terwards 4 th Karl of Abereorn, t£.».l>, X. Charles, 5th Karl of Aber- eorn, </. s.p.-. 1701. -- J r— 1 XI. James. 6th Earl of Aber- eorn, d. 1734. T I James, 5th Duke of Hamilton, d. 1742. XII. James, 7th Karl of Abereorn, d. 1744. James, 6th Duke of Hamilton, d. 1758. 1 Archibald, nth Duke of Hamil- ton, </, 1810. T XIII. James, 8th Karl of Abereorn, d. asm, 17S0. John Hamilton, li.X.. rf. 1755. Gapt. James George, 7th Duke of Hamilton, d. s.p. 1769. Douglas. Stli Duke of Hamilton,!/. s.p. 1790. ( Ktmteof Stanley . ) I ~ Edward, Bar] of Derby, d. 1834. — I Elizabeth, w. ICdwd. (Ftuii- lc>/J, Earl of Derby, she </. 1707.' 3" J Alexander. 10th Duke of Hamil- ton, (/. 1 852. T XIV. John James, 9th Earl of Abereorn, cr. Marquess of Ahercorn 1700, d. ISIS. T William, 11th Dub Hamilton, d. 1863. of T Edward Geoffrey, Karl of Derby, ef. 1851. T t. William. 12th Duke of Hamilton, 4. 1845, a dCKCndant of, but nei- ther heir male nor heir of line to the 1st Earl of Arran. James Hamilton, tiyled Viscount Hamil- ton, s. and h. ap., d. v.p. 1814. T XV. James, Marquess of Abereorn, It. 1811, a: Duke of Ahercorn [I.] 1868. Heir male of t/i-e Jlmh/ to the 1st Earl of Arran. Edward Henry, Earl of Derby, h. 1826. Heir of line to the 1st Earl of Arran.