Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/298

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276 BEAUCHAMP. BEAUCHAMP DE WARWICK. Barony by J. Joh.v HeaI' champ, 2nd Si of Guy, Eabl of Writ. Waiiwick by Alice, da. of Ralph ue ToSI of Flainsted, Herts, attended the King into Flanders in 133S ; was At the naval victory oil' L 1350, Sluys in 1340; and (together with his elder far. Thomas, Earl of to Warwick) was elected KG. in 1S44, being one of the 25 Original 1360. Knights of that most noble order, {-'i lie carried the Mundimt-i'oipt at the battle of Cressy ill 1346, was present at the surrender of Calais, was appointed Captain of Calais in 1358, and was advanced to the degree of BanSEket. From 25 Nov. (1350), 21 Ed. 111. to 15 Dee. f 1 057), 31 Ed. Ill, the first sister Cecily, who m. firstly Sir Roger Seymour, ami secondly Richard Tiirberville, having issue by both. She inherited the manors of Hache, Shepton. Beauchamp, Murificld and one third of the manor of Shapton Mallet, CO. Somerset; the manors of Boultbery and Habertoii, eo. Devon; of Dorton. Buckjj ; Little Haw, Suffolk, &e. She rf. 1393 and was sue. by her grandson and h. Roger Seymour (then aged 27), ancestor of the Dufcss of Somerset, <fec. (*) TllK FoVNDF.KS OF THE OllDEIl OF THE OAUTKH (instituted 23 April 1344), ri;. the Sovereign and 25 Companions, were as follows— King Edward III, the Sovereign; rf. 21 June ]:J77. 1. Edward, Printe of Wales ; d. v.p. 8 June 1376. 2. Henry (Plantagenet), Earl of Derby, afterward- (1352) Duke of Lancaster; rf. 24 March 1:360-1. Thomas (Beauchauip), Earl of Warwick, [br. to Sir John Beauchauip, KG., No. 10] : rf. 13 Nov. 1369. 4. John de Graillv, Vieomte de Benanges et Castillon, Costal de Buch ; rf. s.p. leg. 1377. 5. Ralph (Stafford), Lord Stafford, afterwards (1351) Earl of Stafford ; rf. 31 Aug. 1372. ti. William (de Montacute), Earl of Salisbury ; rf. 3 June 1397. 7. Sir Roger Mortimer, afterward* (1348) Lord Mortimer, and subsequently (1354) Earl of March ; d 1398. 8. John (Lisle), Lord Lisle, sum. (1350) as Lord Lisle de Rougemont ; rf. 14 Oct. 1356. 9. Sir- Bartholomew Burghersh, afterwards (1355), Lord Burghersh ; rf. 5 April 10. Sir John Beauchamp, afterwards (1350) Lord Beauchamp do Warwick (br. to Thomas, Earl of Warwick, KG-, abovenamed), rf. 2 Dec. 1360. , 11. John (Mohun), Lord Mohim de Dtiuster ; d. 14 Sept. 1370. 12. Sir Hugh Courtenay, s. aud h. tip. of Hugh, Earl of Devou ; rf. v.p. before 2 Sep. 1349. 13. Sir Thomas Holand, afterwards (1360) Earl of Kent (br. to Sir Otho Hoiaud, KG., No. 22);rf. 2S Dec. 1360. 14. John (Grey), Lord Grey de Rotherfield ; rf. 1 Sep. 1359- . 15. Sir Richard Fitz-Simon of Simons Hide, Herts ; of whom the latest notice is 1347-8. 16. Sir Miles Stapleton of Bedale, co. York, and of Ingham, Norfolk; rf. 4 Dec. 13R 17. Sir Thomas Wale of Wedon Pinkeney, co. Northampton ; rf. s.p. 26 Oct. 13d'.. 18. Sir Hugh Wrottesley of Wrottesley, eo. Stafford ; rf. 23 Jan. 1380-1. 19. Sir Nele Loryng of Chalgrave, co. Bedford ; rf. 18 March 1385-6. 20. Sir John Chandos [the Hero of Creasy, Poitiers and Najara], rf. 31 Dec. bW. 21. Sir James Audley of Strattou Audley, Oxoii ; afterwards Seneschal ol Toitou ; rf. 1369. 22. Sir Otho Holand (br. of Thomas, Earl of Kent, KG., aboveuamed) ; rf- 3 bcp. 1359. 23. Sir Henry Earn, of whom the latest notice is 15 May 1358 ; rf. before 1360. 24. Sir Sanchet D'Abriehconrt ; of whom the latest notice is 20 Oct. 1345. 25. Sir Waltar Pavely of Boughton Aluph, Kent ; rf. 28 June 1375. See " Biographical Notices of the Knights [of the Garter] in the reigns of m. U4 and Ric. II," in the " Memorials of the Order of the Garter " by George Fr»> Beltz, K.H., Lancaster Herald [1822 to 1841]. Loudon, 8vo., 1841, a most and valuable work.