Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/352

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330 BERKELEY. the last Lord do Berkeley, d. v.f. 1 3 .Tune 1 JO.', lie was h. at Raglan afs. about 189 1 and "may bee called James the Just." Ho gut,*, to the Castle of Berkeley (to which the Barony of Berkeley was then very generally considered as appendant), and other estates under an entail of his great-grandfather, but was much hindered in getting possession thereof by the Countess of Warwick (da. and h. of the last Lord) the heir gcn.(») By writ directed u Jacoba die Berkeley" he was sum. to Bart, as a Baron (LORD DE BERKELEY.) 20 Disk (14-21) '.) lien. V, (») to 23 May (1161) 1 Ed. IV,(e) and was knighted by lieu. VI, lit May 1126. In April 1110, being then aged 10, he m. firstly or perhaps was only contracted to, ( — ) da. of Sir John St. John (contract dat. 19 April, 11 Hen. IV). He subsequently Bt, (1415), 3 Henry V, (— ) da. of Sir Humphrey STAFFORD of Hoke, go, Dorset, but she (/. very young and s.p. He again si. (1423-24), 2 Hen. VI, Isabel, widow of Henry Fkuiikhs (s. and h. ap. of William, Lord Ferrers de Groby, who J. s.p.m. and v.p.) 1st da. (whose issue became coheir) uf Thomas (Dk MoWiiiiAV) DfKEOK XoBFdl.K, by Elizabeth, da. of BlCBABD [VlT/. Al.A.), EaKL ok Ant ndi:i.. She was, while about to appeal to the King in Council on behalf of her husband, arrested by order of Margaret, Countess of Shrewsbury (grand- daughter and coheir of the last Lord de Berkeley) and imprisoned at Gloucester, where she </. 27 Sep. 1452, and was buy. in the church of the (Jrevfriars there. He in. lastly, shortly after 25 .Inly 1457, Joan da. of John (Tauiot) 1st Eaui. ok Siiiikwsuiiiy by his 1st wife Maud, da of Thomas (Xevill) Loud Fikmval, which Joan was conse- quently step-da. of Margaret, Cokntess ok Shbewsbuby above Hamad, He tl. at Berkeley Castle, Nov. 1463 within 30 days of having (22 Oct.) executed a deed of reconciliation with the said Counters, and was bur. at Berkeley. His widow m. about 1487 Edmund HuxoEBFOBD. 2 ov 12, William (ue Bebkelet) Loud de Berkeley, s. aud h. of the last Lord by Isabel his wife, who " may bee called William the Wati all." Ho was. b. at Berkeley Castle, 1420, Wits in the retinue of Cardinal Beaufort at Calais about 1438, and, on his return, while still under age, was knighted. He petitioned the Crown against the claims of Margaret, Countess of Shrewsbury, and other the heirs gen. of his great-uncle Thomas, to the Berkeley estates, which petition was pending when the Countess (/. in Juno 1108. By her grandson and h. Thomas (Talbot), Vlscol'NT L'Isee he, tho' but 19, was chal- lenged to settle tho claim by combat, which took place 20 March 1469/70, at Nibley Green, wherein the Viscount was slain. ( d ) On the marriage of the heiress of the .Mowbray family to the King's yr. son, rk, he released his right to a reversion of a moiety of her vast estates if she <!. s.p. (which happened soon afterwards on 10 Jan. 1477/1*) to the King and his issue in tail male, (which issue became extinct in 1483) receiving a discharge for debts amounting to £34,000 and being, when tho grant was ratified by I'arl. cr. VISCOUNT BERKELEY, 21 April 1481. P.O. 1483. The vast estates of the Mowbray family 11. 1463. Viscount. I. 1181. Marquess. I. 1188, to 1192. the Duke of Ve (") "It appeareth that the Earle and his wife pretended right to the Barony of Berkeley, and to all the manors and lauds thereto belonging." See Smyth's " Berkeley's. " ( b ) "This Writ [1421] must be considered as the origin of the Barony of Berkeley, vested in the Earls of Berkeley [105S-1882] unless a right to a Writ of Summons to Pari, as Barons by Tenure could be established. Such a claim was made in 1828 by Earl Fitzhardinge (then Col. Berkeley), but no judgment was pronounced ; and Sir Harris Nicolas, in his statement on behalf of Sir John Shelley Sidney, Bart, in relation to that claim, observes that had the claim been granted, it would not only have been without a single precedent, but in opposition to the incontrovertible fact, that no claim to a Barony on the ground of Tenure was ever admitted, and that at no period since the reign of Hon. III. has Tenure per Baroniain been deemed to constitute a right to a Writ of Summons. — See " Courthope." (°'j There is proof of his sitting in the Rolls of I'arl. ( d ) See Account of this battle and of the Berkeley law suit in tho " Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc." Vol. Ill, p. 300.