Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/378

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356 BINGLEY— BLACKBURN. St. Margt. Westm. i Feb. 1704/5, d. at Bath in her 67th year on 7th ami was bur. 13 April 1771 with her parents at Westm. Abbey. He d. «.p.».( :l ) at Bramham Park 22 Feb. 1773 in his 77th year, when his Peerage became extinct. Will (tot llO M iv 1770, pr. 27 April 1773.() } b.xxtxo. Barony [S.] 1. glB THOMAS Hamilton, Secretary of State and Lord I. 1G13. Clerk Register [8.] was in 1(313 cr. LORD lilXXlNt; AND BYRES cu. Haddington [S.j Uu 20 March 1618 he was a: MiaiaisE en. Roxburgh [s.] which by patent <lat. 27 Aug. 1627, was exchanged fertile Eabldoii ok Hadmnhton. with the former precedency. See '■ Haddington " Earldom of IS1 a: 1027, with the precedency of 1 01 9. iurllm;. i.e. '-VISCOUXT XEYILL, OK BIRLLMi. K,.,,t f m > veuny," Earldom of, cr. 17S4. BIRMINGHAM. See undei " BF.RMIXGIIA.M." See "WARD, QI BIEMINGHAM, eo. Wtuvkk? Ikrouy, «• 1064 DLACHFOBI). Barony. /. TlIE Kt. Hox. SlK FbshEIUC RoOEHS, But, of Itlaeli- _ ford Park, in the parish of Cornwood, Derou, s. and h. of Sir Frederick L 1871. Leman lingers, Bart. (1699), of the same, by Sophia, da. of Charles Russell Deahe, Lieut. Col. of the Bengal Artillery, b. 31 Jauy. 1811, and hup. 20 &fay at St. Marylebone : ed. at Eton : matric. at Oxford (Oriel Coll) 2 July 1838 ; Craven Scholar, 1S29 : B.A. and double first class, 1332 ; Fellow of Oriel Coll.. 1S33; Vinerian scholar, 1831 j M.A., 1835 ; Vinerian Fellow and B.C.L., 1838; Banister (Line. Inn), 1837 ; sue. his Father in the Baronetcy 13 Dec. 1831 : Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, 1 S 4 r< : Emigration Commissioner, 1845-60 ; Commissioner for sale of West Indies' estates, 1S">7 ; Permanent Undersecretary of State for the Colonies. 1S00-71 : K.C.M.G., LS0H : B.C., 1871 ; was (a few months later, re.) on i Xov. 1871, a: BARON BLACHFORD of Visdome,(«) eo. Devon. Cathedral Commissioner, 1SS0-S4. G.C.M.G., 1SS3. He m. 29 Sep 1817 at Dunfermline, co. Fife, Georgiana Mary, da. of Andrew CoLVltAS, formerly Weudehbuus, of Ochiltree and Craigtlower, by his 2nd wife Mary Louisa, da. of William (Edek) 1st Bakon Auckland. Family Estate).— These, in 1883, consisted of 2,919 acres in Devon, valued at about £2,560 a year. Principal Residence.— Blackford Park, near Ivybridge, Devon. BLACK BURN. Barony for J. Sin Colin Blackburn, one of tin: Judges of the lif e - Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice, was on 10 Oct. [ 1&7G 1870 appointed [being the Jirsl appointment so made) a Loan ok Appeal in Oudinaky (under "the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1870 ") and granted the dignity of a Huron for life by the style ( a ) His only ehilil Robert, . 5 Aug. 1732, tho' twice married, d. s.p. and v.p. May 1708. () He devised the Biamham estate which he had derived from his vifc to his MM nephew James Fox-Lane (the friend of George IV) who d. in 1S25, leaving issue. f ) Wisdom, now for many years a farmhouse on the Blackford estate, was the desig- nation of the Baronetcy inherited by Lord Blachford from his ancestor Sir John Rogers of Wisdom, Bart., so vi in 1699.