Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/387

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Barony by writ. I. 1326.

1. Sir Thomas Le Blount[1] of Belton, co. Rutland, 2nd s. bat eventually h. of Sir Ralph le Blount of the same, by Cecilia (or Alicia) da and coheir of Sir John Lovett of Hampton Lovett, co, Worcester, was one of the Knights who fought under Edward I. and was Governor of Drossalan Castle in the vale of Towy, co. Carmarthen, 1311. He was Steward of the Household, 1320, and was sum. to Parl, as a Baron [LORD LE BLOUNT] by writs 3 Dec. (1326), 20 Ed. II to 15 June (13281 2 Ed. III.[2] directed to "Thome Le Blount." He m. firstly (......). He m. secondly 1325, Juliana, widow of John (de Hastings), Lord Hastings (1313-25), da. and h. of Thomas de Leyborne, by Alice, da. of Ralph de Tonv of Flamstead, Herts. He d. (1330), 4 Ed. III. In the same year his widow in. Sir William Clinton, who in 1337 was cr Earl of Huntingdon, and who d. s.p. 1354. She, who from her great possessions was called '"The Infanta of Kent," d. s.p 1369, and was bur. at St. Augustine's Monastery, Canterbury, being found (by Inq. post mortem) to have no heirs.

II. 1330

2. William (Le Blount), Lord Le Blount, s. and h. by 1st. wife, was M.P. for co. Rutland 1299 to 1313 and, on his Father's death, was sum. to Parl, as a Baron 25 Jan. (1329/30) 4 Ed. Ill, to 18 Aug. (1337) 11 Ed. III.[2] He was possessed of the manors of Belton and of Hampton Lovett afsd, and was living 1366,[3] but none of his decendauts possessed the status of Barons.

[Sir John Le Blount of Bel ton afsd., 8, and h., but never sum. as a Baron to Parl., was Constable of the Tower of London to Ed. III. He m. firstly (........ ). He m. secondly, in or before 1366, Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir Simon de Tourneaux, by Alice, da. of Sir Henry Umfraville. She survived him and was living 1385. His s. andh. by his 1st wife was Sir Thomas Le Blount also of Belton. He, like his Father, was never sum. as a Baron to Parl. He was Deputy Naperer for the Earl of Pembroke at the coronation of Richard II in 1377, but, engaging in a conspiracy to restore that King, was attainted and put to death, with unwonted barbarity, in Dee. 1399, when any Peerage honours vested in him became forfeited.]


Viscountcy [I.] 1. 1720to 1756

1. Sir Montague Blundell, Bart, [I.], was on 22 Nov. 1720, cr. BARON BLUNDELL OF EDENBERRY, King's County, and VISCOUNT BLUNDELL [I.], the privy seal bearing date 27 June previous, at Herenhausen in Hanover. He was b. 1689 being s. and h. of Sir Francis Blundell, 3rd Bart. [I.], of Blundell Manor, King's County, by Anne, his 2nd wife, da. of Sir Henry

  1. (a) See Vol. i. p. 112, &c. of Sir Alex. Croke's " Croke family orignally Le Blount," 2 vols. 4 to, 1823.
  2. 2.0 2.1 (b) It is conjectured in Banks' "Barouia Angl. Concentrata," vol. i, p. 126, that Thomas de Blount and his successor (William) were each sum jure uxoris, "for," adds Banks, " at that period, tho' the writs were personal, without any reference to a particular Barony, yet they were chiedly founded on the possession of some Baronial estate, which ceasing to remain in the inheritance of their decendants, such descendants were no longer reputed Barons, nor had further summons directed to them."
  3. (c) He is gaid by some to have m. Margaret, da. and coheir of Theobald dk Vkhuon, but in Croke's "Le Blount Family " no such wife is given him, while it is probable that the said Margaret m. a different William Le Blount. This last named William (and not the William s. of Sir Thomas B. of Belton, as in the text) was, according to some authorities, the William Blount sum. by the writ of 1330, in such his distinguished alliance. See ante note "b."