Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/399

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BORISODON — BORTIIWICK. 377 BORIXGDOX and BORIXGDON OK XORTII MOLTOX. Barony. 1. J ( >] | ST 1'AEK ICR of Xnrlh Molton unci Boringdon, ] 1794 Devon, 2nd but 1st swrv. b. and h. of John P. of the same, by Catharine, 2nd da, of John (Powi.ktt), 1st Haul Powixtt, h. at Sal tram, Devon ; mntric. at Oxford (C'li. C'li.) 23 Oct, 1753 being then age 1 18, me. his Father IS April 170S, was M.P. fur Bodmin 1701, and for Devon 1702 to 17.S1, when, r.n is May 1781, ha <vas cr BARON IIORIXODON OK IiOKINliDOX, co. Devon. He m. firstly, 10 Jan. 1764, Frances, da, of Joslah Hoht, Archbishop of Tuam. by Elizabeth, da. of William (Fit/. SLujiuck), LOOP Kkiihv [I.]. She (/. B.p, at Naples I7fl.t, He M. secondly, IS May 1709, at Twickenham, Middx.. Theresa, da. of Thomas (Robinso.v), 1st B.utoN' Ghaxtiiam, by Frances, da. of Thomas She, who was 6. 1 Jau. 1711, d. 21 Dec. 1775, and was /<«r. at. Plimptou St. Mary, Devon. He ( ;. 27 April 17SS. Will pr. June 17SS. JL 1783. 2. John' (Parker Baron Borixcdon*, only s. and h. vi ...„ nt „„ by 2nd wife, h. 3 May 1772. On 29 Nov. 1315 he was cr. VISCOUNT Viscounic,. BOKlJfODON OF NORTH MOLTON, co. Devon, ami KARL OF I 1 S 1 MOltLEV. See " MoitLicr " Earldom of, cr. 1815. BOROUGH 1)1C OAYXESBORO'. See "BfRflir' Barony (by writ) <v. 1487. Tim tliird Lord was ad- mitted to the House of Lords 2 Dee. (1520), 21 Hen. VIII as "Thomas Borough de tiaynesboro." and was so sum. daring tint reign, excepting on 28 April (1530) 31 Heu. "VIII when the writ was directed "Thome Bmirgh. BORTIIWICK. Barony [s.]. /. William BortHWICK of Bortlnviek Cnstle,(") Mid- i | -,.> i lothian, s. and hi of Sir Wm 15, of the same, by (according to some) B da. of Sir Thomas Hay of Lochenvart, was Knighted v.p. Oct. 1130 : sue. bis Father in, or before 1 130, and is stated ti) have been made a Lord of Pari. (LOUD BOttTIIWIOK [S.J) at a Pari, held in Edinburgh, 12 June 1 452.() He was living 1 I .March 1 157/S, and appears to have been so in 1407. His name, or possibly that of his successor^) appears in Pari. 17 June 1155 to -1 Oct. 1100, and as Ambassador to England 1 tS9 and 1101. II. 1170 ! William (BoRTIIWICk), Lord Bortitwick [!■!.], s. and h.( c ) His name appears as Ambassador to England 1171 and 1173. He ;h. (gift of marriage dat. 21 Nov. 145$) Mtriota IIoWmsr.LK, widow. He li. before 14S3/4. HI. 1483 '{ 3. Willi am (Bjktiiwick), Loud Borthwick. [S.], s. and li.(' ) He was one of the Guarantees of a treaty with England 20 Sep. 1484, and one of the Conservators of such a treaty 30 Sep. 1107 ami 12 July 1400. He if, 0 Sep. 1">13 being slain (with the King) at the battle of Flodden, aged, (probably) about 53. (») This, which is still (1880) an imposing eliiiee was built and fortified by his Father (from whom it received its bauio), under warrant from James I [S.J, dat. 2 June 1 130 on lands in the moat of Loehorwart, formerly belonging to the family of Hay, (">>) It appears from the evidence before the House of Lords in 1870, that this Peerage was not existing in 1150, but was go in 1155. In the protest of 1703 and elsewhere the date of the Peerage is erroneously given as 1424, being attributed Sir William B. the founder of Borthwiek Castle. See pott, p. 370 note "a." ( c ) The number ai^l date of succession of thesj early Lonl-i is very obscure. Those here given as th-. 1st an.l 2nd Lords nuy be the same person; but if the first Lord lived till 1 J S3 he must have been of gre.i t age ; on the other hand, the Peer here given us 3rd Lord is sometimes said to have died in 1003, when apparently he would be