Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/404

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382 BOTELER. Stoned to attend the King in the French wars in Gascony, and finally was summoned to Parliament as a Baron (LORD LE BoTlLLEE DE WKRIXliTON) l.v writs £3 June (1295), 23 Ed. I, M Auk. (1285) -21 Ed. I., and 6 fceW (1288/U) 27 El. L(») directed " (W< £e BvtUler " and " IJ'ttt'o /.c Jlotillcr de Wi rhujton." In (1305-OU) 31 Eil. I. he was in the expedition to Scotland. He rf about 13SS. |The accounts of his issue are extremely contradictory, hut none of his descendants (who were settled at Warrington, Bewsey and elsewhere, Co. Lancaster) appear ever to have been summoned as Barons to Parliament.] [BOTELER] LE BOTILLER OR LE BUTILLER DE WEMME Barony by 1. William Li:') of Vemme,( c ) Salop, and i & writ. Oversley, co. Warwick, yr. s. of William Le Bottler, of the same by I loOS Ankaret, niece of James De Ai.ditht.ey, having stir, his elder hr. in those estates in 1289, obtained livery thereof shortly after 1206, tho' still under age, am) having served in the trans with Scotland, was sum. to far! as a Barou (LORD LK BQTILIJ&R DE ESIilE), 10th Match (1307/8), 1 Ed. II to 10th October (1325), l!t E,l. 11 by writs, directed " Will'o Le BoVtttr (or sometimes Le Butiller) de Wemme." He m. firstly, before 1289, Ankeret, da. of Umn ix. He at. secondly, before (1305-06) 34 Kd. I, Beatrix. Be in. thirdly, Efa, da. and co-heir of Hoger De HbhmbOBgh, He d. 1334, /no, jiusl mortem, 8 Ed. HI. II. 1331. 2. William Le, de jam apparently Lord La Botilleh de Wemme, s. and h. by 1st wife, aged 36 at his father's death. He in. Margaret, da. of Richard (Frrz, Earl of Aiu - nuel, by Ah'sona, da. of the MaiiqI'IS de SaLBZZO in Piedmont. He d. Ucceiuber 1 3(31 . XXL 1301. 3. "William (Le Botemsr), LoriD Le Botilleh he Wemme, s. and h. aged 30 at his father's death. Be sum to Pari, as a Baron by writs dated 23rd February (1307/S), 42 Ed. Ill, and lith April (1369), 43 Ed. 111. He d. s. ]». m. 14th August, 1309. IV. 13GD, .'/. Elizabeth, ilo jtire, apparently, Baroness Li: Botilleh tu pB WtajiE, da. and h. aged '24 at the death of her father. She m. 1411. firstly (between 13(i9 and 137'J, Robert Dk Fi:itm:its, (yr. s. of Robert, 2nd Lord Fkhkeks DM C'haktlev), who having possessed himself of her vast estates (which he entailed, on failure of the heirs of his body by her, on his own right heirs), was (most probably in right of his said wife) sum. to Pari, as a Baron (•<) (LORD FERRERS DE WEMME), by writs 28«i December (I37o), 49 Erf. (») He was also summoned 8 June (1201) 22 Ed. t and 26 Jan>' (1297) 25 Ed. L, but it is doubtful if these writs can be considered as a regular summons to Bart, sec ante p. 250 note " c " as to tho writ of 1204 ; ami sec ante p. Ill note " b " as to the writ of 1297. Nicolas adds ; "It is also stated that both this William le Bntfllnr and William le Boteler of Wen one were summoned 28 Jan. 24 Edw. [. 1206 (the other Writ of that year being merely a summons to be at Newcastle with horse and arms, in which, however, the name of Boteler does not occur), hot to tho name is only to bo found once in that Writ, and then without any descriptive addition, it is diliicult to determine to which William le Boteler it was directed." (>') The name was assumed by his ancestor Ralph, who held the offije of Boteler or Bud it to Robert, Earl of Leicester, (styled Earl of Molleut), and who seated himself at Oversley, co. Warwick, being founder of Aleester 1'iioiy ill that county, in 1140. ( e ) Thu Lordship of Wemme was acquired by the marriage (about 1310), of Matilda, da. and h. of William l'autulph of Wemme, with Ralph Le Boteler, of Oversley (who d. 1281), the grandfather of Lord Le Botiller. () There is proof of his sitting in the Rolls of Pari