Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/414

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392 BOURCniEt?. 25 Feb. (1341/2) 16 Ed. HI to 10 March (134S/9) 23 Ed, 111 directed "Rob. Burghch." He again distinguished himself ;is a warrior, and Was | resent at the battle of Cressy in 1348 and was twice subsequently (1347 and 134'.' engaged as one of the Embassy to treat for peace. He »i, Margaret, da. and h. of Sir Thomas Prayers, df Sible Hedinghaui, Kstex. by Anne, da. and h. of Hugh de KsfT.X. Hcd. of the plague 1343 and was Jwr. at ffalstead. II. 1 3-1 P. 2. JonN (Bclecbikb;, Loud IJci'kchieb, s. aiul b. In 1355 he was with tlie Black Prince in Gcnnany j in 13G4 at the battle of A uray, w hich restored the Iiuko of Brittany to bis inheritance i vet 13/0 wis one of the Council to the Kings Lieut, in Prance | in Dec. 1370 was with the fleet (whereof so many perished) intending to convoy succour to the Breton army ; in 1380, being then a Banneret, was with Thomas, "of Woodstock," IHike of Buckingham, in France, and from 18 July (I3SI) 5 Eie. II was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (») to 30lh Sep. 0990) 1 Hen. IV. the King, by patent, 14 Feb. fcllowing, dispensing with his future atten- dance there owing to his age and infirmities, lie was Sent in 13S4 as Governor in Chief (" Jluuard ") of Flanders, to assert ti e light of Billiard II (as I..nd Bar: .mount) to homage for that territory, and remained as such for ] S month' at Client, when that city was evacuated by the English and submitted to the Duke of Burgundy. In 1392 he was elected KG . and had robes of scarlet issued to uhtt at the gorgeous celebration of that order in 1399. lie (a. Elizabeth, da. of Sir John Cmoukmi.w.l. He d. 21 May 1400. III. 1100. 3. Babtholomew (Bocciiieh), Loan BocncBiEfi, only s. anil 1:. He was sum. to p : ,il. as a Baron 9 Sep. (1400) 1 lien IV. to 2i5 Oct. (1409) II Men. IV". (>) but he also, like his Father, obtained exemption therefrom. He hi. firstly Margaret, widow of Sir John Sutton but bad no issue by her. He m. secondly Idonca, widow of John G'i.kvant, relict of Edmund UK BboOKSBUSN, and da. of ( — ) Lovky. He d. s.p.m. IS May 1109 and was inc. at Halstead. His widow d. 12 Sep. 1410. IV. 1100. J f . Elizabeth, mm jure, Bakonebs Bovrciiieb, da. ttntl sole h. by 2nd wife, aged 10 in 1409. She in. firstly, before Sept. 14 10, Sir Hugh Stafford, who, ttmtbtlta in In- riijhi ('■), was sum. to Part, as a Baron (■') by writs from 21 Sep. (1411), 12 Hen. IV. to Z2 March (1412/;:), 1 lien. V., dire. ted however merely lhnjuni SPnJfmt (I.OKH STAFFORD, but query if uof LOUD (■•>) There is proof of his sitting iu the Bolls of Bai l. ( b ) "A Catalogue ok Such Noble persons as Havk had Summons to Bath. in Bicht of Tiieib Wives," such summons commencing temp. Ed. I. and ending fow/». Hen. VIII., is given at p. 576 of Dugdale's " Summons." They are as follows : — Balfii de MoNTlimi.MEli, lum. as Eahl of Glouci'steii and Heeteoud, 28 to 35 Ed. 1., iu right of his wife, but after her death (who, as Widow of the former Ear), possessed the lands in doner), wan sum. as ei Baron (only), 2 to IS Ed. II. [The above case is a somewhat exceptional one, as the' Lady in question (a da. of King Edward I.,) was not suo jure a Peeress, or the inheritrix of a Peerage, as was the ease with the wives of all the others who were so sum.] Hugh Stafford, snm. as Loud Bouiiuhif.ii, 12 and 14 Hen. IV. to 1 Hen. V. Lewis Rorsaiit, snm. as Lobd Boum hieu, 3, 4, 5 ami 7 Hen. VI. Robkht Hungerford, turn, as Loud MOUSES, 2-i, 27, 28, 29, and 31 Hen. VI. Edward Gbey, sum. as Loud Ferrers dk Groby, 25, 27, 28, 29. 31, & 33 Hen. VI. Henry Percy, sum. as Lord Boynincs, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, and 38 Hen. VI. William Bourchier, sum. as Lord Fitjjwabine, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, and 3S Heu. VI., and 1, 2, 6, 9 and 12 Ed. IV. Richard Welles, sum. asLoRDWiLLOUGiiBY, 33 and 38 Hen. VI., and 1,2, and C Ed. IV. John Bourchier, sum. as Lobd Bkhners, 33 and 38 Hen. VI. ; 1. 2, fi, 9, and 12 Ed. IV., and 11 and 12 Hen. VII. William Nevill, sum. as Lord Fauconbebg, 33 and 38 Hen. VI. and Ed. IV. Roger F'iennes, sum. as Lord Dacre, 38 Hen. VI., and 1, 2, (i, 9, 1 2 & 22 Ed. IV. Hohpbbkt Bourchier, turn, as Lord Cromwell, 1, 2, 0, and 9 Ed. IV. Anthony Wiiaille, sum. as Lord Scales, 2 and 4 Kd. IV. Walter Devereux, sum. as Lord Ferrers DE Ciiai.ti.ey, 2, C, 9, 12 and 22 Ed, IV., and 1 Rich. III. William Lovel, sum. as Lord Murley,9 Ed. IV. (1409-70), and 49 lieu. VI. (1170-1.