Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/419

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BOUKKE. 397 BOUKKE OF BRITTAS. Barony, [t] 1. Theobald Bourke, 4th s. of Theobald B. (s. and h, I 1G 18 a P- " f William, 1st Baron Bourke of Connoll [I.], who d. v.p. 1573), by Mary, da. of Donough (O'Brien), 2nd Earl ok Thomond [I.], becoming, by the death of his br. Thomas, the eldest surv. s. of his said Father, appears to have assumed the rank and estates of the family, (according to the Irish custom of Tanistry) to the detriment of Edmund, his nephew (then a minor), the s. and h. of the said Thomas, Lord Bourke of Council, his next older br. The said Edmund, however, having eventually succeeded in establishing his rights (See " Bourke of Connell," mite/) he, the said Theobald, was cr., on 17 Feb. 1617/8, LOUD BOUKKE, BARON OF BRITTAS, co. Limerick [I.] He m. Margaret, widow of Richard Burkk of Derrymacloglme, co. Galway, da. of Richard (De Burgh), 2nd E.utL OK Ci.anrigarue [I.J, by his 4th wife, Honora, da. of Turlough O'Buikn McBrien Ana. He d. 1664. II. 1654. 2. Joiin (Bourke), Lord Bourke, Baron of Brittas [I.], s. and h. lie hi. Margaret, widow of Walter BIRMINGHAM of Dunfert, co. Kildare (who d. 13 June 1638), da. of Thomas (Fitzmaurice), Lord Kerry [I.], by his 2nd wife Gillies, da. of Richard (Power), LonD Power OF Curraghmore [I.J lie d. s.p.m. 1008. His widow m. (for her third husband), Charles More, Col. of a Reg. of foot, who was killed, at the battle of Aughrim, 12 July 1091. She d. before him at Athlone, and was bur. in the Franciscan Monastery there. III. 1668 rj. Theobald (Bourke), Loud Bourke, Baron op to Brittas [I.J, nephew and h. male, beings, and h. of Lieut.-Col. 1 091. William B., who was executed at Cork, by Cromwell's orders, in 1053. He was Lieut.-Col. in the army of James II. He m. Honora, da. of Murrough (O'Brien), 1st Earl of Inchiquin [I.], by Elizabeth, da. of Sir William St. Leuer. He was attainted (together with John Bourke his s. and h. ap.) in 1091, when his Peerage became forfeited.^) BOURKE OF MAYO. See under " Mayo," Viseountcy [I] or. 1027 ; ex. 1767. BOURKE OF CLANMORIES. Viseountcy [I.] 1. John Bourke of JDonsaruIell, co. Galway, 4th s. of I 16°1 Ulick, 3rd Earl of Clanricarde [I.], by Margaret, da. of Richard (Fitz-Alan), Earl ok Arundel, was, by pat. dat.20 April ( 1 029) 5 Car, cr. VISCOUNT BOURKE OF CLANMORIES, co. Mayo [I.J with rem. to the heirs male of his body, whom failing " to the heirs males of the body of Ullick Bourke, late Earle of Clanrickard, father of the said John, lawfully begotten." 0>) He lit. Catharine, da. of Anthony Braiiazon, of Ballynasloe in Oonuaught, by Ursula, da. of Sir Thomas Maldy of Roscommon. He d. s.p. (°) 16 Nov. 1635. II. 1G35. 2. Ulkjk (Bourse), Karl of Clanricarde, Viscount Bourke of Clanmories and Baron Dunkellin [I.] ; also Earl of St. Albans, &c, nephew and h. being s. and h. of Richard, 4 th Earl of Clanricarde [I.] the eldest br. of the late Viscount who d. but 4 days before his said br. See " Clanri- carde," Earldom of [I.], cr. 1543, in which title this Viseountcy continues merged. f*3 As to his descendants see ante, page 396, note w c." ( b ) The preamble is given in "Lodge" vol. 1. p. 131. The limitation in the patent has been compared with the orig. by Sir Bernard Burke, Ulster King of Arms. (") In " Lodge " (as above) it is stated that he " was sue. by his s. Thomas, the 2nd Viscount, who, after the rebellion broke out, commanded a troop of Horse under the Marquess of Clanricarde." This alleged succession, however, appears to bean error. 2E