Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/68

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Earls [S.] VI. Barons [S] XII. 1761.

12. David Ogilvy, styling himself Earl of Airle, &c. [S.], but more usually (before 1783) styled (by the courtesy title of) Lord Ogivly, s. and h. b.Feb. 1725. On 3 Oct. 1745 he joined Prince) Charles Edward L. S. Stuart "the young Chevalier," at Edinburgh with a Regiment of 300 men, mostly of his own family. For this he was attainted by Act 19 Geo. II, cap. 26. He escaped after the battle of Culloden to Norway, whence he went to France where he commanded a regiment of Foot, called "Ogilvy's Regiment," and rose to the rank of Lieut.-Gen. in the French service. He procured a free pardon under the Great Seal, 30 March 1778, and, returning home. obtained a confirmation thereof by Parl. in 1783, Act 23 Geo. III. cap. 94. He m. firstly Margaret, da, of Sir James Johnstone of Westerhall, 3rd Bart. [S.] by Barbara, da. of Alexander (Murray) 4th Lord Elibank [S]. She was b. 30 Oct. 1724, and was so active in the rising of 1745, that in June 1746 she was imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle, whence (in Nov.) she escaped to France, where she d. 1757, aged 33. He m. secondly, in 1770, Anne, 3rd da. of James STEWART of Blairhall co. Perth. She d. sp. at Airlie Lodge, co. Forfar, 27 Dec. 1798. He d. at Cortachy afsd., 3 March 1803 in his 79th year.

Earls [S] VII. Barons [S.] XIII. 1803.

13. David Ogilvy, styling himself Earl of Airlie, de. [S.], only s. and h., b. 4 Dec. 1751 at Auchterhouse, co. Forfar. He d. unm. 6 April 1812.

Earls [S] VIII, or V Barons [S.] XIV, or XI. 1812.

14. Walter Ogilvy, generally considered as not having been affected by the attainders of his collateral relatives in 1715 and 1745, and consequently as Earl of Airlie, &c. [S.], uncle and h. male. Admitted an Advocate at Edinburgh 19 Feb. 1757. Was of Clova, He laid claim to the title but d. before any decision was given. He m. firstly Margaret, da, of William Fullarton, of Spynie, claiming to be Lord Spynie [S.]. She d. s.p. at Baluaboth 3 June 1780. He m. secondly, at Forfar, 12 Nov. 1780, Jean da, of John OGILVY of Balfour and Murkle, co. Forfar, M.D. She d. 11 June, 1818. He d. April 1819.

Earls [S] IX, or VI Barons [S] XV, or XII. 1819

Earls [S.] VI, or IV. Barons [S.] XII, or X. 1826

15. David Ovily, generally considered (as not having been affected by the attainders of his collateral relatives in 1715 and 1745, and consequently) as Earl of Airlie, &c. [S.], 2nd but 1st surv. s. and ., . 16 Dec. 1785. He was sometime Capt. in the 42nd Highlanders. Being greatgrandson and h. male of David, 3rd Earl, and having proved his right of succession to the title, but for the attainder, he obtained the reversal thereof by Act of Parl. 26 May 1826 and thus became de facto EARL OF AIRLIE, &c. [S.] He was Lord-Lieut. of Forfarshire. Rep. Peer [S] 1833-49. He m. firstly, 7 Oct. 1812, Clementina, only da. and h. of Gavin Drummond of 1826. Keltie, co. Perth, by Clementina, sister and co-heir of Alexander Graham, of Duntrune. She d. 1 Sep. 1835. He m'. secondly, 15 Nov. 1838, Margaret. only da. and h. of William Bruce of Cowden. She d. 17 June 1845. He d. 20 Aug. 1849.