Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/96

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74 ALMOND — ALTAMONT. ALMOND. See " LIVINGSTON OF ALMOND," Baron [S.] ; cr. 1633. Titular Earl [S.] I 1698. ALMOND. (") 1. "Signer Virgiuo Davia, Senator of Bologna," was cr. bv JamesII (when in exile at St. Germaius) KARL OF ALMOND, VISCOUNT OF MONEYDIE and BARON DAVIA "in our ancient Kingdom of Scotland." Drafts of the wan-ant and letters patent (in Latin and English), dat. !) and 12 April 1698, are .still in existence. The preamble states that the honour was conferred ou account of his own services to the Queen but chiefly on account of the "extraordinary merits" of bin wife "Donm Victoria Davia-MostkcucuM, and her having attended on the person of our said dearest Consort even from her infancy with great zeal and fidelity, and particu- larly her having waited on our said dearest Consort in her hazardous passage out of England into France at the beginning of the late Revolution, and shared in all the many and great dangers and ditliculties of her evasion, and that, as the misfortunes of our Royall Family increased, she has redoubled her endeavours to be still more and more usefull in performing all the duties of a faithful! servant, ftc.^J The maiden name of this Lady appears to have been "Anna Vittoria Montkcucoli;" she was " the companion of the childhood and the friend of the maturer years " of Mary Beatrice ( c ) of Modena (the Queen of James II), being one of her "Ladies •of the Bedchamber, and remaining with her till (to the great grief of her Royal Mistress) she d. at St. Germains, April 1703. ALNWICK. See " PERCY OF ALNWICK, eo. NortlmmlH.rlaml." Baron, cr. 1643, ex. 165i U " BAEON OF ALNWICK, eo. Northumberland." See " LOVAINK," Lord, cr. 1784. Earls [I.]. I. 1771. ALTAMONT.(") 1. JOBS Bbowne of Westport, eo. Mayo, a ami b. of Peter B. of the same, by Mary, da. of Denis D.u.Y, one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas [I.], was M.P. for Castlebar, 1749-60, and, on 10 Sep. 1760, was cr. BA HON MO NT K AG I, K of Westport, co. Mavo [I.] taking his seat 22 Oct. 1761. On 24 Aug. 1763 he was cr. VISCOUNT WESTPORT of Westport, co. Mayo [I.J, taking his seat as such 17 Oct. 1769. On 4 Dec. 1771 he was cr. EARL OF ALTAMONT, co. Mayo [I.], taking his seat on the (») For a list of "Jacobite Peerages," 1689-1760, see p. 59, note " V ( b ) The editor is indebted to the Rev. W. D. Macray, M.A., F.S.A., &&, for kindly furnishing him with an epitome of the above, which is in full at ff. 469-474 of Vol. ISO of the Nairne Papers in Carte's collection in the Bodleian Library. ( c ) She accompanied the unfortunate Queen on her escape to France, with her infant son, from Whitehall, soon after midnight, Sunday, 9 Dec. 10S8, conducted by the chivalrous Count de Lauzun and his friend, Mons. St. Victor of Avignon. Of this party, also, were Lord and Lady Pom's, Lady Strickland of Sizergh (sub-governess of the Prince of Wales), Lord and Lady O'Brien of Clare [I.], the Marquis Monteoucuu [Query, her father or brother ?], the Queen's Confessor Pirc Givelni, the Queen'a Physician Sir William Waldegrave, one of her bedchamber women Signora Pelegrina Turinie (whose husband was on guard when the Queen passed), and two Pages.— See " Lives of the Queens of England," by Agnes Strickland, ( d ) Classical Knowledge appears to have been at a low ebb in Ireland about this time. Four years before, in 1767, an Earl of Bellamont [I.] had been cr., connected with the extinct Earls of Bellomont [L]. The quotation " Parturiunt Montes" gives but a feeble excuse for attributing the JaAiniite gender to-" mons."