CANONTEIGN — CANTERBURY. CANONTEIGN. Sec "Escmouth ok Canonteign, co. Devon, (Pellew) Barony, er. 1814. CAXTELUPE. Barony by /. William de Caxtelupe, s. and h. of Nicholas C. of Writ. Ilkeston, co. Derby and of Grcsloy, Notts, Ijy Eustachia, sister and I 1°!)9 eventually lb of Hugh Fitz Ralph of the same, having distinguished himself in the French and Scutch wars, was nun. to Pari, as a Baton (LOHD CANTELTIPE) by writs from 29 Dee. (1299) 28 Ed. 1 to 0 Aug. (1308) 2 Ed. II(»). He d. 13D9. II. loU9. J. William du Caxtelupe. s. and li., agosl 1G years in 1300 J made proof of his ago in 1313, but was never sum. to l'arl. He il. s.p, III. 13201 Nicholas (de Caxtelupe), Lord Caxtelupe, br. ami b. served in the Flemish anil Scotch wars. He was knighted 1325; was Guv. of Berwick, 1335 ; He was sum. to Pari, as a Baron by writs from 23 April (1837) 11 Ed. Ill to 13 March (1354) 28 ICd. Ill »). He m. iirstly Typhania. He hi. secondly Joan, widow of William de Kyme. He d. (1355-50} 29 Ed. III. His widow was living 13f>8. IV. 1355. 4- Nicholas de Caxtelupe, grandson and h., beings. and h. of William who was s. and h. ap of the last Baron and d. v.p. lie was aged 13 in 1355 but was never sum. to Pari, as a Baron. He d. s.p. (1370-71) 15 Ed. 111. V. 1370, ■">. Sir William de Caxtelupe, br. and h. aged 25 in to 1370. He, also, was never sum. to Pari, as a Baron. He d. s.p. 1375. (1375-ft) 49 Ed. Ill when the issue of the first Baron appears to have foiled ami the Barony, by consequence, to have become extinct. U "VISCOUNT CANTELUPE," (Wes/),cr. 1761 with the Eauldom of De La Wauk, which CANTEKBURY. Viscountcy. l. Sir Charles Manxers-Sutton, G.C.B., late Speaker of the House of Commons, was, on 10 March 1835, cr. BARON I. lodU. BOTTESFOEP of Bottesford, co. Leicester and VISCOUNT CANTERBURY of the city of Canterbury. He was 1st s. and h. of Charles Maimers-Sutton. Archbishop of Canterbury (1S05-2S) by Mary, da. of Thomas Thohoton of Screveton, Notts; was b. 29 Jany. 17S0 at Screveton afsd. ; ed. at Eton and atTriu. Coll., Cambridge ; B.A., 1S02 ; M.A., 1S05 ; L.L.D., 1824 ; Barrister (Line Inn), 1805; and subsequently Bencher; Judge- Advocate Gen., 1809. He was also M.P. for Scarborough, 1S06-32, for the Univ. of Cambridge, 1832-35. P.C., 1809. Speaker op the House of Commons, in S succes- sive Paris., June 1817 to Dec. 1834, but in Feb. 1835 was rejected by a majority of 10 (816 to 306) in favour of Abercromby, ( he nominee of the Whig party. On 4 Sep. 1S33 he had been made G.C.B.t') Three months after his resignation of the (") There is proof of his sitting in the Rolls of Pari. ( b )This distinction was at the express desire of the King and had not been conferred uu auy of his predecessors in the ollice of Speaker, excepting Sir Spencer Compton.