Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/165

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1G4 CAT? RICK. at Awn i« Palestine in 1270. The Counties vi., tho next year, 1271, at her castle r,f Turnl.crry. Robert l)K Bui UK., who thus hocaiiio>iY nuu-iti Vmw. OF Caurick [S.J For this marriage, which was without the Royal consent, she had to [my a heavy fine. Her husband was s. ami h. aji. of Robert Bruce tif Auunndalc (one of the Competitors for the Crown of Scotland), by his 1st wife. Isabel da. of Gilbert [08 Clare), Karl of I (loucester. In 1278 he diil homage, as proxy for Alexander 111. [S.J, for the Kingdom of Scotland, to Edward I., to which King, on 13 June 1281, he (wore fealty. His wife, the Countess, having previously died, he, on 27 Oct. 1282, resigned the Earldom of Carriek, to his 1st sou, tho' he appears still to have been ttjfled Earl thereof. Early in 1295 he -inc. his Father (who </. aged 85) and was made Gov, of Carlisle Castle, On 21 Jane (1295), 2:! lid. I. he was sum. to Pari. [E.J as a Ilaron (LOUD MltTCE), by writ directed Hah' to tie Brjt$. Tie was also sum. to attend the King at Salisbury, 20 ,rany. (1398/7), 2". K.l. t, (*j B> accompanied Kdward I. into Scotland, nod was present. 28 April 1296* at the battle of tlmtbar. To that King be again swore fealty 38 Aug. 1298, at Berwick. He <l. I ::0 I ami was bur. at Hnhncnltram. IV. U'02. J,. ROBEHT (MS IIrive), Earl (>K Cakkick [S.], l»y the to resignation of his Father on 27 Oct. 1202, as above mentioned, 1st 130(1. S. and. fa. He was b. 11 July 1271. By tho death of his Father he became (as his s. and h.'. U>ttD Brick [E.J On 27 March 1806 lie was crowned KING OF SCOTLAND (as Robert I), when his Scottish dignities lapttd to that Crown: tin- English Barony of Bruce, after the death s. p. of his only s. ami h., King David II [S.], 22 Feb, 1371, falling into abeyance between his daughters anil coheirs, the sisters of the late King. V. 13 It? 1. Sin Edward T) E Bruce, second s. of Margaret, -wo jure Countess ok Carrick [SJ by her second husband Robert de Bruce abovenamed, was, by his eldest br. King Robert 1 [S.], r;, about 1314. EARL OK CARRICK, [S.J with rem. to the heirs male of his body. He appears to have been also Lord OK (t.illow.iv. The Irish ami Scotch in Ulster having been oppressed by the English, he landed at Carrickfcrgus, 28 May 1315, and, on 2 May 1310, was crowned KING OF IRELAND. He had a dispensation for marriage (which probably never took place) 1 June 1317, with Isabella, da. of William, Earl ok Ross [S.] He d. s. p. legit being slain at the battle of Dundalk, 5 Oct 1318, when the Earldom reverted to the crown [S.J VI. () 132S. 1. David de Uruce, ok Scotland, s. and h. ap. of to Kino Rork.rt L [S.], b. 5 March 1323/4, was by his said Father 1329 (who himself had enjoyed that title, 1202-1300), cr. EARL OF CARRTCK [8.], in 1328. On « June 1329, he became KINC OK SCOTLAND, as David II, wheu the Earldom merged in that Crown. VII. 1330. % 1. Alexander de Bruce, illicit, son of Edward, Eam to ok Carrick [S.] abovenamed, by Isabel, sister of David ( DB StbaboMH) 1333 Karl «k Atiiolk [S.J. was, about 1880 or soon after. EARL OK CARRICK [S.J He submit ted to Balliol in 1332, but was slain fight- ing against the English at Halidon hill. He m. Eleanor, only sister of William, 1st Earl ok Dooolas [S.J, da. of Archibald Poi'GUs, Regent of (") See ante, vol. i, p. iii, note " b " as to this writ not having the validity of a regular writ of summons to Pari. () The succession, as given in "Wood's Douglas," at this date is (1) Robert de Bruce, said to be Earl of Carrick, 1318 to 1332 (2) Alexander de Bruce, as (more «  less) in the text, and (3), Thomas de Bruce, said to be Earl of Carrick, 1333 to lMjj or soon afterwards. These three are stated to be bastardH of Edward, Earl of Carrick (1311-1318) abovenamed— but, of them, Robert never edited, while Thottia* [WO, probably, a son of the said Earl, and, certainly, ancestor of the Unices of Clackmannan. &c) was never Earl ok Cakrick. Ex inform. G. Burnett, Lyon. See also " Eich. Jiolls" [S.J I. p. exxxi., and p.p. ISO, 100, 258 and 200.