Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/218

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CHELMSFORD — CriERLETON . Pirn. 1852. By the Derby ministry of 1858-59 he was raised from a Barrister to the Head of the Law being made Loud Chancellor 26 Feb. 1858 and cr. Baron Chdtns- fordi*) as above stated. He resigned (in Hi months' time) IS June 1859, was reappointed (i July lSUti, but again resigned 29 Feb. 186S in favour of Lord Cairns, the nominee of the Disraeli ministry. P.O. 185S. Hon. D.C.L., Oxford, F.E.S., &C. He m. 9 March 1822, Anna Maria, yst. da. and coheir of William of Southampton, by a sister of the gallant Major Pkihsox, who was slain, 1781, in the heroic defence of the isle of Jersey. She, who was 4. 24 Dec. 1799, d. 9 April 187o at No. 7, Eaton sq. Midx., ami was bur, in Bromptou cemetery. He d. 5 Oct. 1878, after a painful operation, in bill S5th year, at the same house and was but, as afsd.( b ) II. 1S78. ,?. Frederic Augustus (Tiiesigei{), I!aron Chelmsford, 8. and h. b. 21 May 1S37 ; entered the army, 1844 ; Capt. Gren. Guards, 1S50 ; medal and clasp for service before Sebastopol, 1855 ; Lieut.-Col. 95th Foot, 1858 ; Brevet Col. 1863; served against the mutineers in Central India ; Dep. Adjutant Gon. at Bombay, 1S61 ; Adjutant Gen. to the Abyssinian expedition 1867- 68, where he distinguished himself and was favourably mentioned; C.B., 1S6S; Aide-de-camp to the Queen and Adjutant Gen. to the Bengal army, 1859-74 ; Brig. Gen. in command of 1st Infantry brigade at Alderslmt; Commander of the forces in the Kaffir war, 1878, and in the Zulu war, 1879 ; Lieut. Gov. of the Cape of Good Hope, 1878-78 ; G.C.B., 1S79 ; Lieut. Gen. in the army, 1S82 ; Lieut, of the Tower of London, 188*. He m. 1 Jan. 1S67, at Kurrachco, Sciude, Adria Fanny, 1st da. of (— ) HEATH, Major Gen. in the Bombay army. CHELSEA. ie. "Chelsea, co. Midx." Viscounty (Cadoyan), cr. 1800, with the Earldom of Cadouan, which see. CHENEY see under « Ciieyne " and " Cheyxev." CHEPSTOW. in. " Herbert of Raglaxd, CnErsTow and Gower " Barony (Somerset) ; a dignity said to have been a: by patent 26 Nov. 1506.( c ) See "Worcester," Earldom of, cr. lol l. CIIERLETON, CIIARLETON, or CHERLETON DE POVYS.( d ) Barony by 1, Joira Ciiekleton, s. and h. of Robert C. of Cherlc- V*t, t 0Di j n Wrockwardine, co. Salop, m. in 1309 (the lady being aged 19, I 1313 J u 'y 1310) by the gift of King Edward II, Hawyse (Gadarn, i.e. the Hardy), sister and h. (1309) of Griffin ap Owen, alias De la Pole,(") only da. of Owen ap. Griffith, Prince of Upper Powys, by Johanna, da. of Sir Robert Coruet of Moreton Corbet, co. Salop. In her right he became possessed of (») He chose this designation, as it was at Chelmsford, in 1832, that the triid took place in which he acquired the greatest iclat. It was as to the title of his client (the Lord of the Manor), as to the right to some unenclosed strips of land on the highway, which, after three trials, he succeeded in establishing. There were, indeed, few cele- brated trials, during his long career, in which he did not hold a brief, and his eloquence and good sense rendered him a most successful advocate. P») His 3rd son, Hon. Alfred Henry Thesiger, followed his Father's profession, becoming a Barrister (Inner Temple) ; Queen's Counsel, 1873 ; one of the Lords Justices of Api-eal and a P.C., 1877. He d. 20 Oct. 1880 aged 42. ( c ) " No enrolment of this patent, nor any Privy Seal nor signed Bill (among the Chancery series) has been found bearing on the creation." See Creations, 14S3-1646, in ap. 17th rep. D.K.P. records. ( a ) For a brief account of the feudal Barons of Powys, see infra, under " Powys." (°) So designated from his residence at Pole, now called Welsh Pool, co. Mont- gomery.