Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/239

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238 CHEYLESMORE — CHEYNE . CHEYLESMORE. Barony l. Henry William Eaton, s. of Henry Eaton, was I., I 1887. 13 Mnrcl1 1816 > eJ - at Eufielil, Midx., and at the Calient Rollin, Paris, was for many years head of the firm " Heury William Eatou and Sous," 33, Old Broad Street, London, Silk Brokers ; was M.P. for Coventry, 1865-80 and 1SS1-87 ; and was, on 9 July 1887, cr. BARON CHEYLES- MORE^) of Cheylesmore, in the city of Coventry, eo. Warwick. He m. 22 Oct. 1839 Charlotte Gorham, da. of Thomas Leader Harman, of New Orleans. She il. 27 Fob. 1877. Family estates. These in 1883, were under 2,000 acres. CHEYNE, CHEYNEY or CHENEY. Barony by l. Sin John Cheyne, Cheyney, or Cheney, of Shudand Writ. m t ne °£ Sheppey, co. Kent, s. and h. of John C. of the same, by Eleanor, da. and coheir of Sir John Shottisbrooke, distinguished T 1 187 himself at the battle of Bosworth (M85) under Henry of Richmond . ' (afterwards Henry VII), and again (1487) at Stoke. P.O. Elected 110 ' 0 KG. some date before 22 April, 1486. On 1 Sep., 1487, he was liJJ - sum. to Pari, as a Baron, LORD CHEYNE( b ), to 14 Oct, 1495. He d, s.p. 30 May, 1499, when lu's honours became extinct. Bur. at Salisbury Cathedral. CHEYNE, CHEYXEY, or CHENEY DE TODDINGTON. Barony by 1. Sir Henry Cheney, Cheyne, or Cheyney, of Tort- Writ, dington, Beds., 2nd s. of Sir Thomas Cheney ,( c ) of Shurland in the I 1572 ' s ' e °^ Sheppey, K.G., Lord Warden of the Cinque ports, being 1st s. ' by his 2nd wife Anne, da. and coheir of Sir John BboOQHTON, of 1 J§„ Toddingtou afsd., was Knighted " by the Queen's own hand," 1563. lOtW . p rom 8 Mil y 1572 to 15 Oct. 1586( d ) he was sum. to Pari, as a Baron, LORD CHENEY DE TODDINGTON, by writ directed " Uenrko Cheney" and sometimes " Henrico Cheyney dc Toddinyton." He was one of the Peers on the trial of Mary, Queen of Scots. He m. Joan, da. of Thomas (WkNTWORTH), 1st Loud Wentworth, by Margaret, da. of Sir Adrian Fortescue. He d. s.p., anil was bur. 3 Sep. 15S7, at Toddingtou, when his honours became extinct. His widow, to whom he had devised his estates, tl. 16 April 1614, and was bur. in the Cheney Chapel at Toddington.(«) ( a ) He was one of the eight Barons cr. iu July 18S7 on the occasion of the " Jubilee " of the 50 years then completed of the Queen's reign. These in their order of creation were : — (1) Bowes {Earl of Straihmore [S.]) ; (2) Monckton ( Viscount Galway [I.]) ; (3) Saint Levan (St. Aubyn) ; (4) Maghera.morne (McOarcl-Hogy) ; (5) Armstrong ( Armstrong) ; (5) Basing (Sclatcr- Booth) ; (7) De Ramsey (Fellowes): and (8) Cheyles- more (Eaton). — Baron Londesborough was also, at the same time, cr. Viscount Rain- cltffe and Earl of Londesborough. ( b ) The writ of 1487 is directed, no doubt, by mistake, " Joh'i Clcyne," but the next writ has it " Cheyne." ( c ) This Sir Thomas was nephew and h. of John, Lord Cheney, (1487-99), being s. and h. of William C, Constable of Queenborough Castle, next or. to the said John. John Cheney, 1st s. (by his 1st wife), of this Sir Thomas Cheney, d. s.p., being slain at Mutterd. (d) In Dugdale's "summons " it is stated that on 15 Feb. (1587), 29 Eliz., and 4 Feb. (1589) 31 Eliz. " Thomas Cheney de Todington, Chl'r.," was sum. to Pari, but it is probably either a misprint or an en-or of the transcriber, or of the Roll itself for the above-mentioned Henry. See "Nicolas." (°) She left the estate of Toddingtou to her great nephew, Thomas, 4th Lord Wentworth, who, in 1625, was Or. Earl of Cleveland. His grand-daughter and heir, Henrietta, suo jure Baroness Wentworth, the mistress of the ill-fated Duke of Monmouth, resided habitually at Toddiugton, where iu 1686 Bhe was buried.