Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/289

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288 CLEVELAND — CLIFDEN. Durham, 1841-59, and for Hastings, 1S59-64. Shortly after liis succession to the Dukedom, he, by royal lie., IS Nov. 1864, took the name of PnwhH in lieu of that of Vane, under the will of his maternal grandmother, the Duchess of Bolton. K.6., 10 April 1S«5 ; Hon. D.C.L., Oxford, 21 June 1876 ; Hon. D.C.L., Durham, 27 June 1S82. He »i. 2 Aug. 1854, at Chevening, Kent, Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina. widow of Archibald PBIMHOSE, styled Lord Dal.meny, da. of Philip Henry (Stanhope), 4th Eahl Stanhope, by Catherine Lucy, da. of Robert (Smith), 1st Baron Carmnqtonof Upton. She was 6. 1 June 1S19. Family estates. — These, in 1SS3, consisted of 55,537 acres in co. Durham ; 25,601 in Salop ; 6,025 in Sussex ; 4,7S4 in Somerset ; 3,482 in co. Northampton ; 2,397 in Wilts ; 2,449 in Kent ; 2,520 in Cornwall ; an unknown quantity (worth £3,970 a year) in co. Stafford ; 1,088 in Devon, and 11 in co. Gloucester. Total 104,194 acres, worth £97,398 a year. Principal Residences, Haby Castle, co. Durham, and liattle Abbey, Sussex. The Duke of Cleveland is one of the 28 noblemen who possess above 100,000 acres in the United Kingdom. See a list thereof, ante, p. 51, note " a." CLEWORTH. John (Drujimond), Earl of Melfort [S.], was, by patent, dat at Dublin, 7 Aug. 1689, cr. by King James II (after his deposition from the English throne) BARON CI.EWORTH [it, Clewer, near Windsor], Berks.(«) See "Mrlfort,' Earldom of [S.], cr. 1686. CLIFDEN OF GOWRAN. Barony [I.] 1. James Aoar() of Gowran Castle, co. Kilkenny, s. J_ 1770 ^nd h. of Henry A. of the same, by Anne, sister of Welbore, Bakon Mendip, da. of Welbore, Bishop of Meath, was b. 25 March Viscountcv TI 1 ' suc ' llis Father 18 Nov. 1746 ; was M.P. for Gowran, 1753-

  • '* 60 ; for co. Kilkennv, 1761-76 ; Commissioner of the Revenue,

1. 1781. 1770 ; and was, 27 July 1776, cr. LORD CLIFDEN, BARON OF GOWRAN, co. Kilkenny [I.], being introduced to the House of Peers, 14 Oct 1777, and was, 12 Jany. 1781, or. VISCOUNT CLIFDEN OF GOWRAN, co. Kilkenny [I.], taking his seat 9 Oct. 1781 ; P.O. [I.]; Joint Postmaster Gen., 1784-89. He m, 20 March 1760, Lucia, widow of the Hon. Henry Boyle-Walsinuiiam, 1st da. of John Maktin, of Dublin, Col. in the Army. He d. 1 Jany. 1789. His widow d., at Lady Mendip's House, Twickenham, Mills , 20, and was bur. 29 July 1 802, at Twickenham, aged 70. M.I. Vi^countcy and g, Henry Welbore (Agar, afterwards Ellis), Barorjy [I.] Viscount Clifden, of Gowiian, &c. [I.], s. and h., b. 22 Jany. II 17S9 1761. Clerk of the Privy Council [I.] ; M.P. for co. Kilkenny, 1783-89 ; for Heytesbury, 1793-1802. By the death, 2 Feb. 1802, of his great uncle, Welbore (Ellis), BARON MENDIP, of Mendip, co. Somerset abovenamed, he inherited that peerage [G.B.] under the spec. rem. in ite creation (13 Aug. 1794), and by royal lie., 4 Feb. 1804. took the surname of Ellis only. He m. 10 March 1792, at Isleworth, Midx., by spec, lie, Caroline, 1st da. of George (Spenceh), Duke of Marlborough, by Caroline, da. of John (Rdssell), 4th Dckk ov Bedford. She, who was b. 27 Oct. and Imp. 23 Nov. 1763, at St. Martin's- in-the-fields, d. 23 Nov. 1813. Admon. Dec. 1813. He d. 13 and was bur. 31 July 1836, aged 75, at Twickenham, Midx. Will pr. Sep. 1836. ( a ) See "Bidden," p. 963. ( b ) See, ante, p. 118, note "a," as to the 4 Peerages, conferred, within 40 years, on different members of the house of Agar.