CLIFTON. 301 [Sin Jottn de Clifton, only s. and h., wag one year old at his Father's dentil. Neither be nor any of this descendants were ever sum. to Pari, as Barons, nor ever claimed that dignity. He m. Joane, widow of Sir Robert Eching- HAM, da. and coheir of Edmund Thobpe, of Ashweh Thorpe. He d. B.pi8.(*) about 1 117, and was bur. at Wymoudham, Norfolk. His only sister, Elizabeth, wife of Sir John Knyvktt, was his heir, being ancestress of Sir Bhilip Knyvett, Bart., who alienated the Castle of Buckenham, about 1050, and whose issue became extinct on the death of his sou about 1699.] CLIFTON DE LAYTON BEOMSWOLD (Lcightou Bromswold). Barony by ]. Sir Gervase Cui-'TON, of Leighton Bromswold, co. writ. Huntingdon, was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD CLIFTON DE t 16 q 8 . LAYTON BROMSWOLD) by writ, ft July 1008, directed " Gcrvusio Clifton dc Layluu Bromswold, Ch'l'r." He was s. of Sir John Clifton, of Barrington, Somerset, who in. firstly, Jane, da. of Sh Laurence Taylardf., of co. Huntingdon, and, secondly, Ann da. of Thomas (Stanley), Loud MonteaOLE. He m. (lie. from Bp. of Loudon, 25 Juue 1591) Katharine, da. and b. of Sir Henry Darcy, of St. Giles-in-the-fields, Midx., by (probably) his 1st wifc( h ) Katherme, da. and h. of Sir Robert Tyrwhitt, of Leighton Bromswold afsd. He d. Oct. 1018.( c ) II. 1G18. :.. Katharine, de jurej^) wq jure, Baroness Clifton OF Leighton Bromswold, da. and h. She in. in or before 1609,(°) Lord Esme Stuart (3rd s. of Esme, Di:ke of Lennox [S.]), who, on the death of his Father, 26 May 1583, had become hud of Aubigny, in France. On 7 June 1619, he was a: BARON STUART OP LEIGHTON BROMSWOLD, co. Huntingdon, and EARL OF MARCH. On 10 Feb. 1623/4, he site, his elder br. as DUKE OF LENNOX, &c. [S.] He il. 30 July 162 1. His widow hi. in, or before, 1632, James (Hamilton), 2nd Eahl OF AUEKCORN [S.J, and had royal lie, (28 Nov. 1632) to retain her title, and rauk, as Duchess of Lennox, notwithstanding such marriage. He survive:! her till about 1070. .She d. in Scotland, and was Inu: "without ceremonie," 17 Sep. 1037, aged about 45. III. 1G37. S. James (Stuart), Duke of Lennox, &c. [S.],1 « f also Karl or March, c, and, dc jure,^ 1 ) Lord Clifton ok LhoHTOS Bromswold, s. and h., by 1st husband, 4. 6 April 1612. On 30 July, 1624, he inherited his father's honours, and on the death of his mother became heir 10 the Barony of Clifton. On 8 Aug. 1641, he was cr. DUKE B*B« so OK RICHMOND, with a spec. rem. He. </. 30 March 1655. > % IV. 1655. 4. Esme (Stuart), Duke of Richmond, &c, and de iior,('i) Lord Clifton of Leighton Bromswcld. only s. and ii. He was b. 2 Nov. 1619, and d. unm. 10 Aug. 1660. 5 "5 {') Margaret, his only da., m. Sir Andrew Ogard, and d. v.p. and s.p., being bur. at Wymoudham. Her husband d. 1459, and was also bur. there. () She is, however, generally said to be the da. of his second wife Katharine (widow of Michael Pulteney, who d. 22 May 1077), da. of Sir John Ferrnor. This (besides the fact of her inheriting Leighton Bromswold) is unlikely as " Katharine, da. of Sir Henry Darcy " is mentioned iu the will of [her grandmother] Dame Elizabeth Tyrwhitt, dak 8 April* 1577. (°) I: Of him," writes Dugdale, somewhat scornfully, " I have not seen anything further memorable [i.e. nothing beyond the mere writ of summons] than his commit- ment to the Tower, 30 Dec. 1017, by reason that he expressed that he was sorry he hud not stubbed Sir Francis Bacon, then Lord Keeper, for decreeing a ease in Chancery against him ; and that, in Oet. 1618, he murt/icrcd himself." Pym writes, iu his MS. Journal [Hist. MSS. Com. 10th Report, ap. vi, p. 84), apparently under " 1614," that " the Lord Clyftou, having maryed his da. to the Viscount D'Aubigny, since Earl of March, who was at lawe with him for his landes and being put into [the] Fleete, did, or would have, cut his own throate." () According to the decision of 7 Feb. 1674, (°) Their eldest child Elizabeth was b. 17 June 1610. Ex inform. Lady Elizabeth Cust, by whom most of the information contained in this article has kindly been supplied.