Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/326

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COBHAM. Ihrany of Cobham, cr. 1714, became extinct. Will dat, 8 June 1748, pr. 13 Oct. 171!). His widow d. 20 March 17(10. Will flat, 28 Oct. 1759, pr. 9 April 1760.( a ) Hester, titojun, Viscountess Cobham and "I j» b II. and IV. 17-1!). IIauiiness COBHAM, 2nd surv. sister and coheir, being heir to the above-named dignities under the spec. rem. in the creation thereof. Within 0 months of her .succession thereto, she was, on 18 Oct. 1749, cr. COUNTESS TEMPLE, with rem. of that dignity to the heirs male of her body. She hail m., in 1710, Richard GEKK- vii.i.k, of Wootton, Bucks, who d. 17 Feb. 1720/7, aged 48. She d. 0 Oct. 1752. TIT, uud V. 8. Bicuabd (Gkexville, afterwards (xuenville Tkmplk), Haul Tkjii'I.k, Viscount Cobham and Baiion 175°. COBHAM, s. and h., 4. 26 Sep. 1711, (/. s.p. 11 Sep. 177". 5 I r. j_ (") Pedigree shewing the relation former Lords Cohhani (i.e., to those 81 to each other. George (Brooke), Lord Cobham, d. 155S. i of the patentees of 1045 and 1714 to the ed to that dignity, under the writ of 1313) and William, Lord George Brooke, Sir Henry Brooke, Other Cobham, d. 2nd son. alias Cobham, 7th issue. 1597. =r sou, d. 1591. Y T 1 Henry, Lord Cobham, nffai'nffi/1003, d. s.p. 1619. T George Brooke, attainted and be- headed 1003. Robert Cecil, cr. Karl j of Sal- isbury, I 1005. J, Eliza- beth d. 1590. 1 John Sir Thoina , ,= Mai- iHicr Brooke, Sondes, of Throwley, Kent, d. 1592. garet. issue. created Baron Cobham 1045 ; d. s.p. 1600. Sir William Brooke, KB., restored in blood, but not to the title of Lord Cobham. d. 1643. 1 Sir John Levi son,= I -Frances. aged 5 in 15 93, only da. and d. v.p. h. Sir Willianv Boothby, Bart., d. 1706, aged 68. =Hill, daaud 3 other Sir Thomas=j=Frances, Sir Peter=j= Christian, coheir, m. coheirs 1657, d. whose 1704, aged issue is 68. extinct. Gower, 2nd Bart., living 1643. In their numerous issue vests the re- presentation of the Barony of Cobham! coheir. Temple,2u:l Bart., d. 1635. Dukes of Sutherland, coheir, d. 1605. Sir Richard Temple, 3rd Bart., KB., d. 1097, bar. at Stowe, Bucks. I , Sir Richard Temple, 4th Bsrt,cr. in 1714 Baron Cobham. Mid (with a spec, rem.) in 1718,Baron Cob- ham ami Viscount Cobham. He s-p. 1749. Riehard=pHoster, mo Sir Thonias-pChristian, Grenville (/. 1724 jure, Vis- countess Cobham, itc.i-r.1749, Countess Temple.i/. 1 752. Lyttelton, Bart., (/. 1751. si/ - Sec text. whose issue is in rem. to the Viscountcy of Cobham, &c, cr. 1718. She d. 1748, aged 60. Other issue not in rem. to • the Cobban, peerage. Barons Lytteltoii, cr. 1757 ; ex. 1779. Barons Lyttelton, cr. 1794, Representatives.