Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/50

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EUCCLETJCH. 49 April 1751 in his 57th year, and was bur. 26 at Eton Coll. Chapel, Bucks. Will as of Hall Place, Berks, dat. 28 March 1751. Hi.s widow was bur. 13 Dec. 1765 at Wandsworth, Surrey, in her (SSd year. [Francis Scott, styled Earl of Dalkeitii, s. and h. ap. by 1st wife, fc. 19 Feb. 1720/1 and bap. 18 March at St. Martins in the fields; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 27 Oct. 17:39 ; cr. M.A. 26 Jan. 1711. Was M.P. for BoTOUghbiidge, 1 74 tj-r>0. He m. 2 Oct. 1712, at her Father's house in Bruton street, Midx., Caroline, 1st of the 4 daughters and coheirs of John (Campbell), 2d Duke of Argyll [S.] and 1st Duke ok Greenwich. He d. of the small-pox in his 30th year at Adderbury, Oxon, 1 April 1750, aud was bur. at Dalkeith. His widow, who was 6. 17 Nov. 1717, at Sudbrooke, go. Surrey, m. IS Sep. 1755, at Adderbury, Oxon, the Rt. Hon. Charles ToffNSHBW) (mar. lie. at Fae. OH'.), aud was cr. 2S Aug. 1767, Baroness GREENWICH. She </, at Sudbrooke, 11 Jatty. 1794, aged 74 and was bur. at Westm. Abbey, when that title became extinct. See " Greenwich Barony, cr. 1767.] [John Scott, usually »pnhm of as Lord Wiiitoiiester, or Lord SCOTT OF WHITGHBSTER, being a. and h. ap. of Francis Scott (by courtesy) sti/tcd Eahl of Dalkeith, by Caroline his wife abovenamcd, was b. 3 June and hup. 1 July 1746 at St Geo. Han. so. He d. of the small pox v.p., an infant 20 Jan. 1718/9, and was 4i<> at Dalkeith.] Earldom [S.] VI. Barony [S.] VIII. M7.-.1. Dukedom [S.]l .j. Henry (Scott), Duke of Buccleuch, &c jjt |S.] also Eahl of Doncasteh, &c. [E.] grandson and h., being 2d but 1st surv. s. ivnd h. of Francis Scott, styled Eahl of Dalkeith, and Caroline his wife abovenauied. II,' was b. 2 and bnp. 29 Sep. 1746 at St. Geo. Han. sq. Ed. at Eton ; sue. his Father 1 April 1750 ; K.T. 23 Dee. 1767 to May 1791. liaised a regiment of Fencibles, 177S, and was Col. in the army during sern'ce ; hoed Lieut, of Midlothian, and of co. Roxburgh, 1S04. Was a steady supporter of Pitt's ministry. El. K.G. 2S May 1794 (inst. 29 May 1801 ), on which occasion he resigned the Order of the Thistle.(") On 11 Jany. 1794, by the death of his mother, sun jure Baroness Greenwich, he sue. to the lauded property acquired by her Father, the DVJKS <>F [S.] ; and on 23 Dee. 1810, by the death of his cousin William (Douglas), 4th Di ke of Qulf.nsrkhry [S.] he sue. to the con- siderable estates in eo. Dumfries of that family as also (by virtue of a resignation of the second Duke, and of a new patent 17 June 1706), to the titles of DUKE OF QUEENSBERRY, MARQUESS OF DfJMFRIESHIEE, EARL OF DRUM- LANRIG AND SANQUHAR, VISCOUNT OF KITH, TO RTH O RWALD AND ROSS, and LORD DOUGLAS OF KINMONT, M1DDLEB1E AND DORNOCK [S.l being peerages cr. in 1681/2 and 1684. See " QUEENSBERRV " Manpiessate of [S.] cr. 1681/2, and Dukedom of [S.] cr. 1684. He was a great Patron of Litera- ture ; was f the first] President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, founded in 1 7S3 ; Gov. of the Royal Rank of Scotland, &o. Hem, (while a minor) 2 May 1767, by spec, lie. at Montagu House, Elizabeth, only da. and h. of George (Montagu, formerly Rru- denell), 1st Duke of Montagu and 4th Earl of Cardigan, by Mary, da. and eventually sole h. of John (Montagu), 2d and last Duke of Montagu. He d. 11 Jany. 1812 at Dalkeith, and was bur. there. His widow, who was b. 29 May and kip. 25 June 1743 at St. Geo. Han. sq., d. 21 Nov. 1827, at Richmond, Surrey, aud was bur. at Warkton, co. Northampton [George Scott, styled Earl ok Dalkeith, b. 25 March 1768. He d. an infant, v.p. 29 May following, and was bur. in South Audley street Chapel, Mayfair, Midx. ( & ) See vol. i, p. 11, note " b " for an account of the 12 Knights of the Thistle that have been afterwards elected to the Garter, of whom the greater part resigned the " Thistle " on such election, tho' some retained both orders.