Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/61

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60 BUCKINGHAM. BUCKINGHAM (town of), and BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOg. Marquessate j. George (NraExr-TE.vrLE-OKE.vvjixK), E.wii. Temple, &c, was, 011 4th Dec. , cr. " 5IABQUESS OF BUCKINGHAM, i 17Si in the county ot Buckingham." Ho was b. 17 Juno 17>?3, in [tendon, being 2d but 1st surv. s. of the Rt Hon George Ghknvili-k, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Prime Minister (176S-68) by Elizabeth, sister to Charles, E.uti. or Euuemont, da, of Sir William Wyndiia.m, Bart, When under 10 years old, 2 May 1763, he was given the lucrative post ot Teller uf the Kxcheuuer. He inatrie. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 20 April 1770. He sue. his Father 13 Nov. 1770 ; was M.P. for Bucks 177 1-79 ; sue. his uncle, 11 Sent. 177!' as Kahl Temple, Viscount Couham and Bauon Cobham : took the names of Xupent-Ttuijic, before that of his patmnymk GrenviUe, by Royal lie. 2 Dec. 1779 ; Lord Lieut, of Bucks, 17S2 ; Loud Lieut, of IiielaND (l*t time) July 1782 to June 1 7S : ' and. as sueli, was the jirsl who was Grand Master of the order of St. Patrick founded •> Feb. 17S3, which is said to have owed its origin to his suggestion ; F.C. 1 7S2 ; See. of .State Dec. 1 7.S3 ; being in the follow- ing year or. Marquess of Buckingham, as above stated. E. K.G. 2 June 17S6 -, inst. 29 May 1S02. On 13 Oct. 17SS, how. his wife's Father as Ea«1 Nugent [I] under the spec. lim. of that creation, 21 July 1776. Lohd Lieut, ok Ireland (for the 2d time) Nov. 1/S7 to Oct. 1789. High Steward ot Westm. 1794. He was also Col. of the Bucks Militia 17SO-1S03 ; Col in the Army (during service) 1794 ; Col ofthoHink- ford hundred. Volunteers, 1804. D.C.L. Oxford (together with his son) 3 July 1810. He jh. 16 April 1775, at St . Margaret's, Westm., Mary Elisabeth, only da. and h. of Robert (Nugent), Earl N went [I j "by his 3d wife, Elizabeth, Dow. Countess of Berkeley, da. of Henry Drax of Ellerton Abbey, co. York. On 29 Dec. 1809 she was cr. Bmionkss Nuuent or Caklanstown co. Yestmeath[l]at the same time that her second son was cr. -a Barou [I] by the same title( a ) She d. 16 .Marcli 1S12 at Buckingliam House, Poll Mall, Westm. Bad was bur. at Wotton Underwood, Bucks. He d. 11 Feb. 1813, and was bur. at Wotton afsd. II. 1813. 1. KlCHARD (TEMPr.E-NuOENT-r.KYlKiES-CriAXDO.S-GnE.S"- vxlt-e), 3f.tiKii of BucKEtoB&X, &c, also £Uxl Nugknt [1.] Dukedom, b 20 March 1776 ; matric. at Oxford (Bras. Coll.) 7 Dec. 1791 ; (under the style of Earl Temple) and afterwards at (Mag. Coll.) Cambridge; I. 1822. M.P. for Bucks 1797-1813 ; took by royal lie, 15 Nov. 1799, the additional surnames of Jirydgcs-Chandw, having TO. the heiress of those families ; was a Commissioner for India, 1S00-1S01 : P.O., 1806 ; Vice-President of the Board of Trade, and Joint Paymaster-Gen., 1S06-1S07 ; he Was also Col. of the Bucks Militia, 1803, and Lord Lieut, of Uucks, 1813 ; D.C.L. Oxford (together with his Father) 3 July 1810: LL.D, Cambridge 5 July 1S19 ; Ml. K.G. 7 and inst. 12 June 1S20. On 4 Feb. 1822 he wag cr. EARL TEMPLE OF STOWE, co. Buckingham (with a spec. rem. thereof failing heirs male of his body) MARQUESS OF CHAN DOS and DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM AND CHAND0S.( b ) From July to Nov. 1830, of the said Reginald, devolve, according to the proviso, in the patent, (not ou the heir of his body but) on Mortimer, Lord Saekville (if alive) or other his yr. br. 4. Whether iu the event of the son of the said Reginald being sum. to Pari. v.p. in his Father's Barony of Buckhurst (which son, if he died v.p., leaving issue, would himself be succeeded by his s. and h.) such devolution of the Peerage Would not establish it as hereditary in that line. 5. Whether it could be maintained that, tho' the Barony of 1864 was, under the proviso, lost to the issue of the said Reginald, yet that they were entitled to a Barony in fee, by the writ of 1870 under which their ancestor sat as Baron Buckhurst. 6. Whether, in such case, the Barony of 1864 would confer the right to another writ of summons toanotner line or lines (different from that of the said Reginald) or be merely a tifidar dignity. (•) This dignity became extinct on his death s p. 27 Nov. 1850. ( b ) He was the only Duke cr. by George IV. who is said to have conferred that dignity on him us a mark of his personal friendship.