10 DACRE. DACRE OF GILLESLAND. [" If the award in the 13 Ed. TV (1473), be held to have created the Barony of Dacre of Gilleslaud, a point on which there is much difficulty iu giving an opinion, ( a ) and the dignity was descendible iu the manner specified therein (i.e. to the heirs male of the body of Humphrey Dacre), it became vested in 1569, in Leonard Dacre the then claimant and [subsequently] in the heir male of the body of the said Humphrey." [" Courthope."] The succession would then be as under. Barony. G. Leonard Dacre, styling himself Lord Dacre of VII 1569 Gillesland, uncle and h., mnle. His claim thereto was dis- allowed by the Commissioners,( b ) acting for the Karl Marshal. He joined iu the conspiracy of the Northern Earls iu 1580, in favour of the Queen of Scots, aud was consequently attainted.!?) He rf. s.p. in great poverty at Louvaine. VIII. 1590? 7. Francis Dacre, styling himself Lord Dacre of Gillesland, yst. br. and h., w;is attainted with his br. as aforesaid. He is said to have m. Dorothy, da. of John Radcliffe of Derwentwater. It is certain that he (as " Frances, Lord Dacres of the Northe.") m. 17 June 1607, at St. Saviours Southwark, " Mrs. Avis Downham." He was living 1608. IX. 16 . . 8. Randolf Dacre, styling himself Lord Dacre of to Gillksland, s. and h., bap. 8 March 1607/8, at St. Dunstan's in 1634. the West, as "son of Frauncis, Lord Dakers." He d. unm. in London and was bur. at Greystock, 1634,( l1 ) when the issue male of Humphrey, the 1st Lord and consequently the pea-age, if one ill tail male, became extinct DACRE OF GILLESLAND. i.e. " Dacre of Gillesland, co. Cumberland," Barony, {Howard) ct: 1661, with the Earldom of Carlisle, which see. ( a ) "Dignities, unless orignating by writ or by Act of Pari., are created by Letters Patent under the Qrcat Seal, and as the aieard is stated to have been under the King's Privy Seal only, it may with great propriety be argued that it was not a Patent of Creation, and hence that, notwithstanding the express declaration of the intentions of the Crown therein, it cannot be considered to operate, in the absence of a regular patent of oreation, against the dignity being deemed to have originated in the earliest writ of summons to Humphrey Dacre extant, that of 15 Nov. 22 Ed. IV, 1482." [" Courthope."] ( b ) It is to be observed that the Council for the heir male, stated the Barony to have had its beginning by writ (15 Hen. Ill, sed ijuere), and contended that the " Barony so beginning," " ought to descend to him as heir male to his ancestor and not to any heir female." This seems a poor plea and incapable of proof ; one, too, that goes in the face of the award of 1473. ( c ) He was defeated by Lord Hunsdon with greatly inferior numbers, Feb. 1580, near his own castle of Naworth. " Dacres of the crooked back, so bold in conspira- cies was faint-hearted iu the field," and " when Hunsdon charged, he fled like a tall gentleman and never looked behind him till he was in Liddisdalc." See Fronde's " Elizabeth," the word) in italics being those of Hunsdon himself. ( d ) The entry of his burial in the parish register, is as under, "Randal Dacre, Esq., s. and h. to Francis Dacre, Esq., deed, being the yst. s. of the last Lord William Dacre, deed., being the last heir male of that line ; which said Randal, d. iu London, and was brought down at the charges of the IU. Hon. Thomas, Earl of Arundel aud Surrey, Earl Marshal of England."