124 DILLON. IX. 171 L 0. Richard (Dillon), Viscouxt Dili.ox of Costello- Gallen [I.], only a. and h., It. 1C8S. He refused in Jany. 171 :">, to take tlie oath of allegiance and consequently withdrew from the Souse of Lords [I.] He m., En 1720. Bridget, 2d da. of John (BotltKE), 4th EaBL Of ClanuicaRDK |1.], biy Mary, da. of James Talbot. He d. s.p.ui. Feb. 17=37. Sho it. It! July 177!», aged 88. X. 1737. 10. Ciiart.es (Dillon), Viscount Dillon of Co.stello- Gallen, [I,] cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of Lieut -Gen. the Hon. Arthur (Dillon,) ( :l ) by Christiana, da. of Ralph Siim.r.oN, which Arthur was yv. 8. of Theobald, the 7th Viscount. He was Col. of a French Regt., and in command against the Germans in 1734, He m. Ii3 Jany. 1734/5, Frances, only da. and h. of his predecessor Richard (Dillon,) 9th Yiscofnt Dillon [I.] by Bridget his wife above- named She d. in London, 17 Jany. 1738/9. Admon 21 Sep. 1759. He d. there, s.p.s 24, and was bar. 27 Oct. 174l"at St. Paueras, Midx. Admon. 5 Sep. 1714. XI. 1741. 11. Henry (Dillon,) Viscount Dillon of Costei.i.o- Gallen, [I. br. and h.] He served as Major in his brother's regiment, of which afterwards (1711-44) he became Colonel. He m. 20 Oct. 1744, Charlotte, 1st da. and eventually h. of George- Henry (Lei), 2d F.aiil of Lichfield, by Frances, da. of Sir John Hales, Hart. He was bur. 25 Sep. 1787 at St. Pancras, Midx. Will pr. Sep. 1787. His widow, who on the death of her uncle Robert, 4th and last Karl of Lichfield, 4 Nov. 1770, became the heiress of the estates of the family of Lee, at Ditchley, Oxon., fcc, d. 11 June 1794. Will pr. June 1794. XII. 1787. Charles (Dillon Lee), Viscount Dillon of Costello-G aLI.en, [I.J 1st s. and h., b. ti Nov. 1745 in London ; con- sumed to the Established Church, 4 Dec. 1767 ; M.P, for Westbury, 1770-74; P.O. [L] 1772 ; High Sheriff of co. Mayo, 17S7. He appeal's to have assumed the name of Lcc after that of JJi'bm, soon after the estates of the Lee family, devolved, in 177*!, on his mother — his claim as the " Rt. Hon. Charles Dillon-Lee " to this Viscouutey, being agreed to in 1788, and he being sum. accordingly, 2 May 17S8 ; Gov. of co. Mayo, 17SS. K.P. 19 Nov. 1798 ; F.R.S.. &c. He vi. firstly, 19 Aug. 17Sli, at Brussels, Henrietta-Maria, da. of Constantine-John (Pnirrs), 1st Baron Mclgrave [L] by Lepell, da. of John (Hehvey), Baron Hf.UVKY of Ickworth. She d. 1 Aug. 17S2. Ke ni. secondly, Mary, a French Lady. He d. 9 Nov. 1813. Will pr. Jany. 1810. His widow d. 28 Aug. 1833. Will pr. Nov. 1833. XIII. 1813. IS. Henry-Augustus (Dillon-Lee), Viscount Dillon of C'ostello-Gallun [I.], only s. and h , by 1st wife, 4. 28 Oct. 1777 at Brussels; M.P. for Harwich 1799-1802, and for co. Mayo 1S02-13. He TO. Feb. 1S07, Henrietta, sister of Dominick, 1st Baron Ouan.mohe and Bhowne [L], da. of Dominick-Geollrey Browne, by Margaret, da. of the Hon. George Bhowne, 4th e. of the 1st Haul of Ai.tamont [I.] He d. 24 July 1832. Will pr. April 1833. His widow d. at the Hotel Windsor, Paris, 18 March 1802, aged 73. XIV. 1832. 14. Charles-Henry (Dillon-Lee), Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallen [I.], 2d but 1st surv. s. and h., b. 20 April 1810 in Ely Place, Dublin. High Sheriff of Oxon, 1857. He m. 1 Feb. 1833, Lydia-N.pliiii, da. of Philip-Lavcoek Stouy. He d. s.p.m. 18 Nov. 1865, at Ditchley, Oxon. His widow d. i Nov. 1876, at 38 Grosveuor Place, Midx. XV. 18G5. 15. Tiieoijald - Dominick - Geoffrey (Dillon - Lee), Viscount Dillon ok Costem.o-Gallen [I.], next br. and h. male, b. 5 April 1811 ; sometime Lieut. OOtli Hides. He m. 28 Sep. 1868, Sarah-Augusta, da. of Alexander Hanna. He d. s.p. 30 Nov. 1879, at Ditchley afsd. (») cr. an Earl, probably Earl Dillon in 1721 and K.T. in 1722, bv the Malar King James III. See Jacobite creations, vol. i, p. 59, note " b," sub. " Albemarle."