310 FALCONER — FALKLAND. VI. 1751. 6. Alexander (Falconer), Lord Falconer op Hal- keetoun [S.], s. and h., b. about 1707 ; served in the wars under his relative, the celebrated Held Marshal Keith, not returning to Scotland till 1751, lie »i. 25 June 1757, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Frances, da. of Herbert Mackwmitii of the Guoll, co. Glamorgan, by Jane, da. of Edward (Noel), Eakl of Gains- BOnoufill. He d. s.p. at Edinburgh, 5 Nov. 17C2, aged 55. His widow m. 22 July 1765, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Anthony Joseph (BnowNE), 7th Viscount Montagu who d. 9 April 17S7. She m. 21 May 1S00, at St. Geo. Han. sq. (the third time she had been married at that church) Henry Slaughter, M.D., and (/. 7 Jany. 1S23, at Kensington, Midx. Vtt. 17G2. 7. William (Falconer), Lord Falconer of Halkkr- tch n [8.J br. and b. He was settled at Qroningen in Holland ami m. a lady of that nation. He d. there 12 Deo. 1770. His widow d. there alto 22 Oct. 1779. VJLUt. 177G. S. Antiiony Adrian (Falconer), Lord Falconer of Hai.kertoi n [S.T, s. and h. He became EAKL OF KINTOUK and LORD KEITH 01" INVEKUK1E AND KEITH HALL [S.] on the death, 23 Mty 177S, of his cousin George Keith, sometime (1712-15) E.utL M.uusciiai. [S.] and dejure, had it not been for his attainder, Earl oj £ intuit; Sic. [S.l See "Ki.ntuiik" Earldom [S.], cr. 1C77. FALKLAND. Viscountcy [S.] j. Sir Henry Caryk,(») of AMewfcain and Berk- L I(i20. hampstcad, Herts, s. and h. of Sir Edward C. of the same (Master of the Jewel House), by Catharine, Dow. Baiioness Paget, da. of Sir Henry Knyvitt, of Buckenham, co. Norfolk, is said to have been b. at Aldenham about 157S ; "as admitted to Gray's Inn, London, 2 Aug. 1580 ; K.B. at the creation of the Prince of Wales, 3 Nov. 1G16 ; Comptroller of the Household, 1C17 ; sue. his father, 18 July 1618; M.P. for Herts, 1611-22. and was, by pat. dat. at Ncumaiket 11 Nov. 1(520, cr. VISCOUNT OF FALKLAND and LOHD CARVE [S.] to him and his heirs male being the name of Caiye, which was confirmed by a pat. of naturalization, 18 Sep. 1627, as if he and they had been natives cf Scotland. He was Loud Dkitty or IRELAND, 1622-29. He m. in 1600, at her age of 1:1, Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir Laurence Tankielp, Lord Ch. Baron of the Exchequer [1607-25] by Elizabeth, da. of Giles Symondes, of Clay, co. Norfolk. Ho d. from breaking his leg at Theobalds Park and was bur. 25 Sep. 1633, at Aldenham. ( b ) Admon. 4 Nov. 1633. His widow, who was b. at Burford Priory, Oxon, in 1585, became a lioman Catholic at her age of 19, but did not openly profess her conversion till twenty years later at Dublin, when in 1625 she separated fiom bar husband. She d. Oct. 1639 aged 54.( c )' II. 1G33. 2. Lucius (Carye), Viscount of Falkland, &c. [8.], 8. and h., A. at Burford Triory afsd. 1610, being aged 12 in 1622 ; cd. at Trim Coll., Dublin, and subsequently at St. John's, Cambridge. At the ago of 19 he in 1629 inherited the estates of Great Tew and Burford, Oxon, and the fortune of his maternal grandfather but soon afterwards greatly displeased his father by his marriage. M.P. for Newport in the Isle of Wight, 1640, and tho' at first a supporter of the Parliamentary party became afterwards P.C. and Secretary of Stato to the King in 1642. His virtuous and intrepid character is well known in the history of the times. He was with the King at Edgehill and at the siege of (a) Several articles on the family of Cary or Carey are in the Her. and Genealogist," vols, ii, iii, iv, vi, vii, and viii. Those on the Viscounts Falkland (in vol. iii) and the Barons Hunsdon, Earls of Dover, and Kai ls of Monmouth (in vol. iv), arc compiled (as, indeed, are most of the others) by the Rev. C. J. Kobinson, M.A. (I>) He is one of Walpole's "Noble Authors," having written "Tho history of Edward IL," &c. (<=) She was a great Linguist and wrote in verse the lives of several Saints, besides writing numerous hymnB.