FERRERS. abeyance among her surv. daughters and coheirsf 1 ). The Earl, her husband d. s.p.m., 3 Oct. 1754, aged 67. See fuller particulars of him under " Northampton," Earldom, CP. 1018, sub the 5th Earl. XV, 1749. 15. Charlotte, sua jure Baroness de Ferrers,") ~ 3d<la. (by thedeath of her sister) became 8 May 1749, sole^) heir to her mother, and consequently entitled to that Barony. By the death of her father, 3 Oct. 1754, she became suo jure Baroness Common. She m. Dec. 1751 (as hia first wife) the Hon. George TowNOHEND, who, on 12 March 1764, sue. liia father as 4th Viscount Townshend of Raynham and who on 31 Oct. 1787, was er. Marquess Townshend ok Raynham and who d. 14 Sep. 1S07, aged 83. Viscountess Townsheud (the suo jure Baroness de Ferrers and Compton) d. 14 Sep. 1770, at Leixlip Castle, en. Kildare (her husband being, at that time, Loiid Lieut, ok Ireland) and was bur. 1 Oct. following at Raynham, co. Norfolk. — ° > P $ XVI. ] 770. 16. George (Townshend), Lord de Ferrers and Lord Compton, s. and h., b. 18 April 1755. He, having sue. his mother in these Baronies was sum. as Lord Ferrers, to the House of Lords by writ dat. 25 April 1774, directed " licoryc Tounshcnd de Ferrers," and took his seat accordingly on the S8tb, next below the Lord Audley and next above the Lord Dacre.( 1 ') He was, ten years later, er. 18 May 17S4, Earl oe Leices- ter,^) and, on 14 Sep. K-07, sue. his father as Marquess Townshend ok, Raynham. lie d. 27 July 1611, aged 56. A Elizabeth, suo jure Baroness de Ferrers, 1717-11, m. James (Compton) Earl of Noith ampton, and d. 1741. The Earl d. 1754. Charlotte, s»o jure Baroness de Ferrers, 1749-70, m. George (Townshend) Viscount Townshend, and afterwards (17S4) Marquess Townshend. She rf. 1770. George (Townshend) Lonl de Ferrers, 1770—1811 ; er. Earl of Leicester 17S4, sue. as Marquess Townshend, 1S07. He </. 1S11. 2l , n George (Townshend) Marquess Towns- Harriet Ann, m. 1813, Elizabeth Mar- hend, &c., 1S11-55. He d. num. 1S55, Edward Ferrers, of Bad- garet m. 1S15, when the Barony of Ferrers fell into desley Clinton, co. War- Joseph Moore, abeyance between his sisters or their wick, the heir male of the Boultbce. issue. ancient family of Ferrers. f (") The three coheirs were(l) Lady Jane Compton, who d. unm. 8 May 1749 ; (2) Lady Anne Compton vfho d. num. 1740 and (3) Lady Charlotte Compton the survivor who in 1749 inherited the Barony. ( b ) " The Lord Chancellor explained to the house his Lordship's descent from, as heir to, Sir Robert Shirley, Baron de Ferrers, who [sic, but should be, whose grandfather] married Dorothy, the youngest da. and one of the coheirs of Kobert Dcvcreux, Karl of Kssex." See Lords' Journals, tbk explanation was sati.-iaetury to their Lordships tho,' even had it been correct, it appears only to refer to the Earldom of Essex (which was not in question) as the Chancellor seems not to have alluded to the fact that the said Earl of Kssex was also Lord de Ferrers in fee, the only sort of tenure that applied to his heirs general. (•=) He was styled in that patent " Baron de Ferrers of Chartley, Baron Bourcliier, Lovaine, Basset, and Compton," as to which designations of Bourcliier, Lovaine, and Basset, see vol. i, p. 257, note " f " (circa Jincm), sub " Basset dc Drayton," as also (.ante), p. 333, note " d," and as to the style of " Ferrers dc Chartley," see p. 330, note "b." • • ....