Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/124

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126 GUILLAMORE — GWYDYR. (Dublin), 17S7 : Attorney Gen, [I.], 1803-05 ; Ch. Baron of the Exchequer [I.] 1S05-31 ; P.O. [I.J, 1808, being on bis retirement from office cr. 23 Jan. 1831, («) BARON O'GRADY OP ROCK BARTON" and VISCOUNT QUILLAMORE OF CAHIR QUILLAMORE. both in co. Limerick [I.j He hi. in 1790 Katharine, da. ..f John Thomas Waller, <>f Castletown, co. Limerick, by Elizabeth, da. of the Rev. Richard Mavnsell, Rector of Rathkeaie. lie d. 21 April 1S40, aged 74, at Rockbarton, co. Limerick. His widow d. 30 Sep isr.3, aged 78, at Monkstown House, near Dublin, II. 1810. :.. Standish Dakuy (O'Gium), Vibcousi Guir.LAMone, lie. [1], 1st a. and h., h. 2G Dec. 1792: sometime an officer in the Army, serving in 1S15 at Waterloo; I.ieut. Col. in the Army, 1827 ; SI. P. for co. Limerick, 1820 and 1830-35 ; sue. to the peerage [I.J, 1S40; Aide-de-camp to the Queen, 1842. He in., 1G Oct. 1S28, Gertrude Jane, 1st da. of the Hon. Berkeley PAGET, by Sophia Askell, da. of the Hon. William Blcknall-Ghi.msto.v. He </. 22 July 1848, at Rockbarton afscL, aged 55. His widow, who was 4. 19 Dec. 1805, d. 22 Oct. 1S71, at Hampton Court palace. III. 1848. 3. Standish (O'Grady), Viscount Guillamore, &c. [1.], 1st s. and h., i. 8 July 1882, in Queen street, Mayfair, Midx. ; entered the Royal Navy, 1846 : sue to the peerage [I.] in 1848. He >»., 23 July 1S53, Adelaide, da. of Arthur Blennehhassett, of Ballyseedy, eo. Kerry, by Frances- Deane Ghadv, his wife. He d. s.p.m., 10 April 18ii0, "aged 27, in Dover street, Midx( b ) His widow <l. 1 Dec. 1807, aged 35, at Herbert Place, Dublin. IV. 1860. Jj. Paget Stan-dish (O'Grady), Viscoust GuiiXAMOBB, tec [1.1, br. and h. male; b. 29 Nov. 183'., in Queen street, Mayfair, Midx. ; sue. to the pea-aye [I.], 18(10. He to., G March ISG9, Kliza, yst. da. of W. H. Festou. lie d. e.p., 29 July 1877, aged 41, at Parsons Green, Fuiham, Midx. His widow d. 2G Nov. 1879. V. 1877. o. IIahdress Standish (O'Grady), Viscount Guili.a- KOBS of Cahir Gi ii.i.amoiik, ami BaROH O'GKADY OF RoiKiuiiton [I.J, next snrv. hr. and h. male, being 4th s. of the 2d Viscount, It. 20 (let. 1841 ; ed, at Addiscomb College ; Major Royal Artillery. He sue. to the peerage [I.] in 1S77. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 4,846 acres in co. Cork and co. Limerick worth £2,381 a year. Principal Residence Cahir-Guillamoro, near Kit- mallock, co. Limerick. GWYDYR. Barony. 1. Peter Burrelj,,( c ) of LanoJey, in Beclcenliani, co. ] | -j- c>Q Kent, 1st s. of Peter Bunel], Commissioner of Excise, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of John Lewis, of Hackney, co. Midx. : h. 16 June 1754, in Upper Grosvenor street, St. Geo. Han. sq. ; M.P. for Hasleinere, ( ft ) The number of extinctions used for the creation of this peerage under the act of the Irish Union were fovr instead of three, in consequence of the Earldom of Roscommon having wrongfully bien used as an extinction in 1826 on the creation of the Barony of Bloomfield. They were (1) the Earldom of Ulster (2) the Barony of Castle Coote (3) the Earldom of Banymore and (4) the Earldom of Carhampton. In consequence of this extended number the creation of this peerage which had long been promised was considerably delayed. ( b ) Cecilia, his da. and h., to. i8 May 1377, Edward (Roche), 2d Baron Fermoy [I.J, and brought the estate of Rockbarton to that family. ( c ) In Wraxall's " Memoirs" vol. hi, pp. 3.12 — 855, is an interesting account of the rapid rise of the house of Burrell owing to the alliances (within the short space of but five years) of the family of Mr. Peter B., of whose four daughters one m, in 1775 Lord