Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/134

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136 HALIFAX. Barony. /, aod 2, George (Mqxtaguk) Baron Halifax, II 1715 (Mail) w k° iul' el 'itecl that dignity under the spec. rem. in its Creation, " V • ' nephew and h„ being s. and h. of Edward Montagu of Horton Earldom. afsd., by Elizabeth, da. of Sir John Pelha.m, B.trt., which T -. T , Edward was elder or. of the late Peer. He was b. before 1685 ; I . LI 10 (Jll)ie) wa3 M p for Northampton, 1705-15 ; one of the Auditors of the Exchequer, 1714 ; sue. to the peerage (Barony), 19 May, 1715, being (within a month afterwards) a: 1 -Untie, 1715, VISCOUNT SUNBURY, co. Midx., and EARL OF HALIFAX. Ranger of Bushy Park, 1715; LL P., of Cam- bridge, 7 Oct. 1717 ; P.C., 1718 ; K.B. (on the reconstruction of that order), 27 May, 1725. He m. firstly about 1708, liicarda Posthuma, only da. and h. of Richard Saltonstall, of Chipping Wardon, co. Northampton, by Silence, da. of John Parker, of Catesby iii that co. She d. s.p.m.( !l ) and was bur, 5 April, 1711, at Wardon afsd., aged 22. He m. secondly, Mary, 1st da. of Richard (Lumlky), 1st E. i. OF Scarbrouch, by Frances, da. and h. of Sir Henry Jones. Shed. 10 Dec. 1720. He d. 9 May, 1739. Will pr. 1739. Earldom. ~) 2. and 3. George (Montague, afterwards V. Barony. m ■tr-vn Montague-Dunk), Eaul of Halifax [1715], Viscount lio J, Sunbury [1715] and Baron Halifax [1700], only s. and t° h., by 2d wife ; 6. 6 Oct. 1716 ; styled Viscount 1771. Sunbury till 1739: ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; sue. to the peerage, 1739 ; Ranger of Bushy J Park, 1739 ; Lord of Bedchamber to the Prince of Wales, 1742 ; Master of the Buck Hounds, 1741-16 ; Col. in the Army, 1745; Major Gen. 1755, and (finally) Lieut. Gen. 1759; Ch. Justice, in Eyre, South of Trent, 1746-48 ; Pres. of the Board of Trade, 1748-61; Lord Lieut, co. Northampton, 1749 ; P.C., 1749 ; becoming a Cabinet Minister in Oct. 1757. Viceroy of Ireland (as Lord Lieut.) March 1761 to April 1763; First Lord of the Admiralty, June to Oct. 1762; Sec. of State (north), 1762-65, and again 1771; el. and inv. KG., 23 April 1764, but never installed ; Lord Privy Seal, Feb. 1770, till his death. He »i.( b ) 2 July, 1741, " Miss Ann Dunk," da. of William Richards [afterwards Dunk ?] of Tongues, ill Hawkhurst, Kent, and heiress of the estate and fortune of Sir Thomas Dunk, of Tongues afsd. The Earl thereupon assumed the additional name of Dunk.( c ) She d. 1753. He d. s.p.m., 8 June, 1771, aged 51 and was bur, at Horton, when all his honours became extinct.'^) Will dat. 27 Aug., 1770 to 6 Jan. 1771, pr. 12 July 1771.(°) whowasM.A.andFellowof Trin. Coll. in 1682, being [6W<(a<it;an(a&.]sonof the Earl of Sandwich. He was an able financier and " to him (adds Macky) the King owes the great loans that were made to the Crown, the establishing the paper credit," &c. He was the originator of the great recoinage of the silver in 1695. Bishop Burnet's character of him when " not 40 " with Dean Swift's remarks thereon in italics is as under " A great encourager of learning and learned men, is the patron of the muses ; of very agreeable conversation ; a short fair man. His encouragements were only good words and yood dinners. I never heard him say one ijood thing, or seem to (aste what was said by another." (") Lucy her only da. and h., m. Francis (North), 3d Baron (afterwards 1st Earl of) Guilford. ( b ) See Hone's " Every Day book," sub 2 July, for a curious story as to this marriage. She was " Miss Dunck, a fortune of upwards of £100,000," according to the " London Slag." for 1741. By will dat 8 July and pr. 25 Aug., 1718, Sir Thomas Dunk (who was Sheriff of London, 1709-10), left his estate to William Richards, Cit. and Iron- monger [Qy. his illegit. son] with rem. to his issue in tail on condition of all who so succeeded taking the name of Dunk. (°) He appears to have used this name before his title of honour ; a facsimile of his signature as "Punk Halifax " is given in Doyle's " official Baronage." ('") His only legit, surv. da. m. John (Montagu) 5th Earl of Sandwich, but d. before her husband's accession to the Earldom. Lord Halifax left also an illegit. da. " Anna Maria Montague." (°) He is said by Walpole (Mem. Geo. III.) to have been " A pretty man." He was undoubtedly a somewhat debauched one. In 1770 "Ac genuine memoirs of Miss Faulkner, Mistress of Earl Halifax," &c., were published.