Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/229

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HEYTESBURY — HIGH CLERE. 231 HEYTESBURY. Sco " ITungerfoud he Heytesbury," Barony ( Hungerford). cr, 1536, for foiled 1541. Barony. %, Sir Whuam A'CouHT, 2d Bart., of Heytesbury, L 1828. Wilt*, s. and U. of Sir WiHiiUn Pierce Ashe A'Court, 1st Bart, (so cr. 4 July 1705;, by his second wife, Letitia, da. of Henry Wy.vdha.m, of Salisbury, was 6. 11 July 1770, at Salisbury; ed. at Eton ; Sec. of Legation at Naples, 1 SOI : Sec. to spec, mission to Vienna, 1807; Envoy to the Barbary States, 1813: to Naples, 1S14. He sue- to the Baronetcy, 22 July 1817 ; P.C., 1817 : G.C.B., 1810: Envoy to Spain, 1822; Ambassador to Portugal, 1821- 28; to Russia, 1S2S-32, being, 23 Jan. 1828, cr. BARON HEYTESBURY of Heytesbury, co. Wilts. In lSi>5 he was nominated Viceroy of India but uever took office, owing to the resignation of the Peel Ministry, by whom he had been appointed. He was Viceroy ok Ireland (as Lord Lieut.) July 1S44 to July 1846 ; Gov. of the Isle of Wight, &C, till 1S57. He m. 3 Oct. 1S08, at St. Geo., Han. sq.. Maria Rebecca, 2d da. of the Hon. William Henry Bouvekie (yr. 9. of William, 1st Earl or Radnor), by Bridget, da. of James (Douglas), Earl or Morton [S.] She, who was b. Oct. 1783, d. li Oct. 1841, at the Vice Regal Lodge, Phconix Park, Dublin. He d. at Heytesbury 31 May 1SG0, aged SO. II. 18G0. William Henry Ashe (A'Court-Holmes), Baron Heytesbury, s. and h., b. 11 Julv 1800, in London; ed. at Eton and at St. John's Coll., Cambridge ; M.A., 1S31 : was M.P. for the Isle of Wight, 1837- 17. Having m. 3 Oct. 1833, at Calbourne, Isle of Wight, Elizabeth, 1st da. and coheir of Sir Leonard Thomas TYOBStBT-HoLMES (formerly Worsley), Sth Bart., by Anne Redstone, da. of John 1>elgar>'0, he, by Knyal lie , 14 Oct. 1S33, took the name of Holmes after that of A' Court, He sue. to the ■peeraqe 6 Oct. 1S44. His wife d. 30 June 1S74, aged 59. Ho d. at Heytesbury 21 April 1891, aged 81. Will pr. at £47,188. III. 1891. S. William Frederick ( Holmes- A'Court), Barox Heytesbury, grandson and h.. being s. and h. of the Hon. William Leonard Holmes- A'Col:rt,(") by Isabella Sophia, 1st da. of the Rev. Richard A'Court Beadon, Vicar of Cheddar, Somerset, which William Leonard, was s. and h. ap. of the last named Baron but d. v. p. 16 Dec. 1S85, aged 50. He was b. 25 June 1862 : sue. to the peerage, 21 April 1801. He m. 10 Nov. 1887, Margaret Anna, 2d da. of John Nixon Hakmaj.', of Tadmarton, Oxon. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 7,025 acres in Wilts, and 4,805 acres in (Isle of Wight), Hants), besides 1,173 inco. Wicklow. Total 13,303 acres, worth £15,465 a year. Principal residences, Heytesbury House, Wilts, and Westover, near Newport, Isle of Wight. HICKS. ie,, "Hicks'of Ilmington, co. Warwick," Barony (Hicfo), cr. 1G28 with the Viscomrtcy of Campdeu, which see ; ex. 1798. HIDE, see HYDE. HIGH CLERE. i.e., "PoncHissTER of High Cleue, co. Soutliairiyton," Barony (Her- bert), cr. 1780 ; see " Carnarxon." Earldom cr. 1793. (•) By royal licence, 9 Aug., 1860, the issue of the 2nd Baron were authorised to bear the name of Holmes- A'Court (in lieu of A'Couit-Holmcs), thus making their patronymic the final and principal surname.