Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/235

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HOLAND— HOLDERNESSE. 237 Barony by t Sra Tiiomas ue Holaxd, 2d a. of Robert, 1st writ. LOBS Holand, by Maud, 2d da. and coheir of Alan (La 1 ZouCHK), LottD ZooCHB of Asuby, both abovenatned, was I. 1353. KQ, 23 a pril 134 1 (being one of the Founders of that order), and, havincr m. before 1350, Joan, da, of Edmund (Planta- Earl of Kent, 3d a. of King Edward I., was sura, to Pari, as a Baron (LORD HO LAND), from 15 July (1353), 27 Ed. III. to 15 Feb. 1356/7) 31 Ed. III., by writs directed " Thome de Ifaland." On the death, 27 Dec, 1352, of his wife's brother, John, Karl of Kent, Lord Wake and Loud Woodstock to whom she was heir), he. assumed the Earldom, and was sum. to Pari, ns EARL OF KENT, 20 Nov. 1360, but d. (a few weeks later), 28 Dec. 1360. 2. Thomas (dk Holand), Earl of Kext, and IT. 1360. LORD Holand, s. and h. j 6. 1850 j K.Gr. 1375; became, rm the death of his mother (Joan. Princess of Wales), 7 Aug. 1885, LSHB Wake and Lord Woodstock (/. 29 April, 1397. ■I. Thomas (ue Hoi.axd), Eabl ob Kext, Lord III. 1397. Wake, Loud Woodstock '■'"). and Lord Holand, s. and b. ; b. 1371 ; KG. 1397 ; ir, 29 Sep. 1397 Duke of Storey, but degradeil from dignity by act of Pari., 6 Oct. 1399. Beheaded 6 Jan. 1399/400. Edmund (de Holand), Earl of Kext [1360] tV 11001 L,,kd Wake [1295], Lord Woodstock (») [1320], and ti Lord Hoi.axd [1353], br. and h. His succession to the family honours and estates appears to have been 1 10S. allowed in spite of his brother above named, having been declared a traitor in Pari., whereby they, presumably, would have been forfaited, lie was i, 0 Jan. 1884 : K.Gv 1J03 : sat in Pari., as Earl of Kent, 1405. He d. s. p., 18 Sep. 140S, when the Earldom of Kent became txtinet, but the flaronic* of Wake, Woodttoett {') and Holand fell into ' abeyance (*'). HOLDENBY. /.c. " HouiEMiv," Barony (Stuarfj, aaid to have been in lGGli, with the Dukedom of Kendal, which see : ex.. 1667, /.<;.. "TJobas ot Hoi.dex by, co. NoiUiamptoii," Barony (d* Ditrag), (•/•. 1673. See •• Feversham." Earldom (sr. 1676 ; bothec. 1709. HOLDERNESSE. [The vast Seignory of Holderaesse was enjoyed for many generations, since the Conquest, by the Counts or Earls of Albemarle, and it is not improbable that it was in right of such possession that these Counts had their seats in Pari, among the English Barons, though with the style and title of English Earls. Stephen (do Blois), Earl of Albemarle (d. 1129"), who unquestionably held this seignory, is frequently spoken of as Damitmt i/c J/oldernem:] Sec "Button pe IIoldbrxesse" Barony [Sutton), er. 1332; in abeyance 1361. (") Edmund Plantagenet, afterwards (28 July, 1321) Earl of Kent, sat in Pari, as a Baron, under the writ, 5 Aug. (1320), 14 Ed. Undirected to him as "Edmund lie Wodestock," whereby (says Nicolas), "a Bnrony in fee was created." (>') The coheirs were his sisters or their descendants. See under " Wake " Barony.