Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/264

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266 HOWARD. Howard tie Wuhkn fell again into abeyance. (■>) "Will pr. June 1797. (°) His widow ct". 15 kvg., 186?, in In r 60th year. Will pr. Sept. 1807.

  • « # a «

['I lie abeyance of thin barony was however, terminated (within 3 years) hy the death, s.p,, on 17 Nov. 17!'!), of Mary, wife of William Porker, DJC-, the only sister Rnd heir of the late Lord. This Lady, by lioyal lie., 3 June 1797, had taken the name of (rrijiit. I'y her deal li the descendants of Liuly Essex Howard, elder of the two daughters, and coheirs oi the Barony in ] OS!', became extinct, and the right thereto devolved on the heir of the younger da. and coheir as tinder.] V. 1790. ~>. Fbeuerick Au«a:s*t)8 (.Hcuvky . Karl"! % d of Bristol, Bishop of Deny, Sc., and tie jutv{*) LORD 5 .-- HoWAMJ Dv: Waldf.v, h. gen. of Thomas, l.-t. Loan Howard de WaMen, ' Z | being 8, and evetitiinlly (17!'7) h. of John (HtBTBY), LgBD Hehvev, who was s. and h. an of John (Hkhvey) 1st Eabi, ov BwsTOL, by Klizabeth. ! 8 da. and h. of Sir Thomas I'FI.ton, Bart, and Elizabeth bis wife, 2d and f !*" i yst. da. and coheir (whose issue in 1768 became sole heir] of James fes , (Howard) 3d Kaul or Suffolk, and 3d Labi) Howabd j>k Wai.den aboveuamed.i' 1 ; lied. 8 July, 1803, aged 73, and was sue. in the Kavldom of 1 |U Bristol, &c. by his 2d s. and b- male, while the Barony of Howard tic'. Walden devolved ot his bcir 'jeiieral as under. J a VI. 180-'). 6, Chablks Augcstcs (Ellis), Loud HoWakd de>', great grandson and h., being s. and h. ap. of Charles l!ose ElXIS, afterwords [15 July, 1820; cr. H.Miox Seafoiid, by his first wife, Klizabeth Catherine Caroline (who d. 21 Jan., 1803) da. and b, of John Augustus Hehvk.Y, sti/hd LORD Hkkvky, who was s. and h. op. of Frederick .Augustus, Kaul of BBISTOL, and tie jurc<) Loan IloWAliD I F Wai.den above-named, () w hich Lord llervey d. s. p. m. aud v. p. 10 Jan. 1790, aged 39. He was l>. .1 June, 1799, in London ; ed. at, Eton. On his petition in Feb. 1600, his light to the Barony of Howard tie Walden was conlirmed in Feb. 1S07 L ). He was si metime, 1818, in the Glen, ( iuards ; Capt. 1822 ; aftei wauls in the Diplomatic & l vice ; Under See. of State for Foreign Affair*. 1824) Minister at Stockholm, 18:12; at Lisbon, 1833: and at Brusrels, 1816. till bis death; G.C.B. 22 July, 1838 ; Grand Crow of the Tower of Sword of Portugal, 1811. On 1 July, 1817,, he tut: his father as 2d 1'AUON SEA- 1*1)11 D. He Bt 8 Nov. 1828, at All Souls, Marylcbone, Lucy Joan, 4th da. of William Henry Cavendish (Cavimiisii-Bentick-Soht), 4th Duke of Portland by Henrietta. 1st da. and coheir of John SCOTT, of Balccmie, eo. Fife, General in the army, lie tl. 29 Aug., 1868, aged 08, at nil chateau of Leave, pear Namur. His widow, who was b. Aug., 1808, became one :oi the four coheirs of her br., William John, 5th Dike of Pobtland, on his death unni. G Dec., 1879. She took by Royal lie. 26 Nov. 1S89, the name of Scott befere that of Ellis, and was living 1891.* VII. 18CB. '/". FjtEDEiticK Geohue (Elijs), Lord Howard de Wai.den (1507) and Baiion Seaioiid [1820]. s. and h.. b. 9 Aug., lS30,in London ; ed. at F.tou and at Trim Coll.. Cambridge ; B.A., 18.11 ; M.A., 1S(— ): Attache at Brussels, 1851-1S55 ; Capt. 4th Dragoons, 18.17: Major. 1S07, but retired in 1870 ; sue. lo the Peerage 29 Aug. 1S08. He m. 27 April, 1870, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Blanche, da. of William Hoi.den, of Palace House, co. Lancaster, by Blanche, da. oi J. I'aulet, of Seaforth House, in that county. Family Estattt. These in 1883 appear to have been under 2,000 acres. (°) The coheirs were his sister, Mrs. Parker, as to one moiety, aud his cousin, the Earl of Bristol, as to the other. See tabular pedigree, p. 205, note " a." () His income, including his regiment, was about £7,000 a year. (Ann. Reg. 1797.) ( c ) According to the decision in favour of his great grandson and heir in 1807. ( d ) See tabular pedigree, p. 20.1, note " a. {') See vol. ii.. p. 293, note " el," mb. "Clifford," as to the cmergrr from abeyance of Baronies by writ, on cessation of ceheirship.