Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/76

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78 ORANDISON. [ James Fitzgerald, «Mw Villiers, styled lord villiers, s, andb. up He was M.P. for co. Waterford. He m. 11 July 1728, nt St. Edmund the King, London, Jane, da. and b. of Richard Butler, of London, Conveyancer. He d. in London v.p. and s.p.m.s., 12 Dec. 1732, and was bur. 24th in Hertford church, Herts, His widow m. (as his first wife) 16 April 1731, at St. Geo. Han. aq., Luciua Charles (Cahyk), 7th Viscount Falkland [S.J who d. 27 Feb. 1785. She d. in France, Dec. 1751 J [William FitzGerald, alias Yilmers, styled LORD VILLIERS, 2.1 but 1st surv. s. and h. ap. He was 6. 10 Jan. 1515 and was ed. at Trin. Hall, Cambridge. He also d. v.p. and uum.,(»)at Waterford, 1G Dec. 1739, and was but, at Youghal. M.I. Viscounty [I.] G. "William (Villiers), Earl of Jersey, &c. [E], VI 17G(i Viscount Granmson [I.], cousin and h. male, being «. and b. of William, 2d Earl of Jersey, s. and h. of Edward, 1st Earl, s. and h. of Sir Edward Villiers (Knight Marshal of the Household), who was 1th and yst. s. of another Sir Edward Villiers (by Barbara, on whose issue this Viscountcy was entailed, da. of Sir John St. John abovenamcd), and yr. br. of William Villiers, who in 1030, sue. as Viscount Grasdison [I.], as Aforesaid. From this dato of 1760 this Viscountcy has continued to be inherited by the Earls of Jersey. See 'Jersey," Earldom of er. 1697. under the third Earl. GRANDISON, and GKANDISON OF DROMANA. Viscountcy [I.] j_ Lady Elizabeth MA80H, wife of Aland John J 174G. Mason, of Waterford, ouly da. and only surv. child of John (FitzGerald alius Vili.ip.rs1, 5th Viscount and 1st Earl Earldom [1.] G randison [I.], by Fiances, his wife, both abovenamcd, m. her y i7ij» fa 'd husband, 12 June 1730, and was a: v.p.. 10 April 1716,


[I.], with rem. of that Viscountcy to the heirs male of her body. Her husband who was sometime (1749), M.P. for co. Waterford, d. 26 March 1759. She m. secondly, 15 Feb. 1763, at St. Geo. Han. so,.. Major Gen. Charles Montague Halifax, Col. of the 2d Regiment. She sue. her father in his estate of Dromana, &c, in May 1766, and was on 1!) Feb. 1767, c>: VISCOUNTESS VILLIERS and COUNTESS GRANDISON [I.], with a similar rem. as that of the former peerage. She d. at Spain Germany, 29 May 1782. and was bur. at YoughalL Admon. Aug. 1782. II. 1782, 2. George (MasonVilliers), Earl Grandison, Viscount to Grandison of Dromana and Viscount Villiers [I.], s. and h. by 1st 1800. husband, being only surv. child of his said mother, 6. 23 July 1751, sue to the peerage [I.], 1782, and took his seat, 4 May 1784. He m. 10 Feb. 1772, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Gertrude, 3d da. of Francis (Seymour-Conw'ay), 1st Marquess of Hertford, by Isabella, da. of CharleB (Fitzroy), 2d Duke of Grafton. She, who was ft. 9 Oct. 1750, d. in Switzerland, Sep. 1793. He d. s p.m. July 1800, when all his honours became extinct.^) Will pr. Nov. 1800. He is said to have been a young man of great promise, and skilled " in many branches of useful and curious literature." ( h ) Lady Gertrude-Emilia Villiers, his only da. and h., ft. 28 March 1778, m. 1 July 1802, Lord Henry Stuart (5th s. of Johu, 1st Marquess of Bute), and sue. in July 1800 to her father's estate of Dromana. Both she nnd her huBbaud </. in Aug. 1809, and were sue. by their s. and h., Henry Villiers-Stuaht, er. Baron Stuart de Decies 6/ Dromana. See that title, cr. 1839 ; ex. 1874.