Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/12

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10 LANCASTER — LANERTON. Dukedom. Henky Plantagbnet, styled " of Monmouth," s. and h. TV 1 190 *P' Henry IV., by his first wife Mary abovenamed. was b. '16 Sep. 1396, at Monmouth, and was cr, in Pari. 13 Out. 1399, to Prince of Wales, DUKE OK CORNWALLp) and EARL OF , . , ,, CHESTER being, by charter of the same date, invested with the said Jilo. Principality and Dukedom together with the bounties Cheater and Flint " eibi et heredibua aoia Regibus Anghic." On 10 Nov. 1390, ha was declared DUKE OF LANCASTER 1 ') ill pari, as also DUKE OF AQUITAINE in France find that he should bear the titles of " Prince of Wale*, Duke of Aqnitaine, Laucaster( c ) and Cornwall, ami Kail of t luster." He ascended the throne, 21 March 1412/3, as Henry V., when all his honours merged in the Oon"».( d ) LAXDAFF, see Llandaff. LANERTON. 1. The Hox. Edwabd Ghaxville George Howard, 4th s. of George, 6th EaBL ok C. List.E, by Georgians, 1st sister and coheir of William Spencer, 6tb Duke, and da. of William (Cavkn- dish), 5th Di ke OF Devonshire, was b. 23 Dec. ISO!) ; entered the Royal Navy, attaining finally (1870) the rank of Admiral, but retired on the reserved half pay list before 1871 ; M.P. for Morpeth, 1833— 1S37 and 1840—1852, and was on 8 Jan. 1874, cr. BARON LANERTON of Lanerton, co. Cumberland. He at., 10 Aug. 1S42, Diana, only surv. da. and b. of the King were annexed to all the possessions so separated, but . . the ordering of all matters connected therewith was vested in an establishment called the Chancellor and Council of the Duchy." [30th report of the D.K. of the Public Records.) See Vol. ii, p. 365 notes, ** d " and " e," sub. " Cornwall." ( b ) The Dukedom of Lancaster has never been again conferred, tho' in a case where the grantee is in direct succession to the Crown (as was the case of Prince Albert Victor of Wales, and ago in of Prince George of Wales, each of them successively heir apparent of the Prince oi Wales), it would seem a verv appropriate title. See Vol. ii, p. 375 note "a" sub. "Cornwall." for a list of "royal" titles. With respect to the vast estates of the Duchy of Lancaster, Mr. Coiirthope has the following note. " The Duchy of Lancaster was, by an act in the first year of King Edward IV., vested in the said king and big heirs to hold as a separate inheritance, but annexed to the Crown ; Henry VII., by a similar act [1 Hen. VII.] vested the same in himself, reversing the attainder of Henry VI., under which Edward IV. had acted ; Henry VII. probably claimed the property rather as King, in right of the Crow n, than as heir to King Henry VI." There is a popular notion that the Crown, as owner of the estates of the Duchy, is thereby " Duke of Lancaster " founded probably on the untenable notion of its being a "territorial" Dukedom. The Crown is also owner of the Honour of Clare, yet nobody considers it to be thereby (territorial), Duke of Clarence. The case of "Cornwall" is, of course, quite different, that Dukedom, being regulated by the limitation of its creation (in Pari.) 17 March 1337, and by subsequent Acts of Pari. ( c ) Henry V., by a statutory charter granted in Pari. (1414) in his 2d year annexed the inheritance of the house of liohun (which he had derived from his mother) to that of the Duchy of Lancaster, so that to that inheritance there thus became attached all the Jura liei/alia belonging to the Duchy. See 30th Report of the D.K. of the Pub. Records, where it is added that " from the. reign of Henry V., the Sovereigns of this realm have enjoyed the splendid inheritance of the Duchy of Lancaster, as well out of as within the county palatine, as an estate with Sovereign prerogatives, entirely dis- tinct and separate from the Crown of England," C) In the case of Ryves and Ryves v. the Attorney General" tried in 1866 under the Legitimacy Declaration Act, being that of the daughter and grandson of the soi- disant Princess Olive of Cumberland (which Olive was stated to have been the legitimate da. of II. It II. Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland ; see vol. ii, p. 441, note "d," circa jinem), the following instrument was set up, "George R. We hereby are pleased to create Olive of Cumberland, DUCHESS OF LANCASTER, Barony. L 187-1, (o 1880.