Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/121

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LISLE. 110 1475) extinguished. The Viscount is sometimes said to have m. secondly Honor, widow of Sir Jolin Basset, da. of (— ) Granville. He d. s.p.m.( a ) as afsd. when the Viscountcy of Lisle [1523] is generally considered to have become extinct. ('») Viscountcy. John Dudley, 8. nnrl h. of Elizabeth, suojure Baroness VII 1513 Lisle, by Kdmoud Dudley, her first husband, both abovenamed,

  • ' was 1502, sold in his mother's lifetime, 27 March 1538

(to William Hyde) his reversion on the estate of Kingstou Lisle, 100.1. , v | lcre hj. w hcn, on her death, lie became heir to the grantees of the Barony of Lisle [1-114 and 1175] he failed to comply with the condition of the grants thereof and consequently to be entitled thereto. Shortly after the death of his step father (the last mentioned Viscount Lisle) he was cr., 1-2 March 1542/3, VISCOUNT LISLE ; KG., 23 April 1543 ; cr., 16 Feb. 15467, EAltL OF WARWICK, and on 11 Oct. 1551, DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Beheaded 22 Aug. 1553, when, having been attainted, all his honours became forfaited. See fuller particulars under " Northumberland " Dukedom, cr. 1551, forfeited 1553. Barony. Lord Ambrose Dudley, 1th but 1st surv. sou of John, I 1 5G1 Di ke ok Northumberland, Earl ok Warwick, and Viscount Lisle, 1 next jiboveiiamed, b. about 1528; was restored in blood, 7 March , . ' 1557/S,andwasc),25 Dec 1561, BARON LISLE (with theusualrem.) 1 u JU - and on the next day (with an extended rem.) EAltL OF WARWICK. He </. s.p., 21 Feb. 1580/00, wheu all his honour ibec&me extinct. See fuller particulars under " Warwick" Earldom, cr. 1561, ex. 1590. Viscountcy. ]. Robert (Sydney), 1st Baron Sydney of Pens- VIII IGOo " l:ItsT i 2d but. 1st surv. s. and h. male of Sir Henry Sydney, KG. thrice Lord Deputy of Ireland, by Mary, sister (whose issue( u j became heir) of Ambrose (Dcdley), Earl of Warwick and Bauon Lisle, da. of John (I)udley), Duke or Northumberland, &c, and Viscount Iisle, both next above described, was cr., 4 May 1005, VISCOUNT LISLE, and on 2 Aug. 161S, EARL OF LEICESTER. See " Leicester" Earldom, cr. 1618, extinct (together with the Viscountcy of Lisle and the Barony of Sydney of Peushurst) on death of the 7th Earl 1743. LISLE, see De Lisle and Dudley of PENSnuRsT.(°) ( ll ) He had three daughters, who, tho' coheirs of their father [a bastard] in uo way represented their mother nor (of course) the families of Beauehatnp and Teyes from whom she descended ; yet because George Monek, the famous General, was a descendant (not even a representative) of one of these Ladies he was cr. (inter alia) Baron Bcauehump and Tei/es and (not improbably for the same reason) Duke of Albemarle. See vol. i, p. 58, note "a," sub " Albemarle." ( b ) See p. 11?, note "a." ( c ) " For " (says Nicolas) " according to Coke and Blackstoue the two requisite constituents of the title to the said dignity then became and have ever since continued divided, whence it is concluded, on those high authorities, that the Rarouy is extinct. How far the dignity would be revived, in the barely possible contingency of the two qualifications of tenant of the said manor and lordship, and sole heir of the body of John Talbot, being again united in one person, it is not now necessary to inquire." See p. 117, note " f," as to the claim in 1700 of Mr. Atkins, as tenant of the manor of Kingston Lisle, to the Barony of Lisle. ( d ) This assumes tho illegitimacy of Sir Robert Dudley, the sou of the wall known Earl of Leicester. ( c ) The grantee of this mixed title (conferred in 1S35) was thro' the families of Shelley, Perry, Sydney, Dudley, Grey, Talbot, Beauchamp, Berkeley, and L'Isle, a coheir of the Barony of Lisle, cr. by the writ of 1357, for tho determina- tion of the abeyance of which his father had petitioned in 1S24. See vol. iii, p. 153, note " a," sub " De Lisle."