Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/127

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LIVINGSTON. 125 III. 1505? J. John (Livingston), Loud Livingston [S.], nephow and h., being 3. and h. of Alexander Livingston, next br. of the late Lord. He m. firstly Elizabeth, da. of Robert (Fleming), lot Loud Fleming [S.], by Janet, da. of James (Douglas), Earl Douglas [S.] He m. secondly ( — ), da. of Sir John Houston, of Houston, He d. before 3 Feb. 1509,10. IV. 1510? William (Livingston), Lord Livingston [S.], s. and h. by first wife ; sue. his father before 3 Feb. 1509/10, having, before that date, m. Agues, 2d da. of Adam Hepburn, the younger, of Hales, he and the said Agnes being theu living. He d. before "21 April 1513. V. 1518? 5. Alexander (Livingston), Lord Livingston [S.], only s. and h., living 3 Feb. 1509/10 ; sue. his father before 21 April 1518, and sat as a Lord of Pari. [S. | ; was an extraordinary Lord of Session, 5 March 1512; Joint Custodian of the person of the Queen [SJ, 21 April 1545, whom in 15-18 lie accompanied to France. He m. firstly Janet Stewart who was living as his wife, 30 March 1511, and M Jan. 1512/3. She rf. s.p. He m. secondly Agnes, da. of John (Douglas), 2d Eakl of Morton [S ], by Janet, da. of (— ) Crichton, of Cranston Riddell. He d. in France about 1554. VI. 1551? 6. William (Livingston), Lord Livingston [S.], 2d but 1st surv. s. and h.(") by second wife. He adhered to Queen Mary [S.] on whose side he fought at Langside. He m. before 1 Oct. 1553, Agnes (then living), da. of Malcolm (Fleming), 3d Loud Fleming [SJ, by Lady Janet Stewart, iilegit. da. of King James IV. [S.J He d. before 21 Dec. 1580. VII. 1580? 7. Alexander (Livingston), Lord Livingston [S. j, s. and h. ; sue. his father before 24 Dec. 1500. He was cr., 15 Nov. or 25 Dec. 1000, EARL OF LINLITHGOW, LORD LIVINGSTON AND CALENDAR, with which Earldom tins Barony continued united till both were forfeited in 1710. See "Linlithgow," Earldom [S.], cr. 1600, forfeited 1716. LIVINGSTON AND CALENDAR.

  • '.«., " Livingston and Calendar/' Barony [S.| (Lioiii'jston), or. 1G00,

with the Earldom ok Linlithgow [S.], which see; forfeited 1716. LIVINGSTON OF ALMOND. i.e., "Livingston OF Almond," Barony [8.] (Lieiuijulon), cr. 1G33, and, again, in 1611 with the Earldom op Calendar, which see ; forfeited (with the Earldoms of Linlithgow and Calendar [SJ ) 1716. LIVINGSTON OF FLACRAIG. i.e., "Livingston of Flacraig," Barony (Livingston), cr. 1GG0, with the Earldom of Newburgh [S.], which see. LIVINGSTON OF PEEBLES, or LIVINGSTON OF IIYNDFORD. i.e., " Livingston of Peebles," Barony [S.] {Livingston), cr. 1G9G, with the Viscountl-y of Tuviot [S.], which see; resigned(' J ) for "Livingston ok Hynd- foord, " Barony [S.], cr. 1693 ; ex. 1711. ( a ) John Livingston, Master of Livingston, his elder br., was slain v.p. and s.p. 10 Sep. 1547, at the battle, of Pinkie. ( b ) A full account of this proceeding is in " Riddell," pp. 1,057 — 1,062, where it is remarked that the inscription on the monument to Viscount Teviot in Westm. Abbey describes him "under his original Lordly style of Baron Livingstone of Peebles, while thtre is no mention of the later," i.e., Livingston of Hyndfoord.