Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/134

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132 LONDONDERRY. artery), and was bur. the 20th (from his house in St. James sq.) la Westm. Abbey.( ;1 ) Will clat. 14 Aug. ISIS, to 20 Oct. 1820, pr. 10 May 1S23. His widow, who was b. 20 Feb. 1772, d. at St. James' square 12 and was bur. 20 Feb. 1829) aged 56, at Westm. Abbey. Will clat. 5 Feb. 1823, pr. IS April 1829. Marquessate [I.] i g Charles AVilliaji (Vane, in. Earldom [I.J X. Barony [I.] 17SS — 1819, Stewart), MarqCKSS of LoNDONnF.nn y, kc. [I.], also i',AT«yN Stewart ok Stewart's Court 1 09.-) AND Hai.LYI.awn, br. (of the half blood) and U., " being s. of the first Marquess by his second wife. He (the Hon. Charles Stewart) was b. IS May 177S, in Mary street, Dublin ; entered the army at till- age of 14 in which finally (1S37) he became General. > I. / He served in Flanders in 1791 ; was wounded at Donauwert : was, as Lieut. Col. 5th Dragoons (1797—99), in the Irish rebellion, and, as Lieut. Col. ISth Dragoons (1799), was again wounded, under Abercromby, near Schagenburg ; distinguished himself greatly as Adjutant General (1809-12) under Sir John Moore in Portugal and in the Peninsular, more particularly at the Douro and Talavera, receiving the thanks of the House of Commons, 5 Feb. 1810. Col. of the 25th Light Dragoons, 1818 j K.B., 1 Feb. 1S13, becoming G.C..8. in Jan. 1 81 5 : Knight Commander of the Tower and Sword of Portu- gal, 27 March 1813 ; Envoy to Merlin and Military Commissioner with the allied armies, 1S13-14 ; Knight 4th Class of St. George of Russia and Knight of the- Black Eagle of Prussia both on 30 Sep. 1813; Knight Grand Cross of the Sword of Sweden, 25 Oct. 1813, and Knight of the Red Eagle of Prussia, 12 March 181 1. He had been M.P. for Thomastown, 179S— 1S00 fl J. and for co. Deny, 1801-07 and 1812-1-1, having also been, 1807-08, Under Sec. lor War, and in 1812 a Groom of the Bedchamber. He was cr., 1 July 181-1, ISA RON STEWART OF STEWART'S COURT AND BALLYLAWN, co. Donegal ; D.C.L. of Oxford, 10 June 1814 ; LL.D. of Cambridge, July 1S11 ; P.O., 1814; Lord of the Bedchamber, 1814-27, to King Geo. III. and Geo. IV. ; Ambassador to Vienna, 181-1-23, being in Aug. 1814 (together with his brother, Viscount Castlereagh, afterwards the 2d Marquess), one of the Plenipotent- iaries to the Congress there. (5.C.H., March 1816, receiving the Gold War Cross with one Clasp; Col. of the 10th Hussars, 1S20 ; sue. as Mart/ucss of Londonderry, &c. [I.], 12 Aug. 1822, and was cr., 2S March 1823, VISCOUNT SEA II AM of Sea- ham, co. Durham, and EARL VAX I'], with rem. to the heirs male of his body on the body of his then wife, Frances Anne, taking his seat accordingly. (•') Governor of co. Deny, 1823 ; Vice Admiral and Lord Lieut, of co. Durham, 1842 ; Col. of 2d Reg. of Life Guards (Gold Stick), 1S13-5-1. K G , 19 June 1853. He »i. firstly, 8 Aug. 1S04, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Catherine, 1th da. of John (Bl.iou), 3d Eaiii. av Daunley [I.], by Mary, da. and h. of John Stoytk. She, who was b. 0 May 1774, d. 11 Feb. 1812. He TO. secondly, 3 April IS] 9, on which occasion he took by Royal lie, 5 May ( R ) His " Tory " views and his support of the (unpopular) King, in the matter of Caroline, the Queen Consort, made him very unpopular at the time of his death, and the poets of the " Liberal " party lampooned him severely. Moore writes — " Why is a pump like Viscount Castlereagh ? Because it is an empty thing of wood, That up and down its awkward arm doth sway, And coolly spouts, and spouts, and spouts away Iu one weak, washy, everlasting flood. while the savageness with which Lord Byron, again and again, attacks him (even after his death) is almost revolting; yet, with the exception, of the unfortunate Walcheren expedition (1S09) with the planning of which ho is credited, the whole of his foreign policy, during the long and troublous time he administered it, seems unexceptionable. C*) No objection appears to have been raised to his sitting in the House of Lords tho' the dignity was less than, the usual one, to heirs male of the body of the grantee. See vol. ii. p. 279, note " a, nub " Clarendon," for a similar grant 3 June 1750 (and sitting thereunder) of the Barony of Hyde of Hindon. In the case of the Dukedom of Somerset, 15-17, tho' the eldest son was postponed to the younger the inal rem. was to the heirs male of the body of the grantee.