Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/14

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12 LANESBOROUGH. Dublin, Counsellorat-law, by Mary, da. of Sir Humphrey .Teryajs, sometime (10S1-S2) Lord Mayor of Dublin. He rf. in Dublin 0 March 1735, rind was bur. the 7th at St. Ann's. Dublin.' Will dat. 4 Dec. 1734, pr. at Dublin. His Widow (by whom lie had 23 cliildren) was bap. 10 Nov. 1676, ami rf. in Dawson street, Dublin, Dee. 1759. IV. 1735. 1 and ■'■ HvuruiiKY (Bctlkr), Viscount Lanks- t? ia rri noiiorciii, 4c. [L], a. ami li.. b. about 1700; was M.I for Belturbct, .cariaom |>j jfo^gg . sheriff of co. Cavan, 1727, and at co. Westmenth, 1728 i I 17515 sometime C.ipt. of the Lattle-axe Guard* ; sue. fa the petroyt I.]. 6, taking his seat 23 Man* 17;:.", ; P.O. [1.], 1749; Gov. of co. Cavan, 175G ; Bencher of King'a Inns, 1750, and was, 20 July 1758, tr. HAUL OP LANKS- BO It 01" OH [LI taking his seat 11 Oct 1757, and being Speaker of the House of Lords [I.], 14 March 1760, during the Chancellor's illness. Hem. .May 1720, Mary, rla. and h. of Kichard Berrv, of Wardenstuwu, co. Westmtath. She rf. 19 Dec. 1701. He d. 11 April 1788, at St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. - 17G8. 2 ami J. Bkixslky (Butler), Earl ok Lanesbohoiioii, Viscount LaSEsBOROUOH, Arc. fl]. only s. and h. b. I March 1728 ; Joint Clerk of the Pip, 1740 ; M P., for co. Cavan, 1751-63 ; lb/led Lord Newtown- Butlku, 1755-68 ; a Commissioner of the revenue, 1700; sue. to the ptcrar/e [I], 11 April, and took his seat 11 May 1703. He m. 26 June 1751, Jane, sister ami h. of George (2d Earl), and only (la. of Robert (RoniFORT), 1st Earl ok BklVIDBRK by his 2d wife, Mary, da. of Richard (Molbswohth), 3d Viscount Moleswoutii He rf. 24 Jan. 1770. aged 50. His widow, who was 6.30 Oct. 1737, 111. John K1N11 (who rf. Aug. 1S23. at Florence) and rf. Eel,. 1828. Earldom [I.] II. Viscountcy[L] I

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Earldom [L] 111. Viscountcy [I.] VI. 1779. 3 ami 6. Robert Herbert (Butler), Earl OF Lanesbofouhh, &c. fl.], s. and h., b. 1 Aug. 1750 ; styled Loud Newtown- Butler, 176S-, till he sue. to the peerage [1.1 21 Jan. 1779 : took his seat 8 Aug. 1 7S0. He »i. (Lie. 17 Jan. 1781), Elizabeth, 1st .la. of the lit. Hon. David Latoik'HE, of Dublin, by Elizabeth d. of the lit. llev. George MaRLay, Bishop of Drouiore. She rf. in London ("of a putrid fever"), 22 Sep. 17S8, aud was bur. 13 Oct. He rf. 17 April 1800, aged 66. Earldom [I.] IV. Viscountcy fl.] VII. .'/. anil 7. Brinsley (Butleu), Earl of Lanesborouch, &c. [I.], s. aud h„ b. 22 Oct. 1783; 180G st !ilcd Lord, till he sac. to the peerage [1.], 17 April 1800. He rf. unm. 13 June 1817, aged 03, at Brislingtou, Somerset. Will pv. Aug. 1847. Viscountcy [L] ! VIII. 1847. Earldom [I.] 3 ant ] t s'. George John Daxvers (Butler- y Danvkrs), Bash of Lanesboroitoh, ,vo. [I.], cousin aud h. male, being s. and h. of the Hon. Augustus Kichard, by his first wife, Mary, da. aud h. of Sir John Dan vers, 2d Bart., of Swithland, co. Leicester, which Augustus (who took by royal lie, 14 Sep. 1796, the name of Darners before that of HutJer. and who rf. 20 April 1S20, aged 54), was next br. of the 3d Earl. He was h. 6 Dec. 1794 iu London, sue. to the peerage [L], 13 June 1847 j Kef. Peer [1.1, 1849-06. He m. firstly, 29 Aug. 1815, Frances Arabella, 3d da. of Stephen Francis William Fremantlk, Col. in the Army, by Albinia, da. of Sir St. John Jeffreys, Bart. She rf. 5 Oct. 1850, at Lanesborough Lodge, co. Cavan. He m. secondly, 24 Nov. 1851, at St. Geo. Han. sij., Ersderica Emma, widow of Sir Kichard Hunter, yst. da. of Charles Blsnor, Procurator Gen. to Geo. III. He rf. s.p. 7 July 1866, in his 72d year, at 8 Great Stanhope Etreet, Park lane. His widow rf. 3 Oct. 1870, aged 62, at Swithland Hall, co. Leicester.