Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/140

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138 LONGUEVILLE — LONSDALE. LONGUEVILLE. Gaston de Foix, Captain of Buche, jr. br. of John, Count of Foix, was by Henry V. cr., 11 June 1119, COUNT OF LONGUEVILLE in Normandy.^) He was about 143S made K.G. and d, about I4B8, being ancestor (by bis wife, Margaret of Albret, whom he m. April 1410) of the Captains of Iiuche, the Counts of Candalc, Gurson, and Fleix, ami the Dukes of Hendan.] LONG U EVI LL E, (*), or PE LONGUEVILLE [England]. Viscountcy Henry (Yelyertdn), Loud Grey tie Ruthyn, who, in I 1G90 W7t( had sue. his br. Charles in that dignity, was cr. 21 April 1 600, VISCOUNT DE LONGUEVILLE. He d. 13 May 1704. See fuller particulars under "Grey de Ruthyn." II. 1704. Talbot (Yfjaerton), Viscount de Longueville, s. ami b., was cr. 26 Sep. 1717, EARL OF SUSSEX. Sec that dignity, cxtincl, together with this Viscountcy, 1799. LONGUEVILLE [Ireland]. Barony [I.] RicnARD Longfield, of Longueville [near Mallow] I 1795. Rn ^ of Castle Mary, both iu co. Cork, 2d s. of Robert L. of the same by ( — ) da. of ( — ) Gearing was b. 1734 ; High Sheriff for co. Viscountcy [I.] Cork, 1758 ; M.P., for Charleville in 1761, and afterwards for co. T 1 SftO " Cork, and, having sue. to the family estate, on the death s.p.. of 1. l&UU, lli3 I)P pi lew , R„l,ert Longfield, in 177a, was cr. 1 Oct. 1793, to BARON LONGUEVILLE, of co. Cork [I.], and subsequently, 1811. 29 Dec. 1S00.(=) VISCOUNT LONGTKVILLE, of co. Cork [I.] ; Kef. Peer [I.], 1 S01 -11, being one of the 2S original represent- tives. He m. Margaret, da. of Richard White, of Bantry, co. Cork, by Martha, da. of the Rev. Rowland Davis, Dean of Cork and Ross. He d. s.p. 23 May 1811, aged 77, when all his honours became extinct. Will pr, 1811. LONGVILLIERS. Thomas be Longviluers, was summoned by writ 25 Feb. (1341/2)* 16 Ed. Ill, " to attend a great council at Westm., but never after, tho' he lived very many years; this solitary summons cannot be considered a call to Parl."( d ) He d. s.p. 1374. LONSDALE. Viscountcy. 1. Sir John Lowther, Bart.,(e) [S.] of Lowtber, co. I 1G9G Westmorland, s. and h. of Col. John Lowther, by his first wife, Elizabeth, da. and (1650) coheir of Sir Henry BkllinghaM, 1st F»nrt., of Hilsington in that county, which John last named (who d. v.p. about 1665) was s. and h. ap. of Sir John Lowther, 1st Bart.(°) [S.], was b. 25 (") This was one of the Norman Earldoms conferred by Henry V. as to which sec vol. iii, p, 292, note "a," sub " En." (b) See vol. iv, p. 107, note " e," sub " Grey de Ruthyn," as to the variation of tho style from " De Longnevillc " to " Longneville." («) See vol. i, p. 208, note " c," sub " Avonmore," for a list of the 18 Irish Peerages or. this day — the last batch before the Union. ( d ) Banks's Bar. Angl. cone. ( e ) There is, however, no mention of this Baronetcy of Nova Scotia, supposed to have been cr. 1630-41, in Milne's [well known] list, preserved iu the Advocates' library at Edinburgh. If the remainder was to the heirs male of the bodii of the grantee, these, apparently, became extinct iu 1802 on the death of James, Earl of Lonsdale.